Carta ejecutoria: Carta executoria de hidalguía de Juan de Maqueda Balderrama el…
Information About This Item
Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598.
Carta executoria de hidalguía de Juan de Maqueda Balderrama el moço de Écija.
Juan de Maqueda Balderrama (or Valderrama), from Seville, was born around 1550 and became an officer of the Inquisition in 1579; this is his grant of nobility. The binding is very similar to others produced in the Granada chancery (see Exposicion de encuadernaciones españolas, plate XXIX, with the same border and the same shell, lion's head and corner stamps).
Folio (305 x 205mm.), [2 (blank)], 71, [1 (ruled but blank)] ff., illuminated manuscript on vellum written by S.º Barela (signed at end), three full-page illuminations containing the Virgin and Child with Philip II kneeling at her feet, a full-page picture of the Crucifixion, and the arms of Philip II, small portrait of Philip II towards end, all with red silk guards, modern calf binding retaining most of the original calf covering with gilt plateresque decoration, yellow and orange silk ties, printed fragments from original binding retained in plastic sleeve, first 2 blank leaves wormed and repaired, last few leaves wormed, slight rubbing to illuminations, one silk tie split, lacking lead seal.
Measurements: 31.5 cm x 22 cm
Folio (305 x 205mm.), [2 (blank)], 71, [1 (ruled but blank)] ff., illuminated manuscript on vellum written by S.º Barela (signed at end), three full-page illuminations containing the Virgin and Child with Philip II kneeling at her feet, a full-page picture of the Crucifixion, and the arms of Philip II, small portrait of Philip II towards end, all with red silk guards, modern calf binding retaining most of the original calf covering with gilt plateresque decoration, yellow and orange silk ties, printed fragments from original binding retained in plastic sleeve, first 2 blank leaves wormed and repaired, last few leaves wormed, slight rubbing to illuminations, one silk tie split, lacking lead seal.
Measurements: 31.5 cm x 22 cm
The original material is in a private collection not owned by the University of Missouri Libraries. Please contact Special Collections for more information.
Écija (Spain).
Granada (Spain).
Granada (Spain).
Lawsuit beginning date
de Maqueda Valderrama, Juan, el viejo.
de Maqueda Valderrama, Juan, el mozo.
de Maqueda Valderrama, Juan, el mozo.
Legal representatives
de Amezaga, Diego.
Paz de Heredia (doctor).
Monte, Andrés.
de Bustillo, Juan.
Mesía de Frías, Diego.
Lucio Lucero, Diego.
de Erazo, Alonso.
Varela, Blas.
Paz de Heredia (doctor).
Monte, Andrés.
de Bustillo, Juan.
Mesía de Frías, Diego.
Lucio Lucero, Diego.
de Erazo, Alonso.
Varela, Blas.
de Guzmán de Ayora, Pedro.
Sánchez de la Granja, Miguel.
Ruiz Bellido, Cristóbal.
Diaz de las Alfayates, Juan.
Sánchez Bravo, Miguel.
Hernández Medellín, Diego.
García Palome, Juan.
Sánchez Gallego, Juan.
Giménez de Góngora, Luis.
Ruiz de Armallones, Martín.
Hernández Pan y Agua, Luis.
Sánchez de la Granja, Miguel.
Ruiz Bellido, Cristóbal.
Diaz de las Alfayates, Juan.
Sánchez Bravo, Miguel.
Hernández Medellín, Diego.
García Palome, Juan.
Sánchez Gallego, Juan.
Giménez de Góngora, Luis.
Ruiz de Armallones, Martín.
Hernández Pan y Agua, Luis.