home Staff news 2021 Celebration of Service Comments

2021 Celebration of Service Comments

2021 Celebration of Service Comments

home Hours Ellis Library Closed Friday

Ellis Library Closed Friday

Due to a planned water outage, Ellis Library will be closed on Friday, June 4. The library will also be closed on Saturday and Sunday. Summer Session library hours begin on June 7.

Summer Session Hours
Sunday                           1 to 9 pm
Monday-Thursday          7:30 am to 9 pm
Friday                             7:30 am to 5 pm
Saturday                         10 am to 2 pm

Hours are subject to change. For a complete listing of MU Libraries hours, please visit library.missouri.edu/hours.


home Journalism Library Missourian Newspaper Library Staff Move to Journalism Library; Historic Clip Files Move to Boone County Historical Society

Missourian Newspaper Library Staff Move to Journalism Library; Historic Clip Files Move to Boone County Historical Society

The Missourian Newspaper Library moved to Lee Hills Hall in 1995 with the Columbia Missourian and has served the faculty and students at the University of Missouri and the community in some capacity since 1908. The School of Journalism is reconstructing the current newsrooms and offices in Lee Hills Hall to accommodate a new converged newsroom, which will include all j-school media outlets. In May of 2021, the physical Missourian Newspaper library space was closed due to space constraints, but the Journalism and Digital Access Librarian and staff are now in the journalism library.

The Missourian Library contained thousands of clip files (articles from the newspaper that were cut out and filed) arranged by subject, business, organization, events and location. They were mainly collected in the 1980s and 1990s from the Columbia Missourian and the Columbia Tribune. There are separate file cabinets which hold biographical files of people in and around Columbia and were collected as far back as the 1920s. These files were integral to the mission of the library in providing historical information about Columbia and Boone County to the university and the community. These clip archives have been donated to the Boone County Historical Society. After learning about the files, they were enthusiastic about saving this portion of history.

The Journalism Library will continue to support researchers with access to the Missourian through microfilm (from 1908 to present) and online archives. Please contact the Journalism Library for assistance. 


home Resources and Services MU Libraries & the Research Lifecycle

MU Libraries & the Research Lifecycle

From discovering new resources to tracking your impact, MU Libraries is here to support you every step of the way!

We offer a range of services covering all aspects of the Research Lifecycle, such as:

Contact your Subject Librarian for services in your area!

See more posts about Scholarly Communication issues

home Resources and Services Cambridge University Press: “Read & Publish” Agreement

Cambridge University Press: “Read & Publish” Agreement

MU Libraries is excited to announce a transformational “Read & Publish” agreement with Cambridge University Press! 

This agreement greatly expands your electronic access to Cambridge journals (the “Read”)and it waives Article Processing Charges (APCs) to make your work Open Access (the “Publish”). 

  • In 2021, the agreement waives 10 APCs. Because of this limited number, MU Libraries has decided to support Assistant Professors on a first come, first served basis. 
  • If there are any remaining waivers at the end of 2021, MU Libraries can retroactively make other articles OA with the approval of the author. 
  • The MU author must be the corresponding author. 
  • The original research must be published in an eligible gold or hybrid journal. List of eligible journals by subject (2021-05-06)

Read more about the MU Read & Publish agreement with Cambridge University Press 

Questions? Contact your Subject Librarian or Corrie Hutchinson, Associate University Librarian for Acquisitions, Collections, & Technical Services. 

home Resources and Services Library Curbside Pickup Service Ending on May 13

Library Curbside Pickup Service Ending on May 13

The MU Libraries curbside pickup service will end on Thursday, May 13. The service is ending because of construction projects occurring this summer near the patron pickup location.

Questions? Call 573-882-3362 or email MULibraryCircDesk@missouri.edu

home Ellis Library, Hours Ellis Library Open Extended Hours for Finals Study

Ellis Library Open Extended Hours for Finals Study

Starting April 25, Ellis Library will be open even longer, including some Saturday hours. For a complete listing of hours, including for all specialized libraries, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.

Finals Weeks
(April 25–May 14)
Sun 10am–Midnight
Mon–Thu 7:30am–Midnight
Fri 7:30am–8pm
Sat 10am-8pm
Sun 10am-Midnight

home Events and Exhibits, Support the Libraries MU Remembers: Honor with Books

MU Remembers: Honor with Books

This year’s MU Remembers ceremony, commemorating students who have passed away in the last year, was held virtually on April 16. A book in honor of each student will be added to the University of Missouri Libraries’ collection. Commemorative bookplates are placed inside the books, and students are listed as honorees on the books’ library catalog records. For more information about our Honor with Books program, click here.

The students’ names and the books selected in their memory are listed below.


Miriam Sekyere (MU Online): Wright, Michael T. (ed.). (2018). Participatory health research: Voices from around the world. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Jillian Robinson (MU Online): McLeish, Simon (ed.). (2020). Resource discovery for the twenty-first century library: Case studies and perspectives on the role of IT in user engagement and empowerment. London, UK: Facet Publishing.

Miles Barnhardt (College of Engineering): Kobayashi, Kenji. (2018). Miniature Japanese gardens: Beautiful bonsai landscape gardens for your home. North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle Publishing.

Emily Kirk (School of Nursing): O’Brien, Mary Elizabeth. (2021). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Andrew “Drew” King (School of Health Professions): Renshaw, Ian, & Annott, Peter, & McDowell, Graeme. (2021). A constraints-led approach to golf coaching. New York, NY: Routledge.

Justin Lee (College of Arts & Science): Ley, Christopher, & Dominicy, Yves (eds.). (2020). Science meets sports: When statistics are more than numbers. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Joseph Pedrotti (College of Engineering): Lesuik Grzegorz, & Correia, Jose A.F.O., & Krechkovska, Halyna, & Pekalsi, Grzegorz, & de Jesus, Abilio M. P., & Student, Oleksandra. (2021). Degradation theory of term operated materials and structures. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Faculty and Staff

Shane Bader (Campus Facilities): Brown, Gabe. (2018). Dirt to soil: One family’s journey into regenerative agriculture. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.

Gwendolyn Bailey (Hospital Nursing Services): Sole, Mary Lou, & Klein, Deborah G., & Mosely, Marthe, & Makic, Mary Beth Flynn, & Morata, Lauren T. (2021). Introduction to critical nursing care (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

Barry Cardwell (School of Medicine): Honeck, Mischa. (2018). Our frontier is the world: The Boy Scouts in the age of American ascendency. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Rhonda Chamberlain (Campus Facilities): Brooks, Daphne A. (2021). Liner notes for the revolution: The intellectual life of black feminist sound. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Chelsea Deroche (School of Medicine): Hirsch, Robert P. (2021). Introduction to biostatistical applications in health research with Microsoft Office Excel and R. (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Michael Edmund Domanoswki (Hospital Support Services): Joy, David & Rickstad, Eric (eds.). (2019). Gather at the river: Twenty-five authors on fishing. Spartanburg, SC: Hub City Press.

Ameia L’Kay Ferguson (College of Veterinary Medicine): Lepore, Jill. (2014). The secret history of Wonder Woman. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf.

Jim Hall (Information & Access Technology Services): Miley, Mike. (2019). Truth and consequences: Game shows in fiction and film. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press.

Raynolde Pereira (College of Business): Schuster, Peter, & Heinemann, Mareike, & Cleary, Peter. (2021). Management accounting. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Phyllis Rice (School of Medicine): Steuernagel, Marcell Silva. (2021). Church music through the lens of performance. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Joan Tapp (Hospital Based Clinics): Quallich, Susanne A., & Lajiness, Michelle J. (2020). Nurse practitioner in urology: A manual for nurse practitioners, physician assistants and allied healthcare providers. (2nd ed.). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.



home Uncategorized The Mizzou Libraries Are Here for You

The Mizzou Libraries Are Here for You

Whether you want research help in person while social distancing or remotely from the safety and comfort of your home, the Mizzou Libraries will stay connected with you!

Many library services — including consultations and assistance, library instruction, reserves and events — will continue remotely online through the summer with some in-person options. The emphasis on remote library services will allow faculty and students to continue their work, regardless of location.

Among the changes that library users will continue to find this semester:

  • Everyone in library buildings will need to wear a face mask and maintain 6 feet of physical distancing. Library users may only remove their mask while eating at the Bookmark Cafe on the ground floor. (This University policy does not make an exception for individuals who have received the vaccine.)
  • An MU ID will be required to access the building after 5 pm.
  • For a complete listing of intersession and summer session hours, visit library.missouri.edu/hours.
  • The Check-Out & Information Desk on the north side of the first floor will serve as a single service desk for assistance in the library. Visit Ask the Librarians! for online help or to schedule a consultation.
  • Furniture and computer workstations will be spread out in order to ensure physical distancing. The library’s Safety Team will monitor the building to make sure all library users are being safe. Library patrons are asked not to move furniture.
  • Study rooms will be single occupancy only. Library patrons must use masks in study rooms and keep doors open for proper ventilation. You can reserve a study room through the online reservation system. We encourage study groups to meet on Zoom or other online platforms. If you need a space to do in-person group work, you many use rooms 114 and 114A. The furniture is set up for groups to work while maintaining proper distances.
  • The ground floor and 1st floors of Ellis Library have been designated as “quiet conversation allowed” for library users, including students who need to attend their online classes in the library. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors are designated as quiet study space.
  • The west stacks are closed. To request books or other items, please place an online request and the library will retrieve them for you.
  • Library materials may be quarantined when they are returned, and the items may stay on your library account during that time. No fines will be assessed for items that are in quarantine.
  • Food and drink will only be allowed on the ground floor of the library. Masks must be worn on the ground floor unless the user is actively eating or drinking.
  • DigiPrint services has moved out of Ellis Library and is now located in MU Student Center Room 1212A

Library personnel will carefully assess how the new service models are working and will determine whether services can be gradually scaled up or, conversely, whether conditions will require a return to delivering more services remotely. For the latest information on library services and hours, visit library.missouri.edu. You may also subscribe to one of our weekly email newsletters to stay up to date.

Additional Information Regarding Specialized Libraries
Zalk Veterinary Medical Library

J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library

Engineering Library and Technology Commons

Journalism Library

home Resources and Services Without Intent to Preserve, Digital News as Public Record Will Disappear

Without Intent to Preserve, Digital News as Public Record Will Disappear

COLUMBIA, MO – It’s no headline that newsrooms across the country today are struggling to survive, battered by multiple economic forces, the manic march of digital competition and technology, the storm of political attacks on their mission and in 2020 the sudden repercussions of an invisible pandemic predator. While these are well known across the news industry, one little-recognized, unlisted casualty of this struggle is the impact on an irreplaceable resource that citizens and researchers rely on: the public record of their communities as recorded by their local newspaper, radio or TV station, online newsroom or other news outlet.

The results of an 18-month long research investigation to discover how news organizations in the U.S, and Europe are preserving digital news and to identify best practices, problem areas and changes needed to avoid unintentional loss of content were released today in the report: Endangered but Not Too Late: The State of Digital News Preservation.

Leading a group of University of Missouri faculty researchers and industry experts on this project, Edward McCain, Digital Curator of Journalism from the University of Missouri Libraries and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and his team interviewed 115 individuals from 29 news organizations, four news technology companies, two news aggregators and five memory institutions, diving deeply into the technology used by these organizations in order to better understand how digital news content can be preserved.

What’s clear from this research is that the typical expectation of readers and the public, that news preservation is automatic in the digital age, simply isn’t correct. Chances are, in fact, that unless news organizations do something specific and intentional to preserve it, some or all of their born-digital content will be gone in a few years. It will no longer be accessible, readable, searchable or recoverable unless deliberate steps are taken to ensure it is.

Some of the findings:

  • Newsrooms save some but not all digital content
  • Saved content is mostly text, images, video
  • Public media have better resources, better archives
  • Internal use is primary, public access important but often outsourced
  • Top tech challenge is managing multiple digital channels
  • Web CMS is central, often doubles as archive
  • Some use asset systems as archives, others rely on web CMS
  • News metadata is often haphazard, inconsistent
  • System migrations often lead to lost content
  • Financial stress on news industry displaces preservation
  • Migration to digital publishing incomplete, can mean lost content
  • Relying solely on web CMS can be problematic for preservation
  • There’s often nobody left to mind the archive store
  • Good preservation is linked strongly to mission, policy, track record
  • Track record of preservation matters

Based on the findings, the report offers three levels of recommendations for news organizations to preserve their digital content, based on degree of difficulty or cost.

  • Immediate actions: Steps that can be taken now, at little or no cost, to begin the process of ensuring news content is preserved
  • Medium-term actions: Steps outlined in the report are actions that will take longer to accomplish and may involve investments in technologies, staff or funding
  • Industry-wide actions: Long-term steps that involve more than one newsroom pursuing solutions that involve policy changes, institutional partnerships, actions by industry sub-groups or news associations as well as some government actions

The Preserving Digital News Project was generously supported by the Andrew. W. Mellon Foundation

For more information about:  Endangered but Not Too Late: The State of Digital News Preservation, visit https://www.rjionline.org/preservenews

SOURCE: University of Missouri Libraries  & the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute

CONTACT:  For comment, please contact:  Edward McCain (mccaine@rjionline.org), Digital Curator of Journalism