home Staff news In the News

In the News

“MU honors recently deceased students, faculty and staff”
KOMU, April 5, 2019

“UM sets up task force to look at journal costs”
Columbia Daily Tribune, April 5, 2019

“New $35M Center for Missouri Studies nearly complete”
San Francisco Chronicle, April 6, 2019

“Small fire at Ellis Library temporarily closes Bookmark Cafe”
Columbia Missourian, April 8, 2019

“Preview: Show Me Mizzou Day”
The Maneater, April 9, 2019

“University holds MU Remembers event to honor the deaths of MU personnel from this year”
The Maneater, April 9, 2019


home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 3/21/19

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 3/21/19

LMT 03.21.19 Information and Action Items

home Cycle of Success MU Student Uses Scary Experience to Inspire Her Art

MU Student Uses Scary Experience to Inspire Her Art

A terrifying event that happened during a study abroad trip became the inspiration for a Summer Richie’s award-winning art project. Richie, a senior psychology major at Mizzou, said a guy chased her down a New Zealand street yelling at her. When she returned to her flat she told her flat mate who said, “Boys will be boys.”

That phrase stuck with Summer. “In my mind, it has a negative connotation. Other people use it in a light-hearted way. If a boy messes with a girl, people say – what can you do? But then it becomes used to justify his behavior.”

Summer took the popular saying and turned it into an art piece for her fibers class. She bought three used books at the Goodwill for the project. She said she’s always loved redacted poetry and had the idea to cross out every word except the words “boys will be boys.”

It took her longer that she expected because “each book had 300 pages and there were three books, that was 900 pages,” she said. She did all the work by herself, and it took her a couple of months to complete the project, which included handmade papers and cyanotype prints.

Her professor told the class about the Visual Art and Design Showcase (VADS) in Jesse Hall. Summer sent pictures of her books and was accepted into the exhibition, which ran for three weeks in February. She was one of 51 Mizzou students from various majors selected to participate.

Her three books were displayed on pedestals to be judged and viewed by the public. During the reception, Summer encouraged people to touch the books. She stated,“ I wanted the pink and fuzziness of the books to draw people in so they wouldn’t be expecting what was there.” She felt most people understood her message of the redacted pages of the books.

One of Summer’s books was also on display last fall in Ellis Library as part of Assistant Professor C. Pazia Mannella’s Intermediate/Advanced Fibers class in an exhibit called Handle with Care. Richie’s book was one of eight from the class to be accessioned into the University of Missouri’s Special Collections and has since been shared with undergraduate classes and during a Friends of the Libraries event featuring artists’ books from the collections.

The books will be displayed during the month of April in the Ellis Library.

Written by Christina Mascarenas

home Staff news Follow Mizzou and the Libraries on Social Media for National Library Week

Follow Mizzou and the Libraries on Social Media for National Library Week

Please follow the Libraries on social media and help us celebrate National Library Week! We will also be featured on Mizzou’s Instagram next week.

University Libraries Social Media

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

The Lunar Library

Edible Book Festivals

Weekend Fun: Missouri Contemporary Ballet, CoMo Flea Swap, Daffodil Days

home Staff news CVM Open House on Saturday, April 6th

CVM Open House on Saturday, April 6th

Come join the fun at Hairy Pawter! The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Open House will be held on Saturday from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Zalk Library will host research posters and five public lectures.

From CVM…

Witches, Wizards and Muggles:

Prepare to enter into the magical world of Hairy Pawter this Saturday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit the Fantastic Beasts in Trowbridge, the flying not-so-three- headed Purina Incredible Dogs, our wizards in training giving tours of the hospital and so much more!


home Staff news Welcome to Brian Murphy

Welcome to Brian Murphy

Brian Murphy started working in UMLD as a Library Information Assistant. His first day was March 25.

home Staff news Notes From the Director, April 22

Notes From the Director, April 22

Hello everyone,

So much is happening all of a sudden that it’s hard to know where to start.

All of you have heard about our space planning consultants for the Libraries who are coming for their first visit on April 3-4. The firm is Shepley Bulfinch, who are very well-known among research libraries.  I encourage you all to look at their website if you haven’t yet.  The Libraries are paying them out of our lapsed salary funds, which is money we have from unfilled positions. The consultants are reporting to us, not Campus Facilities, although of course Facilities will be part of the meetings.  I know several research library directors who have used Shepley Bulfinch, and they all were extremely happy with the results.  Please try to come to the Staff Advisory Group meeting with them, as well as any other meeting you may be invited to.  We will be talking about both short and long term planning, and will have continuing interaction with them until we get their report in July.  We have already sent them floor plans and much information. They will bring ideas for new possibilities and the opportunity to think creatively about all our library spaces.  (We will not be able to raise money for major renovations until we have a plan.)

The library depository addition project manager will also be here on Thursday April 4 so she can interact with the space consultants.  The depository addition project is on again, with campus funding, and we hope to complete it in early 2021 or sooner.  No additional word on the proposed one stop shop; I hope we will get word after break.

Also right after break we have another candidate for the Associate University Librarian for Special Collections, Archives, Rare Books and Digitization.  Please come hear him on Tuesday, April 2 at his open presentation or join us on Zoom.

Last week I had a meeting with campus and system leaders to talk about open access publishing in light of the news that the University of California Libraries have declined to renew a contract with the publisher Elsevier, who is well known for high impact journals and extremely high prices.  This may develop into big changes, and I will keep you posted.  So far, President Choi has decided to appoint a system-wide group including librarians to study the issues involved.

For those of you taking some time off next week, have a safe and happy break.  See you in April.

—Ann Campion Riley


home Staff news Comments Requested: Faculty Research Office Policy

Comments Requested: Faculty Research Office Policy

LMT has approved the following draft policy #17, Ellis Library Faculty Research Offices. Please send any comments to Jacqueline Rash (rashj@missouri.edu) by April 12. After the comment period, LMT will approve the policy as is or make revisions.


home Events and Exhibits Show Me Mizzou Day 2019

Show Me Mizzou Day 2019

Show Me Mizzou Day

Saturday, April 13, 2019
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.   |   Free admission and parking

Join us for a day of discovery and fun. Explore our state’s flagship university through more than 100 events for people of all ages.

Your 21st Century Library
Stop by the 104-year-old Ellis Library to view rare books from the special collections vault and test out high-tech equipment from the digital media lab. Enjoy refreshments and crafting tables for kids.

Register for Show Me Mizzou Day