home Cycle of Success, Events and Exhibits Congratulations to the Undergraduate Research Contest Winners!

Congratulations to the Undergraduate Research Contest Winners!

The University Librareis Undergraduate Research contest seeks to recognize and reward outstanding research conducted by undergraduate students at the University of Missouri.

In First place, and the recipient of a $500 scholarship, is Victor Topouria, a junior in journalism. His paper is titled, “The fabric road to power: geography of the textiles trade along the new Silk Road and China’s path to geopolitical dominance through the textiles supply chain”. Dr. Joseph Hobbs, professor of Geography, supported his submission saying, “Victor provided exceptional insight into the ways in which China is re-shaping the economics and geopolitics of Asia (and the world) through the medium of textiles.”

The Second place winner and recipient of a $250 scholarship is Samuel Mosher, a sophomore in history. His paper, “The suppression of the African slave trade in The Illustrated London News explored how The Illustrated London News, the world’s first weekly illustrated periodical, reported on Great Britain’s suppression of the African Slave Trade from 1842 to 1869. Dr. Domingues da Silva, Assistant professor of African History, supported his submission saying “Rarely have I seen another freshman student make such a complete use of the libraries’ resources to write a research paper. The paper’s quality and originality are beyond question.”

Special  thanks to the Friends of the University Libraries for their support of this award.

Deb Ward featured in MCR Voices

Our very own Deb Ward was interviewed for MCR Voices. MCR voices is a short podcast designed to inform and educate members of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and the general library community, on excellent practices.

In this interview, Deb discusses what she envisions for the future of the libraries as the Director of the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri. Deb mentions the new HSL advisory council, how she encourages HSL staff to help with the mission of the library, and how, even with a budget reduction, the libraries will still present a coherent picture of who we are, and what are our value is to our users in order to be successful. 


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Cycle of Success, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Cycle of Success: Marybeth Bohn, Orthopedic Surgery

Cycle of Success: Marybeth Bohn, Orthopedic Surgery

Cycle of Success is the idea that libraries, faculty, and students are linked; for one to truly succeed, we must all succeed. The path to success is formed by the connections between University of Missouri Libraries and faculty members, between faculty members and students, and between students and the libraries that serve them. More than just success, this is also a connection of mutual respect, support, and commitment to forward-thinking research.



Maryboth Bohn is the executive assistant to Dr. James P. Stannard, MD. in the Missouri Orthopedic Institute.  Marybeth works in the academic office and assists with administrative paperwork. With a tight deadline approaching, and needing the information by the end of the business day, Marybeth contacted the health sciences library to ask for help in gathering metrics for promotion and tenure. Katy Emerson, Library Specialist Sr. in Interlibrary Loan, gave Marybeth some information on the possible metrics she could use for the Promotion and Tenure packet, while Taira Meadowcroft, Information Services Librarian, and Rachel Alexander, Graduate Library Assistant, gathered the metrics. It was definitely a great collaborative effort!


“I work in a fast-paced office assisting Dr. Stannard with his administrative work. Much of that includes academic activities such as reviewing P&T packets, writing letters, and gathering articles for research. If it weren’t for the help of the librarians in the Health Science Library, I would be in dire straits! They come to my rescue often! They are quick, upbeat, and always helpful. Recently, I needed publication metrics for a P&T review. Two of the librarians stopped what they were doing to help me and speed things along. They also took the time to explain what everything meant. I also appreciate their helpfulness in pulling articles for me when I am not able to access the articles myself. I have used the online request system and their online chat system quite easily and have always received excellent assistance. Don’t hesitate to ask a friendly librarian!”



If you would like to submit your own success story about how the libraries have helped your research and/or work,
please use the Cycle of Success form


Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Cycle of Success, Special Collections and Archives Meet the Special Collections Intern: Kayla

Meet the Special Collections Intern: Kayla

This semester we have two new interns working on metadata, provenance, and digital projects with us in Special Collections. Last week we introduced Olivia; this week, say hello to Kayla.


My Name is Kayla Thompson and I am one of the new interns in the Special Collections department at Ellis Library. I am senior studying English Creative writing with a varied collection of minors. Here are some fun facts about myself:

  1. My dream is to work in either a library or museum working with old books, manuscripts, and artifacts. For this reason, I am applying to graduate school for the fall for Library and Information Sciences.
  2. I love reading. Books are my favorite things in the whole world. At the moment I own somewhere around 500 of them, so old or new you can find just about any genre on my shelf, though, I prefer fiction. Currently I am in the middle of about five books including Homer’s Iliad, Cassandra Clare’s Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, and Skye Alexander’s The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells.
  3. I am writing a novella about a young witch with no powers. Not quite sure where it’s going yet (if it’s going). I have wanted to write a book since I was 12, but have yet to produce something that I feel is worth putting out into the world. It’s mostly just a hobby at the moment.
  4. This summer I am going on a trip to study abroad in Greece. It has been a dream of mine since I was little. It will also be the last six credits I need to finish my Classical Studies minor.
  5. I own one fat and fluffy cat named Tora.
  6. And I probably drink way more coffee than could possibly ever be good for me.

So, that’s who I am. I can’t wait to get to know more about everyone I work with. I am already having fun and can’t wait to see where this semester in Special Collections takes me.

Be sure to tune into our Tumblr to see posts by Olivia and Kayla this semester.


Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Cycle of Success, Special Collections and Archives Meet the Special Collections Intern: Olivia

Meet the Special Collections Intern: Olivia

This semester we have two new interns working on metadata, provenance, and digital projects with us in Special Collections. First up for introductions is Olivia:

Hey! Hi! Hello, my fellow bibliophiles! I’m very excited to introduce myself to you as the new social media intern for Ellis Library’s Special Collections and Rare Books Department. My name is Olivia Mikus and I am a senior here at MU, double majoring in French and English Literature. I hope to become a French educator in the high school, and eventually college, setting. 

Here are some more interesting (at least I hope) tidbits about myself:

  • I am obsessed with all things French, so look forward to (or feel free to skim over) a few interesting French finds, should I stumble upon any, during my semester cataloging for Special Collections.
  • I have two pets, both named after a character or an actor from my most favorite television programs: My cat, Jess, named after a character from Gilmore Girls and my pittie, Topher, named after Topher Grace (Eric Foreman) from That 70s Show.
  • *queue Harry Potter theme* All things Harry Potter, all the time. Need I say more? Oh yeah, #ravenclaw4life
  • My favorite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I read this for the first time in my 12th grade English Comp. course and have read it 3 more times since. That is where my love of classic English literature began and I feel fortunate that I’ve been able to channel that love into a major and, of course, this internship. (Here in special collections, we have an original hand-written manuscript of Charlotte’s and her sisters’ early childhood works. #geekingout)
  • If I could narrow my music interests down to a few groups they would include: The 1975 (Haven't heard of them? You should fix that…go on, I’ll wait), The Beatles, Blink-182 (Fun fact: Blink-182 and I were born the same year, 1992!) and Alanis Morissette, with whom I connect on a spiritual level. #90skid
  • I’m a definite foodie. I love to cook (though I’m no Julia Child) but even more so, I love to eat. Favorite foods? The edible kind, I don’t discriminate. I’m currently teaching myself to cook and I hope to someday start my own foodie blog about myself and my (sometimes disastrous, though always entertaining) cooking escapades. It’ll happen…one day.
  • Wanderlust: I have an unquenchable thirst to see every inch of this beautiful sphere we call Earth before I have to part with it.
  • Lastly, my most favorite movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Love, loss, brain damage, a sprinkle of science-fiction, Jim Carrey, and Kate Winslet with mood-changing hair…Seriously, what more could you ask for?

Thanks for tuning in to A Bit About Me with Olivia Mikus. I’m super looking forward to sharing with you all the interesting texts I find while working in Special Collections. I hope you will find them as interesting as I do!

Watch for Kayla's intro post next week, and tune into our Tumblr to see posts by Olivia and Kayla this semester.

Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Cycle of Success, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Cycle of Success: Susan Scott, PhD., RN.

Cycle of Success: Susan Scott, PhD., RN.

Cycle of Success is the idea that libraries, faculty, and students are linked; for one to truly succeed, we must all succeed. The path to success is formed by the connections between University of Missouri Libraries and faculty members, between faculty members and students, and between students and the libraries that serve them. More than just success, this is also a connection of mutual respect, support, and commitment to forward-thinking research.


Susan Scott, PhD., RN.
Susan Scott, PhD., RN., Manager of Patient Safety and Risk Management in the Office of Clinical Effectivness at MU Health, makes great use of the health sciences librarians. In order for the patient safety standards, and reviews in the hospital to be evidence-based, Susan regularly sends search requests to Taira Meadowcroft, the designated Quality Improvement library liasion, within the Health Sciences Library. 

Health Sciences Librarian







"MU Health Care's Patient Safety Team is responsible for the review of clinical care events in which the patient experienced harm from the care rendered. Review of current standards of care and matching them with care rendered is an important part of a comprehensive review. In the past, HSL resources have been an invaluable asset to help us with everything from basic reviews of the literature to more comprehensive and detailed literature reviews. Review of these cases in a timely manner is important. I have found the HSL resources as being highly dependable completing thorough reviews with a quick turnaround time. How awesome to have such amazing resources to help complement our clinical resources! Thank you, HSL and team, for helping us provide the safe care to our patients! Your efforts are truly appreciated but more importantly, I truly appreciate your partnership! Please keep up the great work!"


If you would like to submit your own success story about how the libraries have helped your research and/or work, please use the Cycle of Success form


Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is a health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri. Rachel's work focuses on supporting the research mission of the University.

home Cycle of Success, Resources and Services We’re here to support your teaching and research

We’re here to support your teaching and research

Faculty, as you start the semester, remember that librarians are here to help.

We’re here to support your teaching:

We’re here to support your research:

See our new Research Support page for information on…

  • citation management and impact tracking tools
  • data management and preservation
  • publishing, copyright, and Open Access issues
  • digital preservation and promotion

Our Friday workshops, both on site and online, provide more information.

home Cycle of Success, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Meet the Librarian: Diane Johnson, Assistant Director of Information Services and Resources, Health Sciences Library

Meet the Librarian: Diane Johnson, Assistant Director of Information Services and Resources, Health Sciences Library

Can you tell us a little about your background and experience and what led you to MU libraries?

I made up my mind to become a librarian when I was just a kid after seeing my hometown librarian, Anna Detjen, walk to a shelf, pull off a book, open it to a page, and say: “There’s the answer to your question.” How did she do that? How could I learn to do that? I wanted to be a public librarian – I didn’t even know medical libraries existed – but when I tried to set up an internship in college, none were available in public libraries. I was given the choice between an internship in a patient library in a hospital for the criminally insane or in a nursing school library, so I chose the latter. And once there, I found out about the Medical Subject Heading vocabulary, which is used for organizing medical journal articles and books. It made so much sense. I opted for medical librarianship and never looked back. 

I interviewed at MU back in 1980 when I was finishing library school at the University of Minnesota. It was a beautiful spring day, and I fell in love with Columbia and knew right away I wanted to come here.


What are some of the unique aspects of your job?

Here in the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, we spend a lot of time and effort trying to bring our services and collections to our users as part of their normal workflow. Some of us work with clinical teams, answering questions as they arise. In that context, we go beyond simply supplying bibliographies and reference lists to providing summary and synthesis of results.

I’ve also served as co-investigator on systematic reviews, a research method in which you search for, analyze and summarize all of the studies addressing a specific clinical question. I develop the searches and document the search strategies for the research protocol. Librarians are uniquely qualified for this role since it is our business to be familiar with the history, quirks and vagaries of different databases and search engines.

What are some of the ways technology has changed the way your library offers reference services?

Two recent exciting developments, proactive chat and co-browsing, have really helped us amp up our level of service. With proactive chat, if somebody sits on one of our webpages for more than a minute or two, a window pops up to ask them if they need any help. Another recent addition that people really seem to like is co-browsing. When somebody comes into the chat room and needs help doing a search, we can share our screen and talk them through each step in the search.  At the conclusion of one recent session, a user told me, "This may have been the most helpful customer service experience in my life."

It’s fun to look back at how far we’ve come. When I started in 1980, our library had two computers, which communicated over phone lines to the National Library of Medicine and the OCLC Library Catalog service. With the latter, we couldn’t just search for a book title, we had to use coded search keys. And we couldn’t search for organization names until after 4 p.m. because it would overwhelm the computer.

Even though the tools have changed dramatically, our core service of helping people get answers to their questions is still much the same.


What types of renovation are needed in the Health Sciences Library in order to better serve your patrons?

It will come as no surprise to anyone who has visited the Health Sciences Library that much of our carpeting and many of our chairs are older than most of our students!

Since the medical and health professions curriculum focuses on small-group learning, we need collaborative spaces where our students can work together in small groups without disturbing those studying around them.

I would like to have white noise machines installed so that people on the third floor can’t hear conversations from two floors below, and vice versa. We’ve had heating and cooling issues in this building ever since it opened, and it’s my fervent hope that we can address these issues in the renovations. 

I also think a renovation of the Health Sciences Library would provide an opportunity to retrofit an aging building to make it more energy-efficient. Library buildings much older than ours have achieved LEED gold certification by installing energy-efficient lighting, heating, cooling and plumbing and by choosing furnishings that make use of recycled content.

In this age of mobile computing, we are returning to an era when we can focus on designing spaces to meet the needs of people rather than machines. People will be bringing their increasingly portable computers with them, so we don’t need to have as many computer desks. Instead, we can focus on an inviting mixture of desks for individual study, small-group study areas, and soft seating where people can put their feet up.


home Cycle of Success Meet the Librarian: Corrie Hutchinson, Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development

Meet the Librarian: Corrie Hutchinson, Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development

Tell us a little about your background and experience?

I have been a professional librarian for almost 14 years and have worked only in academic libraries. Over the years, I have served in a variety of positions throughout the library including reference, technical services, and administration.I think this variation helps to give me a broad perspective and see how all the pieces of a library fit together. I think that knowing what others do helps me to be a better manager, understand the bigger picture, and find solutions to problems easier.

My bachelor’s degree is in mathematics along with a masters in library science and one in statistics.This foundation built in logic and problem solving has helped me immensely in the library profession, particularly in my current position as Acquisitions Librarian.

Your last position was as the director of the Stephens College library. What has been the biggest difference between working at Stephens College and working at MU?

I think the biggest difference is moving from a staff of 8 to a staff of 150 in the library.The interconnectedness and number of people involved in all the services and functions of library has taken some time to figure out. But now that I’ve been on the job for over year, I have a much better understanding of the workings of MU Library. I am better acquainted with all the division of duties, but I am still learning new things every day.

What do you love about your job?
I enjoy helping patrons gain access to information in a way that utilizes my strengths. Not many librarians like invoices or statistics. I like that my skills can help me to complement my colleagues and work towards creating a complete educational environment for others. I also like that my job challenges me and forces me to learn new things. 

home Cycle of Success, Ellis Library, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library MU Libraries Participates in Women’s and Children’s Hospital Reverse Trick-or-Treat

MU Libraries Participates in Women’s and Children’s Hospital Reverse Trick-or-Treat

For the past few years, the Women's and Children's Hospital has organized reverse trick-or-treating. MU employees are invited to hand out treats to pediatric patients, siblings, and children of adult patients. This year, one of our medical librarians, Taira Meadowcroft, asked for volunteers to go with her this Halloween to participate.

This fantastic group put together halloween bags filled with stickers, pencils, instruments, play-doh, and many other goodies. In all their Halloween glory, they loaded up several boxes, and headed to the hospital. Once there, they were greeted by superheros, princesses, football players, and tinkerbells, all waiting to trick-or-treat. By the end, there was no goodie bags left!

Thanks to all who volunteered to be apart of the 200 MU and MU health staff who handed out treats. Be sure to take a peek at the MU Health instagram and story https://www.instagram.com/muhealth/



Our volunteers included: Grace Atkins, Cindi Cotner- Halloween , Stara Herron- Jack Skellington , Taira Meadowcroft- Netlflix, Kimberly Moeller- Ninja, Paula Roper, Caryn Scoville, Deb Ward- Wizard , Rhonda Whithaus


Follow Mizzou.Libraries on instagram!



Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.