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New Muse Posts

Weekend Fun: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Vagina Monologues, Charity Puppy Yoga

Snow Day Recipes

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 2/12/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 2/12/19

LMT 02.12.19 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The University of Missouri Libraries Depository has an immediate opening for a 0.5 FTE Library Information Assistant at the remote storage facility located near the Midway exit (Exit 121) on I-70.

Apply online at: https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29174.

The University of Missouri Libraries have two immediate openings for a Library Information Assistant in Ellis Library Access Services-Circulation/Reserve. These positions routinely work 24 hours per week, primarily assigned evening and weekend shifts, but could also be assigned daytime shifts.

Apply online at: https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29183.

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 1/31/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 1/31/19

LMT 01.31.19 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Volunteers needed for Show Me Mizzou Day

Volunteers needed for Show Me Mizzou Day

The University Libraries are participating in the university-wide Show Me Mizzou Day.

Volunteers are needed. Please sign up using this qualtrics form: https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9MOWoiMvLxCKBxz 

What: Your 21st Century Library (open house & interactive exhibits/activities)
When: Saturday, April 13 from 9am-1pm
Where: Ellis Library, main level

Event Description: Technology has changed the way we interact with ancient texts. Stop by Ellis Library to participate in interactive exhibits showcasing what a 21st century library has to offer. View rare books from the special collections vault and test out high-tech equipment from the digital media lab. Explore Ellis Library’s beautiful 100+ year old building. Enjoy refreshments and crafting tables for kids.

home Staff news Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, February 9th- February 15th

Upcoming Diversity Opportunities, February 9th- February 15th

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will send out upcoming opportunities every week we think will be of interest. We hope that you will help us continue to build a library culture of diversity and inclusion.

Core Concepts Series: Lessons Learned from Non-Violence Movements
Tuesday, February 12th 12-1:30pm, Hill Hall 314

Join IDE’S Office of Inclusive Engagement for our Core Concept Series. Diversity and inclusion are labels used to express complex, multi-faceted organizational strategies, goals and values. The purpose of the Core Concepts Series is to provide members of the Mizzou community with a foundational understanding of essential ideas to promote diversity and inclusion at Mizzou.

Pre-Registration is required. Participants must attend three presentations to earn a Certificate of Completion. We welcome requests for ADA accommodations. Please contact Alejandra Gudiño at GudinoA@missouri.edu to make arrangements.

White Kids: Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America- A Dr. Margaret Hagerman Public Lecture
Tuesday, February 12th 5-6:30pm, Leadership Auditorium Student Center

Dr. Margaret Hagerman, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Mississippi State University, will give a public lecture on her new book, White Kids: Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America.

Black History Month Museum
Tuesday, February 6pm Strickland Room Memorial Union

This museum will have several exhibits created by different organizations to celebrate black historical events.

Civil Rights Activism at MU
Tuesday, February 12th 7-8 p.m, Columbia Public Library Friends Room

University of Missouri students have a long history of civil rights activism. This talk will examine some of the early student civil rights activism during the 1950s. Learn about efforts to desegregate the university followed by efforts of students to integrate restaurants, lunch counters and theaters in downtown Columbia. Presented by Mary Beth Brown, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Missouri. Registration: Not required.

Black History Knowledge as a Psychological Resource
Thursday, February 14th 2-3:30pm, 314 Hill Hall

A growing body of research suggests Black Americans thrive in the face of racial adversity when provided the resources to challenge oppressive narratives and systems. Black history knowledge (BHK) is one such psychological resource that has been identified as challenging and correcting deficit narratives about Black Americans while simultaneously fostering cultural pride. This talk aims to introduce a framework for BHK as a psychological resource and explore BHK in the context of psychosocial outcomes. Implications for research, practice, training, and social justice advocacy will also be examined.

Jazz and Migration
Friday, February 15th 4-6pm, Whitmore Recital Hall

Talk and performance by Dr. Kwami Coleman

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Weekend Fun: Fitness for a Cure, Holistic Fair, Confetti Craft Co.

Il Bibliomotocarro

Do you have what it takes to be a professional book sorter?

home Staff news Diane Johnson Publishes in Nursing Journal

Diane Johnson Publishes in Nursing Journal

Ruppar TM, Cooper PS, Johnson ED, Riegel B. Self‐care interventions for adults with heart failure: A systematic review and meta‐analysis protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2018;00:1–7. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13903

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“MU Students Concerned With Uncertain Fate Of Library”
KBIA.org, February 4, 2019

“‘It’s not much, but it’s home’: Engineering students worry about their library”
Columbia Missourian, February 4, 2019