home Staff news United Way Candy Jar Contest

United Way Candy Jar Contest

Enter the United Way Guess How Many Candies in a Jar Contest! The contest will run until Friday, October 27, 2017. The winner gets the candy (not the jar). It is 25 cents per guess or 5 guesses for a $1. The candy jar is located in the Administration Office (on the same table as the shirts). People can contact Sheila Voss for further details.

All proceeds go to the United Way.

home Databases & Electronic Resources Problems with Online Catalog

Problems with Online Catalog

Users of our online catalog may notice privacy warnings this morning. We are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it as soon as possible.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

The Zalk Veterinary Medical Library is featured on the Mizzou homepage.

Kate Anderson states, “http://missouri.edu currently features Travis Inman, a non-traditional vet student. He’d wanted a picture of everyone in his family studying in the library.”



home Staff news Treats for Staff Appreciation Day, Oct. 19

Treats for Staff Appreciation Day, Oct. 19

The Friends of the University Libraries would like to show their appreciation for library employees by bringing treats on Thursday, October 19, between 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Our Friends volunteers are coordinating with contact persons from each library. Your contact person will let you know when and where the treats can be picked up.

If you would like to thank the organizers for this treat, please send your emails to me. I will pass them on to the Friends.

Sheila Voss

home Staff news Barb Jones Receives MCMLA Award

Barb Jones Receives MCMLA Award

Congratulations to Barb Jones, who was awarded the MCMLA Lifetime Achievement Award at the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s Annual Meeting here in Columbia. The award was presented at the Welcome Reception on Monday evening at the Tiger Hotel.

home Staff news Citizenship Too Session, Oct. 16

Citizenship Too Session, Oct. 16

In response to the call for a campuswide “training” that orients students to diversity and inclusion on our campus, I have worked with faculty and students to create the Citizenship@Mizzou program. Since the spring of 2016, this training has been presented to all incoming undergraduate students at Mizzou.  At each session, I am joined by a handful of faculty and the students of the band Talking Drum. Together, we present vignettes and musical performances that highlight our values of Respect, Responsibility, Discovery and Excellence.  Invariably, this leads us to a reflective conversation about Mizzou identity and culture.

In serving as a Faculty Fellow for the MU Division of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity, I was asked to create a companion program specifically for faculty and staff. Starting this fall, CitizenshipToo will be presented to faculty and staff with the intent to share student perspectives of what citizenship means for the entire Mizzou community. Talking Drum will perform selected classics in an effort to engage faculty and staff in a discussion about their understandings of Mizzou’s core values, while allowing for the collection of ideas on ways to enhance the notion of citizenship on our campus. Faculty and staff will be better prepared to interact with students in the classroom and around campus.

We have two more sessions of CitizenshipToo scheduled this fall:

  • Monday, Oct. 16, 3:30 to 5 p.m. (The Shack, MU Student Center)
  • Monday, Nov. 20, 3:30 to 5 p.m. (The Shack, MU Student Center)

Seating is limited, so please register here:


More information: (Flier is attached)


Please email questions about registration and session offerings to citizenship@missouri.edu.

To request accommodations for CitizenshipToo sessions, including captioning or interpretive services, please contact the MU Disability Center.

Thank you for supporting initiatives that aim to make our campus more inclusive. I look forward to interacting with you in one of three CitizenshipToo sessions this fall.

Dr. Stephanie Shonekan
Chair, MU Department of Black Studies
Faculty Fellow, MU Division of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity


home Resources and Services Shape the Future of Your University Libraries

Shape the Future of Your University Libraries

Please help the University Libraries by participating in a survey about the impact of library resources and services on your research, publishing, and teaching practices at MU. Your answers will help the library plan for the right strategy and mix of services to carry forward into the future. Faculty, academic/research staff, and graduate students will receive an email on Monday, October 2, with a link to the survey. The survey will be open until Friday, October 27.

This research study is being conducted by the University of Missouri Libraries in partnership with Ithaka S+R, a non-profit educational research organization. Thanks to this partnership, we will gain a clear picture of library use here at MU and will have the opportunity to compare our situation with other colleges and universities nationally.

Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation. We need to hear from you as we plan for the future.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at libsurveys@missouri.edu.


home Staff news Emerson and Meadowcroft Present Poster at MLA

Emerson and Meadowcroft Present Poster at MLA

Katy Emerson & Taira Meadowcroft presented this poster on our behalf at Missouri Library Association:

“Providing Service Through #MizzouPDF: Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery”
Katy Emerson, Taira Meadowcroft, Caryn Scoville, E. Diane Johnson

MLA #MizzouPDF

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, Oct. 9,  2017

Events for the weekend: Halloween fun, Pumpkin festival and Planetarium!

Recipe of the week: 20-Minute Crispy Pierogies with Broccoli and Sausage

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“UM System establishes task force to promote use of open educational resources”
The Maneater, Oct. 11, 2017