home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library New Service! Get Bound Journals from Other Campus Libraries

New Service! Get Bound Journals from Other Campus Libraries

You can now request that a bound journal from the Health Sciences Library (or Ellis or Engineering…) be sent to the Vet Library!

Request a bound volume via MERLIN:

  • Find the journal in the MERLIN catalog;
  • Click on the request button;
  • Log in with your Username;
  • Choose your pickup location. Don’t worry, you’ll choose the journal volume on the next page.
  • You’ll get an email when the journal is ready for pick-up.

Faculty, staff, graduate and professional students can borrow bound journals for 3 days; undergraduates can borrow them overnight.

home Resources and Services Easier Access to Bound Journals

Easier Access to Bound Journals

  • Bound journals can be requested from any of the MU Libraries through the MERLIN catalog and shipped to any library:
    • Ellis
    • Engineering
    • Geology
    • Health Sciences
    • Journalism
    • Math
    • Veterinary Medical
  • Bound journals can be requested through the MERLIN Library Catalog. Faculty, staff, graduate and professional students can borrow for 3 days; undergraduates can borrow them overnight.

Adopt a Book Update

Thanks to our generous donors, the Friends of the Libraries, and conservator Jim Downey, we have been able to do much-needed repair work on many of the fragile, valuable, and irreplaceable books in our collections.  Below are just a few of the most recent examples of the amazing work the Adopt a Book Program accomplishes.  As always, there are new books available for adoption as well.  Click over to our Adopt a Book page and take a look!

Bible. Latin. - before

Bible. Latin. - after

History of St. Charles, Montgomery and Warren Counties, Missouri- before

History of St. Charles, Montgomery and Warren Counties, Missouri - after

Northanger Abbey; and Persuasion - before


Northanger Abbey; and Persuasion - after

A few of the books now available for adoption:









home Resources and Services Congratulations to Caryn Scoville

Congratulations to Caryn Scoville

Caryn is the recipient of the Resident Appreciation Award from the Child Health department. As librarian for the Child Health department, she received a plaque in recognition of the training and support she provides to residents, assisting them in preparing for their weekly Evidence Based Medicine Conference and teaching them to find answers to their clinical questions.
Congratulations, Caryn!

I Scream, You Scream…

Ice Cream and Sherbets cover
Cover from an ice cream freezer manual
We all scream for ice cream!  With 90% of Americans enjoying the cold dessert, it's no wonder that Ronald Reagan declared July National Ice Cream Month back in 1984.  In addition, the third Sunday of July was proclaimed National Ice Cream Day to be celebrated "with appropriate ceremonies and activities."  So today, get out and cool off with some of America's favorite dessert and learn more about the history of ice cream with us here at Special Collections.

Roman Snow Runner
Depiction of a Roman snow runner
The history of ice cream can be traced as far back as the 4th century B.C., where legend has it that Alexander the Great, the famous conqueror and ruler of one of the largest empires in history, enjoyed iced beverages made of snow, honey, and nectar that were the predecessor to the ice cream we enjoy today.  These earlier forms of ice cream were mostly enjoyed by the noble class, with recipes being closely guarded secrets.  Iced desserts developed independently of each other in the Roman Empire and the Orient. Nero, the emperor of Rome from 54-68 A.D., had snow for these treats carried by runners from the Alps to Rome with severe punishments for those who failed to make it back before the snow melted.

Marco Polo is often credited with bringing sherbet and ice recipes to Europe after having learned them on his famous voyages.  These were again kept mostly by the royals and others in the higher tiers of nobility.  Some of these recipes may have been known to the English royalty earlier, as there are reports of Richard the Lionhearted eating sherbets in 1191 while on a Holy Crusade.

When people realized that adding salt to snow and ice helped to increase the coldness and help keep it, clever chefs now had more freedom than ever to experiment with different flavors and mixtures.  The French chef Jacques, from the court of Charles of England and Vatel, the chef of King Louis XVI have both been cited among the inventors of cream ice which, with the help of the Germans, Spanish, Italians, and possibly the Scandinavians, contributed to what became known as ice cream when these recipes came to America, where it was further influenced mostly by English and French methods.

The first written evidence of ice cream in America comes from a letter written May 17, 1744 by a guest of Governor Bladen of Maryland that describes this curious ice cream treat.  In the latter half of the 18th century, ice cream's popularity really picked up with those that could afford it, including such well-known figures as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

wonder freezer
The ‘Wonder’ Freezer, with improved covered gear
Ice cream continued to gain popularity in the early 1800s with the invention of better ice cream freezers and improved ice harvesting and storing techniques.  Commercial ice cream really took off after Jacob Fussell established the first wholesale ice cream factory in Baltimore in 1851, also making the U.S. the leading country in the manufacture and consumption of ice cream, which it still is today.  Inventions such as the ice cream cone at the 1904 World's Fair continued to help ice cream become the immensely popular treat it is today.

Chocolate Ice Cream Research
The effect of varying the sugar and chocolate liquor content on the stability of chocolate ice cream
Here at Mizzou, the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources has long been a big name in ice cream research.  With noted researchers Professor William Henry Eddie Reid, Wendell Arbuckle, and Robert T. Marshall all contributing at some point to the research done here on campus on things such as the freezing properties, stability, and physical qualities of chocolate ice cream and modern trends in retail ice cream stores.  Reid went on to consult with Baskin Robbins while Arbuckle and Marshall literally wrote the book on ice cream (Ice Cream by Arbuckle and Marshall and The Little Ice Cream Book by Arbuckle can both be found in our stacks).  With all this research going on it was eventually decided that it was high time Mizzou had its own flavor of ice cream, which it now does. Tiger Stripe Ice Cream, which looks exactly as the name suggests, remains popular today among students, faculty, and alumni alike and is served at a number of school and alumni events. (To find out more about the history and development of ice cream research at Mizzou visit the website of Mizzou's ice cream shop, Buck's Ice Cream Place, here.)

Old Ice Cream Recipe
A recipe from the Ladie’s Own Home Cook-Book
To learn more about any of the topics mentioned here, or if you want to check out some recipes for ice cream from our selection of old cookbooks, come by and pay us a visit here in Special Collections (just leave your ice cream at home).

Have a happy National Ice Cream Day!

Arbuckle, W. S. The Little Ice Cream Book. [S.l.]: W.S. Arbuckle, 1981. Print.

"International Dairy Foods Association." July Is National Ice Cream Month. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 July 2013. http://www.idfa.org/news–views/media-kits/ice-cream/july-is-national-ice-cream-mon/.

Mertens, Randy. "About Us." Buck's Ice Cream Place:. N.p., 12 Mar. 2010. Web. 17 July 2013. http://bucks.missouri.edu/about/history.php.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library More online access to Wiley journals!

More online access to Wiley journals!

We recently purchased the “backfiles” of several Wiley journals. You now have electronic access to all years of:

Equine Veterinary Journal (1968 – present)

Journal of Small Animal Practice (1960 – present)

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (1991 – present)

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (1987 – present)

Veterinary Clinical Pathology (1972 – present)

Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound (1960 – present)

Veterinary Surgery (1971 – present)

Previously, these titles were available online from 1997 to present.


Wildfire Prevention

While we’re feeling the heat as truly summer-like temperatures in the 90s are making themselves known, the risk of wildfire increases throughout the country.

At the time this was written, 24 wildfires were burning throughout the country.  Maps put out by the National Interagency Fire Center (like this one) show the location of “large incidents,” or large uncontrollable fires that were currently burning at the time of map-making.  Other maps (like this one) can help you determine the likelihood of a wildfire starting in your area.

As a wise bear has said, we all have the power to prevent wildfires and forest fires.  Here at Special Collections, anyone looking through our poster collection will find several 1940s-era posters reminding us of this fact.

A somewhat menacing-looking Smokey reminds us to take care.


Smokey Bear, the bear who has such confidence in us humans to prevent forest fires, is the longest running PSA campaign in United States history.  In 1950, a bear cub was orphaned by a forest fire in New Mexico.  Rangers rescued him from the fire and nursed him back to health until he eventually left for a zoo in Washington, D.C. where he became the living symbol for the Smokey Bear fire prevention campaign that is still popular today.

As the poster to the left suggests, the importance of preventing wildfires was felt very strongly in the forties, due to the war-effort.  In fact, the first half of that decade was when this awareness/prevention campaign really started to spread like wildfire (pun intended).  Large, uncontained fires would take attention and supplies away from the troops that were in need of them, making forest fires not only a danger to those near them, but also to those overseas.  Luckily for all of us, there are several easy steps to take to prevent uncontained fires conveniently recorded on this poster, such as making sure your campfire has been put out thoroughly before breaking camp.

In addition to putting forth practical reasons for being careful with fire, the forestry service around this time also tugged at the heartstrings of Americans by issuing posters with Bambi and friends, imploring those that look upon them to not burn down their homes.  As the Disney movie had just debuted the previous year, this poster would have been particularly effective in its message of reminding people of the devastating effects fires have on forest wildlife.

So remember:

  • “only you can prevent wildfires”
  • to see these posters (and others) all you need to do is visit us at Special Collections!

Baby, It’s Hot Outside

The dog days of summer are finally upon us after a long and snowy winter.   As the mercury rises, we all begin to hear (and ask) that famous age-old, sarcastic question:  “Can it possibly get any hotter?”  Special Collections is here to forever lay that question to rest by providing the answer.

Yes.  Much hotter.

One hundred years ago today, on July 10, 1913, the hottest temperature ever was recorded, right here in the USA.  The appropriately named Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley, California reported a sizzling 134 °F (56.7 °C).  According to the National Park Service, summer temperatures in Death Valley average 120 °F throughout the day, before dropping into the nineties at night.

Washington Post, Feb. 13, 1916

A century-old Washington Post headline shows off the new world record.

Swing on in to Special Collections to escape our own summer heat wave.  Access to any of our books, microfilms or comics (along with our air conditioning) is, of course, free of charge.

home Resources and Services Terrific Tales Exhibit

Terrific Tales Exhibit

“Terrific Tales: From Fairies to Fables” is on exhibit in the Library Colonnade.  The exhibit is brought to you by Special Collections and will be on display July 1st –  August 15th.



July 4, 1813

An address delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society (title page)Happy Independence Day!  While we celebrate with fireworks, picnics, and other festivities, nineteenth-century Americans often attended public speeches by popular religious and political figures.  The Fourth of July Orations Collection, made up of over 450 sermons and addresses, documents the issues that mattered to the American people from 1791 to 1925, and allows us to recapture some of the spirit of Independence Days Past.

On Independence Day* 200 years ago, the United States was 13 months into the War of 1812, and the outlook wasn’t good.  The American military, cobbled together from state militias and lacking professional leadership, lost battle after battle to smaller but better trained and equipped British forces.  By the end of the summer of 1813, the Americans would be forced to flee in disarray from the advancing British.  Public sentiment had never been in favor of the war (as we saw in last year’s Independence Day address); heavy losses and the looming possibility of defeat made the war even less popular, especially in New England.

This year’s featured speech comes to us from Abiel Holmes, a clergyman and author from Cambridge, Massachusetts, who is perhaps best known to us today as the father of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (the author) and the grandfather of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (the Supreme Court justice).

Page 21Holmes presented his speech before the Washington Benevolent Society in Washington, D.C.  As was common in his time, the first half of the speech is a lengthy panegyric on the virtues George Washington.  However, midway through the address, Holmes changes direction.  He condemns the current war and calls for a return to Washingtonian values, principles and policies, particularly that of neutrality.

That most wars are unnecessary, and therefore unjustifiable, the history of the world plainly shows us. … Republics, no less than despotic governments, have been addicted to war, from the lust of gain, a passion for glory, or some unhallowed motives, equally hostile to their prosperity, and dangerous to their liberties. (21)

Holmes goes on to draw a parallel between warlike Sparta and the United States, suggesting that the new republic would be pulled apart by foreign and civil conflict.  He adds, “Whether he [Washington] would ever have sacrificed our peace, or hazarded our liberties, from any considerations, not far more imperious than those alleged as the grounds of the present war, you may conclude, with moral certainty, from his avowed principles, and his pacific administration” (22).

You can read more of Holmes’ speech online.  The entire Fourth of July Orations Collection is available at the University of Missouri Digital Library, and also in traditional format in the Special Collections Reading Room

*July 4, 1813, was a Sunday.  To avoid conflict with religious observances, Independence Day festivities in many communities were moved to July 5, the following Monday.