home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Ellis Library sexual misconduct suspect to face court”
The Maneater, September 25, 2018

home Resources and Services Thanks for Your Input: Library User Survey Results

Thanks for Your Input: Library User Survey Results

The University Libraries conducted the Ithaka S+R survey in the fall of 2017 with the goal of better understanding the research and teaching goals of our faculty and graduate students and their perspectives on the role of the library in helping them to achieve these goals.

Faculty Survey
The survey was distributed by e-mail to all 3,090 faculty members on October 2, 2017. There were 680 respondents who clicked on the survey, with 611 starting the survey and 433 respondents completing the survey for an overall response rate of 14%. Responses were received from faculty in all colleges and schools. Note that law school faculty were not included in this survey process.All respondents answered questions on discovery and access, research practices, perception of students’ research skills, and the role of the library. Respondents were presented randomly with additional modules on library space planning, scholarly communication or market research.

Graduate and Professional Students Survey
The survey was distributed by e-mail to all 6,543 enrolled graduate and professional students on October 2, 2017. There were 1,307 respondents who clicked on the survey, with 1,191 starting the survey (18%) and 939 respondents completing the survey for an overall response rate of 14%. Responses were received from students in all colleges and schools. Note that law school students were not included in this survey process. All graduate student respondents answered questions on higher education objectives, coursework and academics, and role of the library. In addition, respondents were presented randomly with either a module on library space planning or research practices.

Over the next few weeks, the University Libraries will be sharing some of the key findings from the survey. If you would like to see the survey summaries and a complete list of the aggregated results for all questions, visit library.missouri.edu/about.

home Staff news Employment Opportunity

Employment Opportunity

The University Libraries have a new staff employment opportunity. Please see the Libraries’ website for more information.

Library Specialist / Missourian – 27912


home Staff news In the News

In the News

“MU police investigate report of sexual misconduct in Ellis Library”
KMIZ, September 14, 2018

“Man charged in Ellis Library incident”
KMIZ, September 17, 2018
Similar stories ran on KOMU News and in the Columbia Daily Tribune.


home Staff news Human Resources Update

Human Resources Update

Nicole Whyte will be joining the University Libraries, effective Monday, September 24, on assignment from SOS Temporary Services. She will be filling in as the HR Assistant in the Administrative Office while the search for a suitable candidate continues. The position description is available at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#HR%20Assistant.  Nicole will be focusing efforts on Payroll, ePAF administration, and student employment activities. Feel free to direct relevant questions to her. For all other HR related questions and concerns, please contact Kathy Peters. The Libraries will begin recruitment for a new HR Specialist as soon as possible.

home Staff news New MUSE Post

New MUSE Post

Weekend Fun: Mizzou Football, Pagan Pride Day, and Wizardfest

home Staff news Microsoft Office for Personal Use Available

Microsoft Office for Personal Use Available

As employees, we are fortunate to have the option to purchase a copy of the Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.) for personal use. Both Mac & Windows versions are available to us. More information about the program can be found at the Microsoft site:

To enroll in the Software Assurance Home Use Program (HUP) for university employees, log into MyServices (myservices.missouri.edu) for instructions. Under HUP, you may purchase Microsoft titles that are volume-licensed by the university, like Microsoft Office Professional. A digital download is just $9.95. You may also purchase a backup disc (includes packaging, shipping, and handling) for an additional $12.95. The license is valid as long as you are a university employee.

home Staff news Library Staff Lounge Items and Appliances Needing Replacement

Library Staff Lounge Items and Appliances Needing Replacement

The MU Libraries Staff Association was created to support “the human side” of life in all MU Libraries.  MULSA strives to promote staff morale as well as social relationships among staff members by welcoming new staff and organizing social events for the libraries.  MULSA is also committed to help maintain areas for staff members to take breaks and have meals in the specialized libraries, as well as in Ellis Library.

In order for MULSA to save enough money for the big events it funds throughout the year, efforts should be made to replace worn out or broken items used in the break areas through donations if possible.  When the best option is to buy items new, preapproval from the MULSA executive board should be obtained before making the purchase in order to ensure full reimbursement for the cost.

Please contact Colleen (smithkc@missouri.edu), Tom (barnessamu@missouri.edu), or Ryan (bishr@missouri.edu) for more info.

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 9/11/18

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 9/11/18

LMT 09.11.18 Information and Action Items