home Staff news June MULAC Minutes

June MULAC Minutes

2018-6-20 MULAC Minutes

home Staff news Updates to Staff Website

Updates to Staff Website

The library committees and MULSA board have been updated on the staff website.

Library Committees Membership and MULSA Board


home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Cool Off All Summer in the Devil’s Icebox

Take Your Instant Ramen to the Next Level

Weekend Fun: Shakespeare, Charlie Chaplin, and Golf!

home Staff news Change to Records in MERLIN

Change to Records in MERLIN

As of Saturday, July 28, we will no longer be getting MARC Records from Serials Solutions/Proquest as we have been for the past several years. This means we will be getting our MARC records from another source, mostly OCLC, and swapping these records out over the next month. This will mean that the MERLIN catalog will not always be accurate on any given day as this is a project to replace several hundred thousand records. EDS and the new Full-Text Finder will be accurate for our serials and database holdings during this time. If you have issues, please use these resources before emailing me with questions. Once we have everything sorted, I will send an email to let everyone know. Thanks for your patience while we work through this,

Corrie Hutchinson
Associate University Librarian for Acquisitions, Collections and Technical Services

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have immediate openings for the following staff positions:

  • Sr. Library Specialist – Engineering Library – 26939
  • Library Information Assistant – Ellis Library Circulation Reserve Desk, Part Time – 26941

For additional information on there positions, including the job description, salary, and shift, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

Check out the Mizzou home page – Cost Savings: Faculty use OER to reduce cost for students.



Picture of Grace included!

(Thanks to Kate Anderson for sharing these links.)

home Staff news Affordable & Open Education Resources Update

Affordable & Open Education Resources Update

Affordable & Open Educational Resources System Updates

  • The UM system’s executive committee is hard at work revising the Affordable & Open Educational Resources grant program. The application process for the next round of grants will be updated by the end of the summer.
  • The UM system was accepted into the OpenStax Institutional Partnership. OpenStax will act as a consultant in developing a strategic plan to encourage the use of OER on all four of our campuses. OpenStax will also provide accountability to follow through on our plan. The institutions who participated in the 2016-17 program increased OER on their campuses, on average, by 150% in one year.

As for the University Libraries and A&OER…

  • The libraries across all four campuses will be working on adding OER collections to their institutional repositories and to the OER Commons. MOBIUS will be building a “hub” in the OER Commons—it will contain all of the OER created by and for Missouri higher education institutions.
  • The system will be working on a data dashboard to track student savings. It will include data from the bookstore and from the libraries, mostly focusing on how we make course materials more affordable through course reserves (electronic and print). I will reach out to all of the folks handling course reserves data when I have more information. I know you all do incredible work for Mizzou students through course reserves, and I’m excited to show off what a difference you and the libraries make!
  • Below is an updated list of the goals of the various system and campus A&OER groups, as well as a full list of library A&OER projects. If you have any questions or ideas about A&OER, don’t hesitate to reach out.

A&OER UM System Task Force

  • Provide more affordable and open educational resources to enhance student learning and increase cost savings for students
  • Engage faculty in converting existing and developing new courses into A/OER courses
  • Increase sustainable support, resources, and tools for faculty using affordable/open resources.
  • Develop a sustainable system-wide strategy to:
    • Increase awareness of affordable and open resources
    • Incentivize faculty to transition to those resources
    • Encourage UM created materials to be shared as open resources
  • Identify collaborative partnerships at each campus to ensure the sustainability and quality of the initiative

A&OER MU Campus Committee

  • Increase A&OER awareness throughout campus by utilizing communication channels, coordinating outreach, and providing training/educational opportunities
  • Identify new and existing tools, resources, and processes to sustain the initiative
  • Provide recognition opportunities for faculty who participate in the A&OER initiative and share their success stories

A&OER MU Campus Operations Team (Disabilities Office, ET@MO, The Mizzou Store, University Libraries)

  • Ensure communication between support units
    Consistent communication will help us avoid duplication of efforts and ensure a straightforward user experience for faculty. To the best of our ability, we will inform each other about all faculty adopting, adapting, creating A&OER materials.
  • Determine the best A&OER resources / preferred vendors to promote to faculty
    • Invite colleagues to vendor demos
    • Provide recommendations to campus and system
  • Collaborate on OER marketing, promotional/informational events, workshops, etc.
    • Create and maintain an A&OER informational website for faculty: oer.missouri.edu
    • Update calendar and have open invitations for Operations Team members to all A&OER events

Operations Team is meeting this summer to discuss

  • The role of support units in the grant application and evaluation process
  • A review of how course materials are distributed/made accessible to students:
    • the library’s e-reserves & print reserves
    • the bookstore’s e-distribution (course packets, AutoAccess directly in Canvas, other ways inside and outside of the LMS)
    • ET@MO’s facilitation of accessing course materials in Canvas
    • the Disabilities Center’s process for making material accessible

This review is to gain an understanding of what we all offer so that we can discuss how services can be streamlined and cross-promoted.

University Libraries: A&OER Initiative Support

  • Contribute data to system’s Student Savings data dashboard (dashboard for course materials savings)
  • Curate a list of recommended OER platforms, hubs, collections, organizations, etc. for faculty


  • Provide OER trainings and consultations for faculty interested in using or creating OER
  • Lead Open Textbook Network faculty review workshops
  • Increase MU-faculty-created OER submissions to University Libraries’ Institutional Repositories
    • Curate an OER collection within the repository for faculty works created through A&OER grants
    • Recruit faculty to submit their pre-A&OER-grant-created OER content to the repository’s OER collection
    • Include library-created OER materials in the repository’s OER collection
    • Build partnership with the OER Commons and MOBIUS to increase discoverability of our OER content
  • Promote and/or rebrand current A&OER support services
    • Build awareness of how libraries are the original affordability model of cost reduction through shared content.
    • Feature “libraries & affordability” stories on the newshub: https://library.missouri.edu/news/
      The more we can contribute, the more likely the libraries will be featured in campus stories:
      SHP and Mizzou Libraries work to Reduce Student Costs with AOER
    • Promote course reserves and library-owned course materials, especially e-books and textbooks;
      emphasize that “free to students” is not free to the libraries
  • Participate in the OpenStax Institutional Partnership Program (more information soon)
  • Participate in grant program revisions (insert libraries in the process as needed)
  • Continue to advocate for increased system funding for the collection budget in the name of affordability
home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 6/19/18

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 6/19/18

LMT 06.19.18 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Microfilm Indexes

Microfilm Indexes

The microfilm indexes originally housed in 406 Ellis Library (Special Collections & Rare Books area) have now been moved to range 138-139 in 2 East and show a display label in the WebPac of “MU Ellis Special Collections Microfilm Indexes – Ask at a service desk.”  Here is an example: http://merlin.mobius.umsystem.edu/record=b1023521~S8. I’m working on updating the check in records. We also found nearly two shelves of un-barcoded materials when scanning this collection. We will be working on adding these to our collection and then having a complete list to share with selectors for review in the near future. Thanks everyone for your attention with this project.

Corrie Hutchinson



home Staff news Amigos Webinars on Resource Description and Access (RDA)

Amigos Webinars on Resource Description and Access (RDA)

Know & Go: IFLA-LRM: a New Conceptual Model
June 18, 2018
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm CDT
Ellis Room 159

Description: Just when you thought things had settled down: RDA is more or less stable; MARC will be around for awhile longer … along comes IFLA-LRM. RDA is based on the conceptual models defined by FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records), FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data) and FRSAD (Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data). These three models are combined and refined in the IFLA-LRM (IFLA Library Reference Model), which had been approved by the RDA Steering Committee as the new conceptual model for RDA. IFLA-LRM will have a profound effect on the development of the RDA Toolkit. This session will explain IFLA-LRM and discuss how this will change RDA.

More: https://www.amigos.org/node/3755

Know & Go: The New RDA Toolkit
July 16, 2018
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm CDT
Ellis Room 159

Description:  Great news –the new RDA Toolkit is almost here! Release of the new toolkit, the result of the RDA 3R Project, is slated for June 13, 2018. This hour-long session will discuss the upcoming changes to the RDA Toolkit, demonstrate new functionalities, and review unresolved issues.

More: https://www.amigos.org/node/5120


Know & Go: RDA after LRM
August 6, 2018
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm CDT
Ellis Room 159

Description: The new RDA Toolkit is here and there are significant changes. Not only has the Toolkit changed because of the 3R project, but RDA instructions have undergone substantial changes too, due to its alignment with the Library Reference Model (LRM). This hour-long session will provide a summary of the changes to RDA instructions affected by LRM. Topics to be covered include: new RDA entities, four recording methods, and the new organization of RDA instructions.

More: https://www.amigos.org/node/5121