home Staff news Update on State Historical Society

Update on State Historical Society


Center for Missouri Studies Opening Fall 2019, Columbia Research Center to Close for Move

August 10, 1821, marked the first official day of statehood, and 198 years later, a new chapter in the preservation and exploration of Missouri’s eventful past will begin with the August 10, 2019, opening of the State Historical Society of Missouri’s new Columbia headquarters, the Center for Missouri Studies.

To prepare and move the invaluable collections from the Society’s current location in Ellis Library, the Columbia Research Center will be closed to the public beginning April 19, 2019. This closure will last until August 12, 2019.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: Brewery Night Live, Machinal, Strange New Worlds

Extreme Libraries

The Most Disturbing Books

home Staff news Employment Opportunity

Employment Opportunity

The University Libraries have an immediate opening for a Project Facilities Coordinator in Library Administration.

Submit application, cover letter, and resume online at https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29290 by March 4, 2019.




home Staff news Welcome to Rachel Alexander

Welcome to Rachel Alexander

I’m pleased to announce that Rachel Alexander will be our new Health Sciences Research Support Librarian.

She’ll be joining us on March 4.

Thanks to everyone who met with her, attended her presentation, and assisted with the interview and hiring process.

  • Diane Johnson, on behalf of the search committee

Deb Ward
Caryn Scoville
Katy Emerson
Kate Anderson
Janice Dysart

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Weekend Fun: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Vagina Monologues, Charity Puppy Yoga

Snow Day Recipes

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 2/12/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 2/12/19

LMT 02.12.19 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The University of Missouri Libraries Depository has an immediate opening for a 0.5 FTE Library Information Assistant at the remote storage facility located near the Midway exit (Exit 121) on I-70.

Apply online at: https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29174.

The University of Missouri Libraries have two immediate openings for a Library Information Assistant in Ellis Library Access Services-Circulation/Reserve. These positions routinely work 24 hours per week, primarily assigned evening and weekend shifts, but could also be assigned daytime shifts.

Apply online at: https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 29183.

home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items 1/31/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items 1/31/19

LMT 01.31.19 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Weekend Fun: Fitness for a Cure, Holistic Fair, Confetti Craft Co.

Il Bibliomotocarro

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