home Staff news In the News and Obituary

In the News and Obituary

“State Historical Society prepares for move”
Columbia Daily Tribune, March 21, 2019

Sharon Kile, 1936-2019
The Mexico Ledger, March 19, 2019

“Column: Students should take advantage of the study rooms”
The Maneater, March 14, 2019

“College of Engineering analysis says more space needed, but library closing is rumor”
The Maneater, March 7, 2019



home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Short Story Vending Machines

Food in Literature

home Staff news Libraries Awarded SFCIC Funding

Libraries Awarded SFCIC Funding

The Libraries will receive $50,000 from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee to improve group study rooms.

home Journalism Library Fulbright Scholar Appreciates the Journalism Library Resources

Fulbright Scholar Appreciates the Journalism Library Resources

By Christina Mascarenas

Going to America was more a dream than reality to Indah Setiwati; a 30 hour plane ride dream. Indah was the deputy editor for the Jakarta Post in Jakarta, Indonesia when she decided to make a change and apply to attend graduate school.

In the beginning, Indah only applied to local scholarships even though studying aboard is a goal for many Indonesians. Indah had her family to think about. Not wanting Indah to limit her academic potential, a friend encouraged Indah to apply for the Fulbright Foreign Student Program, a program that enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. If Indah was accepted she would finally have her ticket to the United States.

After weighing the pros and cons, Indah decided to go for it and applied to four scholarships including the Fulbright program. One day, she was taking the train to work when she received an email telling her she was accepted into the Fulbright program. It was “surreal,” she said. “The Fulbright Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship on earth.”

Indah did research to find the best journalism school in the U.S. that would fit her interest. She chose Missouri because it’s the best journalism school and was affordable with her Fulbright Scholarship.

According to Indah, the Journalism Library at Mizzou has knowledgeable librarians. “Sue is really helpful and resourceful,” she stated referring to Sue Schuermann, Senior Library Specialist. Sue took the time to show Indah how to do precise searches and search for specific journals. “She is very helpful. She is a great resource, all you have to do it ask,” she said.

When Indah needed a book that the library didn’t have Sue was able to purchase the book for the library. When it arrived two days later Indah borrowed it for the semester. Indah was especially grateful for the “really cool” interlibrary loan program is “really cool,” Indah said. When she wanted to read a particular book, she was asked if she’d like to read the PDF or the book, she chose both. She thought it was great to get the book in three days.

“Books in Indonesia are precious. They are like a treasure,” she said. “Especially children’s books, it’s really hard to get English children’s books in Indonesia, they are expensive.” In addition to the Journalism Library, she has used Ellis Library, and the Daniel Boone Regional Library. She said American libraries are great, “They are like wow.” In Indonesia, according to Indah, “If you want to get an affordable children’s English book. You have to go to a second-hand store. The upper-class Jakartans donate or sell their books to the second-hand stores. You can only find books at certain places.”

“I’m happier here to see the library resources,” she said. “Another cool thing about the library is you have access to the New York Times and other publications and you don’t have to spend your money to subscribe to them since the library already subscribes to them.”








home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Food and Toy Drive Donation Totals – Thank you!

Weekend fun: Waiting for Godot, CoMo Flea Swap, Mid Missouri Home Show

St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Guest Commentary: The information highway is full of potholes”
Columbia Missourian, March 14, 2019

home Staff news Staff Advisory Group Notes 3/17/19

Staff Advisory Group Notes 3/17/19

SAG Notes 03.07.19

home Staff news Annual Departmental Swap Meet

Annual Departmental Swap Meet

On Wednesday, March 20th from 9 a.m. -11 a.m., we invite all departments to come look over all used supplies and equipment in our surplus area that you could use in your department. From 12 p.m. -1 p.m., some items departments cannot use will be available for all staff to take home for personal use. Personal items must be taken out of the surplus room by 2 p.m. and removed from the library by 5:00 p.m., unless other arrangements are made with security. The surplus room is located on the ground floor at the bottom of the center stairwell. If you have any questions please contact Pat Jones in security.

home Staff news New Circulation/Reserves Staff Hired!

New Circulation/Reserves Staff Hired!

Good news!  We have filled the two, new part-time positions in Circulation/Reserves!  As I mentioned in an earlier Snippets, we took the full-time position vacated by Carri Huff and turned it into two part-time positions.  We hope that the difficulties of working the late night and weekend shifts may be better absorbed by two part-time people. Each person will work 24 hours per week. Their specific hours will be determined after they begin. Our new staff members will be:

Greg Allendorf – who is a current Ph.D. student in Poetry at Mizzou.  He has been a TA in the English Department and has taught a number of courses over the years. His start day will be Tuesday, 12 March.

Alisa Pappas will start work the following week on Thursday, 21 March.  Alisa is currently a graduate student in the School of Information Science & Learning Technologies (SISLT). She has a son in elementary school and is currently working part-time at Daniel Boone Regional Library.  She wants to focus on academic libraries, so she was excited to turn in her resignation there to begin working here.

Many thanks again, to Eric, for stepping up and working the late shifts during Carri’s absence.  Thanks to Peter and Karen, as well, for working late on Fridays.

–Cindy Cotner


home Staff news Barker to Participate in ACRL Panel

Barker to Participate in ACRL Panel

Anne Barker will be part of a panel discussion on April 11 at the ACRL Conference in Cleveland, OH. The panel is titled “Connect the Campus Dots: Using Institutional Systems to Support Students When They Need It the Most.”