home Staff news Call for Library Committees

Call for Library Committees

It’s the time of year to volunteer for Library Committees. Please send in your self-nominations to me by May 31. Information and current committee lists can be found on the staff web page at http://libraryguides.missouri.edu/staff/committees. New terms will start on July 1, 2018.

There are openings on the following committees:

  •                 Diversity and Inclusion Action Committee
  •                 Staff Development Committee
  •                 Undergraduate Research Paper Contest Committee
  •                 Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee
  •                 Instruction Committee (committee charge attached)

Additionally, the Staff Advisory Group is seeking nominations and self-nominations for the vice chair and recorder positions. Elections will be held after May 31 so that you can vote on those nominated. New terms will start on July 1, 2018.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Sheryl Cullina, PHR, SHRM-CP
HR Manager  – Libraries

home Staff news Staff Development Incentive Program Raffle Winners

Staff Development Incentive Program Raffle Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in the pilot year of the Incentive Program.  The raffle winners are:

  • Colleen Smith – $50 gift card
  • Ashley Granger – $25 gift card
  • Corrie Hutchinson – $25 gift card

This program has been renewed for another year.  To qualify for a raffle ticket:

  • Attend an HR event, an in-person/online class, read a print/ebook that will increase your skill level in some way
  • Notify Sheryl Cullina by providing the date and details of the event/activity and she will add a raffle ticket with your name on it
  • Deadline for submission is May 17, 2019
  • More information can be found at http://libraryguides.missouri.edu/staffincentive
home Staff news Goodbye to Brittany East

Goodbye to Brittany East

Brittany East will be leaving Ellis Library Security. Her last day will be June 15, 2018.

home Staff news Welcome to Kendall Steinmetz, Bonnie Johnson, and Ari Pepper

Welcome to Kendall Steinmetz, Bonnie Johnson, and Ari Pepper

Please welcome. . .

  • Kendall Steinmetz to Ellis Library Security. Kendall began working as a part time Security Officer on 5/10/2018.
  • Bonnie Johnson to the Ellis Library Receiving Room. Bonnie transferred to the Libraries on 5/15/2018.
  • Ari Pepper to Ellis Library Admin. Ari will be a part time HR Assistant starting on 5/29.
home Staff news Celebration of Service Comments

Celebration of Service Comments

Congratulations to all of our employees who were recognized at this year’s Celebration of Service. The supervisors provided comments about each employee. You can see those comments if you visit the links listed below.

Celebration of Service: 5 Year Recognitions

Celebration of Service: 10 and 15 Year Recognitions

Celebration of Service: 20 Year Recognitions

Celebration of Service: 25 and 40 Year Recognitions



home Staff news Microfilm in 406 Ellis Library to U2

Microfilm in 406 Ellis Library to U2

As part of the move of the film in 406 to CRL, we have taken a stopover at U2 so that remodeling of 406 can begin sooner than later. As such, all film has been updated in the catalog to show it is currently ‘Unavailable’ with Identity = ‘Temporarily Unavailable’. As these materials are processed, the records will be updated to accurately reflect the situation. We will also be moving the indexes in that room shortly to 2 East for final review and again, the catalog will be updated as they are moved.

–Corrie Hutchinson

home Staff news Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2017

The University Libraries 2017 Annual Report is available at library.missouri.edu/about. If you would like to request a print copy, contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“For some, Columbia remains divided by race and living space”
Columbia Missourian, May 21, 2018

“MLA Featured Library Employee-Jennifer Gravley”
Molib.org, May 15, 2018

home Staff news Newshub Guide Updated

Newshub Guide Updated

The Newshub Guide has been recently updated: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/NewsHub

It is for all library employees and newshub reporters. If you are not a newshub reporter, it gives you background on what the newshub can do for you, how to help your newshub reporter with creating content, your part in the Cycles of Success, and gives a list of all the newshub reporters.

There is a link for this guide on the staff webpage.

If you have any questions, send them our way.

-The Marketing Team (Grace Atkins, Shannon Cary, Kelli Hansen, and Taira Meadowcroft)



home Staff news Call for Mizzou Libraries Instagram Volunteers and Vacation Pictures

Call for Mizzou Libraries Instagram Volunteers and Vacation Pictures

We are looking for volunteers to help create content for the Mizzou Libraries Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mizzou.libraries/ .

What would you need to do as an Instagram creator? Good question.

  • Post on your scheduled day. Right now we have a few volunteers and they post once every 7 days.
  • Show all the sides of the library. We have great content of new books, Ellis from back in the day, Book Face, behind the scenes of the library, and really anything to show the fun side of the library. Check out the Instagram to see what we’ve posted all year.

Don’t want to be a content creator, but still want to submit pictures? Great! Send your pictures to me.

We are also looking for pictures of you on vacation this summer. Send me fun pictures of places you visit, cool things you did, and even your staycation pictures. They don’t have to be pictures of you visiting another library, but those are also appreciated.  You can take a look at other #LibrariansOnVacation for ideas: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/librariansonvacation/

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

–Taira Meadowcroft