home Resources and Services Try an Interactive Case from NEJM

Try an Interactive Case from NEJM

The New England Journal of Medicine is offering a free trial of their new Interactive Cases.  Try to solve this week’s case: A Patient found Unresponsive.

home Resources and Services Second and third floor to be painted next week

Second and third floor to be painted next week

The second and third floors of the library are scheduled to be painted, beginning with the top floor on December 17. The second and third floor carpets will also be cleaned.

home Resources and Services Ellis Finals Lounge

Ellis Finals Lounge

Everyone deserves a break! Visit the Finals Lounge in 159 Ellis Library from 6-10 pm on Monday and Tuesday of finals week for free drinks and snacks. See reference desk for directions to the Lounge.

home Resources and Services The Art of the Printed Book

The Art of the Printed Book

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Vet Clinics of North America: Now Online!

Vet Clinics of North America: Now Online!

Through the generous support of the Dean’s Office, the library now has online access to the Veterinary Clinics of North America from 2002 – present.

VCNA: Equine Practice

VCNA: Exotic Animal Practice

VCNA: Food Animal Practice

VCNA: Small Animal Practice

If you are in PubMed, Scopus, CAB, or any other library database, the FindIt@MU link will take you to the article.

Please note that there is a 5-user limit for each section. So…don’t everybody click on PDFs all at once.


home Resources and Services SILST Undergraduate Survey

SILST Undergraduate Survey

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Mary Randolph’s Recipe for Roast Turkey, 1828

Mary Randolph’s Recipe for Roast Turkey, 1828

Move over, Paula Deen!  Generations before the Food Network, the leading lady of Southern cookery was Mary Randolph.  Her book,  The Virginia Housewife, is considered the first American regional cookbook. The Virginia Housewife was very influential, with multiple editions printed during the first half of the nineteenth century.

Randolph aimed to streamline processes in the kitchen, noting “method is the soul of management.”  For all you busy Thanksgiving cooks out there, here’s her methodical approach to roast turkey:

Make the forcemeat thus: take the crumb of a loaf of bread, a quarter of a pound of beef suet shred fine, a little sausage meat or veal scraped and pounded very fine, nutmeg, pepper, and salt to your taste; mix it lightly with three eggs, stuff the craw with it, spit it, and lay it down a good distance from the fire, which should be clear and brisk; dust and baste it several times with cold lard; it makes the froth stronger than basting it with the hot out of the dripping pan, and makes the turkey rise better; when it is enough, froth it up as before, dish it, and pour on the same gravy as for the boiled turkey, or bread sauce; garnish with lemon and pickles, and serve it up; if it be of a middle size, it will require one hour and a quarter to roast.

View the full text at the Hathi Trust or Find the original in Special Collections

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

ORCID has launched!

ORCID, Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is now live! ORCID is a unique identifier to distinguish YOU from other researchers with similar name. Link all of your work together (articles, datasets, etc.) — whether you were published as Truman Tiger or T Tiger.

Find out more: http://about.orcidid.com/

“ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.  ORCID is unique in its ability to reach across disciplines, research sectors, and national boundaries and its cooperation with other identifier systems.”

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Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Resources and Services Cultural Bricolage Event, Nov. 13

Cultural Bricolage Event, Nov. 13