home Staff news Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, March 2nd- March 8th

Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, March 2nd- March 8th

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will send out upcoming opportunities every week we think will be of interest. We hope that you will help us continue to build a library culture of diversity and inclusion.

Pop-Up Exhibit: Show Me Missouri Women
March 5-9, State Historical Society- Columbia Research Center Main Gallery

Join SHSMO for this special one-week display of materials that share the story of how women helped shape the Show-Me State. Society archivists have selected a wide array of their favorite photographs, letters, art, journals, and other artifacts illustrating changes in gender roles and women’s ongoing fight for equality. An SHSMO archivist will be available to discuss the materials on March 5 from 2–4 p.m. The pop-up exhibit will be in the Columbia center’s art gallery alongside other paintings of interest. To learn more about women in Missouri history, visit the Women’s Experience in Missouri Research Guide.


Editing HERStory
Tuesday, March 5th 6pm-7pm Fischer Auditorium 88 Gannett Hall

Join Mizzou Women in Media and ONA Mizzou on Tuesday, March 5th for a panel discussion with Audrey Cooper, Editor in Chief of The San Francisco Chronicle, and Millie Tran, the Global Growth Editor at The New York Times. We’ll talk about their professional journeys, their rise into management, the value of mentorship and more. Associate Professor Amy Simons will moderate our discussion.

Support for Audrey Cooper’s visit is provided by the William Randolph Hearst Endowment for Visiting Professionals.


Distinguished Lecture with Dr. Tererai Trent
Tuesday, March 5th 6:30pm-7:45pm Missouri Theatre

We are excited to have Dr. Tererai Trent, internationally recognized author, humanitarian, and speaker, visit Mizzou in commemoration of International Women’s Day and in honor of Black History Month! Distinguished as Oprah Winfrey’s “All-Time Favorite Guest”, Dr. Trent is a scholar, humanitarian, motivational speaker, educator, mentor, and founder of Tererai Trent International, a foundation which envisions empowered rural communities where all children have access to quality education regardless of their gender or socio-economic backgrounds. Her ethnographic storytelling takes the audience on a journey into the cultural ethos of Africa, a culture steeped in tradition, that shaped who she is and the social disadvantages she overcame. Her journey is the embodiment of one person’s determination to overcoming barriers of generational poverty and intercultural conflict that is embedded in ones’ life’s journey.

During her visit to Mizzou, Dr. Trent will address issues of social justice through education, empowerment of girls and women, and universal access to quality education, regardless of gender or socio-economic backgrounds. Her 2017 book, The Awakened Woman, inspires and challenges the potential within each person.

Register here: https://bit.ly/2GQaFeH

HR, Your Family, & You
Wednesday, March 6th 4:00pm-6:00pm MU Women’s Center

HR policies are hard to understand, especially as we try to expand our family. Join us for an afternoon with representatives from Human Resources as we discuss FMLA and other family policies at the University of Missouri.

We are committed to making our events accessible to all. If you anticipate any barriers to your involvement, please contact us at muwomenscenter@missouri.edu.

Gender Solidarity and Workplace Culture
Thursday, March 7th 12:00pm-1:30pm Hill Hall 305

Join IDE’S Office of Inclusive Engagement for our Inclusion and Belonging Series.  The purpose of the series is to nurture personal, professional and community development to enhance belonging at Mizzou. The series seeks to create spaces for participants to develop inclusive strategies and deepen community connections on campus.

Register here: http://bit.ly/InclusionBelongingReg

CoMo Africa Fest 2019
Friday, March 8th 6:30pm-9:30pm Missouri Theatre

CoMo Africa Fest 2019 – “The Power and Promise of Women” at  Friday, March 8th from 6-9 p.m. in the Missouri Theatre. Our third annual celebration of African Cultures will feature female performers and speakers representing Africa and all facets of the African diaspora.

Join us for singing, drumming, dance, African art and more!  Co-hosts this year are Jabberwocky Studios and the Mizzou African Graduate Student and Professional Association.

Free with MU ID and $12 for individual and $20 family general public. All ages are allowed. Tickets at jabberwockystudios.org


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Staff Advisory Group Notes 2/5/19

Staff Advisory Group Notes 2/5/19

SAG Notes 02.05.19 for News Notes

home Staff news Update on State Historical Society

Update on State Historical Society


Center for Missouri Studies Opening Fall 2019, Columbia Research Center to Close for Move

August 10, 1821, marked the first official day of statehood, and 198 years later, a new chapter in the preservation and exploration of Missouri’s eventful past will begin with the August 10, 2019, opening of the State Historical Society of Missouri’s new Columbia headquarters, the Center for Missouri Studies.

To prepare and move the invaluable collections from the Society’s current location in Ellis Library, the Columbia Research Center will be closed to the public beginning April 19, 2019. This closure will last until August 12, 2019.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: Brewery Night Live, Machinal, Strange New Worlds

Extreme Libraries

The Most Disturbing Books

home Staff news Employment Opportunity

Employment Opportunity

The University Libraries have an immediate opening for a Project Facilities Coordinator in Library Administration.

Submit application, cover letter, and resume online at https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29290 by March 4, 2019.




home Staff news Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, February 23rd- March 1st

Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, February 23rd- March 1st

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will send out upcoming opportunities every week we think will be of interest. We hope that you will help us continue to build a library culture of diversity and inclusion.

The Every 28 Hours Plays

The Every 28 Hours Plays is a national performance project that takes its name from the shared and contested statistic that every twenty-eight hours a Black person is killed in the US by police or vigilante. Originally developed in St. Louis with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, The One-Minute Play Festival, and in association with theatre makers from across the country, it features multiple short plays and a post-production talkback. Come join the conversation.

7:30 pm: Feb 20 – 23

2:00 pm: Feb 24

Rhynsburger Theatre

Tickets are $16 and can be purchased online or at the box office.


Book Discussion: The Awakened Woman: Remembering and Reigniting Our Sacred Dreams
Tuesday, Feb. 26th 12:30-1:30pm, Townsend Hall 220

Read and join the discussion on Dr. Tererai Trent’s journey from a small Zimbabwe village to Oprah Winfrey’s “favorite guest of all time”. Winner of a 2017 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work, Dr. Trent’s book “empowers women to access a fearlessness that will enable community progress” (Essence). Copies of the book can be checked out from The Bridge.

Prepare in advance of Dr. Trent’s Distinguished Lecture at Mizzou on Tuesday, March 5th, 6:30pm at the Missouri Theatre.

Registration requested at http://bit.ly/BridgeBookDiscussionTrent26Feb19


Green Dot Training

Join the Green Dot Mizzou team of the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Center for our very first Faculty and Staff Green Dot Training Series!

This training introduces the basic elements of Green Dot and will explore the vital roles university employees play in establishing and reinforcing a campus community culture that is intolerant of violence. Participants will leave with an expanded understanding of a “bystander” and will be equipped with the ability to integrate the key strategies of spreading these new cultural norms.

Trainings will be held on Wednesdays from noon-1 p.m. over the span of four weeks. Lunch will be provided to all training participants.

The training schedule is as follows:

  • Feb. 27 — Module 1: Introducing the Bystander
  • March 6 — Module 2: Recognizing Red Dots
  • March 13 — Module 3: Reactive Green Dots
  • March 20 — Module 4: Proactive Green Dots

Please note that attendance at each session is necessary to qualify for certification. If you are unable to attend one of the sessions, please reach out to the RSVP Center at rsvp@missouri.edu or 573-882-6638 to discuss options.


Black Women in Activism: Addressing Racial Health Disparities
Tuesday, Feb. 26th, 5:30pm, MU Women’s Center

A panel of healthcare experts discuss how they have and are addressing racial health disparities within a global context.


Amigos Online Conference Open Doors: Reaching Underserved Population
Thursday, Feb. 28th, 10-4pm 4D11 Ellis Library

As librarians, providing equitable access to all patrons should be a top priority. The patrons visiting our libraries should reflect the diversity of the communities we live in. Unfortunately, there are many populations that go underserved. How can we broaden our reach to better serve all our community?

Join us on Thursday, February 28 for an Amigos Library Services online conference, Open Doors: Reaching Underserved Populations, where we will explore methods and best practices for reaching an important part of your community.

Kicking off our conference is keynote speaker, Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran, consultant, presenter, and founder of CulturalCo LLC. Her keynote will explore how cultural intelligence makes a difference in the information profession and asks the question, “are you culturally competent?” Throughout the rest of the day, a variety of peers and experts will present on a diverse range of topics, with each time slot offering three different programming options.


Lecture: “Race, Sex, and Vengeance: Imagining Cuba’s Martín Morúa Delgado.”
Thursday, Feb. 28th, 4pm Memorial Union Strickland Room
A late nineteenth-century Afro-Cuban writer, Morúa Delgado was a leading political figure during the early Cuban Republic.  His anti-slavery novels, Sofia (1891) and La familia Unzúazo (1921), depict the racial divisions and political struggles prevalent in Cuban society on the eve of Independence.

Black History and Culture Trivia Night
Thursday, Feb. 28th, 6-8:30pm, Daniel Boone Regional Library Friends Rooms

Join celebrity emcee Dr. Cynthia Frisby of the MU School of Journalism, and friends from the MU and Daniel Boone Regional Libraries for a fun and competitive celebration of African-American history and culture. Dinner at 6:00, Trivia commences at 6:30.  Expect music questions in multiple genres, local and world history, sports, art, literature and more. Don’t worry if you don’t know much – mulligans will be available! We’ll provide food for all and prizes for the winning teams. Please register at https://library.missouri.edu/trivia

Co-sponsored by the MU Black History Month Planning Committee, University Libraries, Daniel Boone Regional Library.


Building Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Academic Communities
Friday, March 1st 12-1:30pm Memorial Union S304

The A&S Status of Women Committee invites you to launch Women’s History Month by joining us for our spring mentoring session.


Ana Mendieta: Afro-Atlantic Connections
Friday, March 1st 4pm, Arts and Sciences Building Room 113
An Afro-Romance Institute Spring 2019 Lecture by Dr. Conrad James, University of Houston. Contact: Adriana Mendez (mendezah@missouri. edu).
Sponsors: Afro-Romance Institute

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Welcome to Rachel Alexander

Welcome to Rachel Alexander

I’m pleased to announce that Rachel Alexander will be our new Health Sciences Research Support Librarian.

She’ll be joining us on March 4.

Thanks to everyone who met with her, attended her presentation, and assisted with the interview and hiring process.

  • Diane Johnson, on behalf of the search committee

Deb Ward
Caryn Scoville
Katy Emerson
Kate Anderson
Janice Dysart

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Weekend Fun: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Vagina Monologues, Charity Puppy Yoga

Snow Day Recipes

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 2/12/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 2/12/19

LMT 02.12.19 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The University of Missouri Libraries Depository has an immediate opening for a 0.5 FTE Library Information Assistant at the remote storage facility located near the Midway exit (Exit 121) on I-70.

Apply online at: https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29174.

The University of Missouri Libraries have two immediate openings for a Library Information Assistant in Ellis Library Access Services-Circulation/Reserve. These positions routinely work 24 hours per week, primarily assigned evening and weekend shifts, but could also be assigned daytime shifts.

Apply online at: https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29183.