home Staff news Annual Mandatory Training

Annual Mandatory Training

In order to better protect and empower our community, some members of our University are required to complete annual online courses based on institutional commitments and concerns. As a faculty or staff member, you are required to complete compliance training courses between August 15 and September 30, 2019. Required courses include, but are not limited to: Discrimination Prevention and Title IX, Campus Alert Training and MakeITSafe Training.

All required trainings are hosted in myLearn. To begin, access myLearn, sign in and select the “Learning Plan” icon and launch your required training directly from your Learning Plan page. You and your supervisor will receive reminder emails until your requirements are complete.

home Staff news Welcome to Ali Sauer

Welcome to Ali Sauer

Please welcome Ali Sauer to the University Libraries advancement team! Ali will begin her role as Coordinator of Donor Engagement on August 12. She is originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and is a 2015 graduate of Wartburg College, where she received her B.A. in journalism and communication, with an emphasis in public relations and organization, and minors in business and leadership. As Coordinator of Donor Engagement, Ali will be responsible for donor stewardship, Library Society events, Friends of the Libraries events, and the Libraries’ annual fund. She will also be joining the Libraries marketing team and assisting with our newsletter, Library Connections. Ali’s husband Michael will be attending the School of Music this fall to begin his masters in Choral Conducting. In her free time Ali loves to travel, spend time with family, read, sing along to any and all musicals and play with her eight-month old golden doodle, Copper!

home Staff news Welcome to Nora Purdy and Shana Johnson

Welcome to Nora Purdy and Shana Johnson

The Shelving unit welcomes Nora Purdy as a new half-time library information assistant on July 31st. Ryan Bish will be her supervisor.

Special Collections will also be welcoming a new part-time library information specialist, Shana Johnson, on August 5th. Kelli Hansen will be her supervisor.

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have an immediate opening for a full-time Library Specialist Sr. in Digital Services. Apply online at https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 30978.

The Libraries are seeking a .50 FTE Library Information Specialist in Digital Services. Apply online at https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 30974.

home Staff news Goodbye to Grace Atkins

Goodbye to Grace Atkins

Grace Atkins’s last day at University of Missouri Libraries will be August 9. She is moving with her partner Tanner Deeds to Minneapolis. Grace will be starting the University of Minnesota’s Learning Technologies M.Ed program. Tanner earned a Master’s degree in History at Mizzou, and he will be starting a history PhD program at the University of Minnesota while working at their Center for Austrian Studies. They are eloping Friday, July 12 (TODAY!)

Editor’s note: Congratulations to Grace and Tanner!

home Staff news New Travel Forms and Mileage Reimbursement Rates

New Travel Forms and Mileage Reimbursement Rates

Effective July 1st, 2019, our mileage reimbursement rate will increase to 43 cents per mile for Fiscal Year 2020. This change is being made in order to maintain alignment with the State of Missouri.

The updated travel forms linked below are also available on the staff website.

Request for Travel

Travel and Expense Form

home Staff news Welcome to Brenda Slade

Welcome to Brenda Slade

I am pleased to announce that Brenda Slade will be joining MU as the new shared HR professional for the Libraries and Journalism, effective Monday, July 15. Brenda joins MU with more than 18 years of HR experience, including 5 years in an academic setting.

The training details and technical issues are in the works. Details for meet-and-greet, along with her email, phone number, daily schedule, and office locations will be released soon. While Brenda is training with HR, please continue to contact me or Nicole Whyte with any HR related questions. We will loop Brenda into HR discussions as quickly as possible.

Thanks to all of you for your patience during this HR team transition.

All the best,

Kathy Peters

home Staff news Employment Opportunity

Employment Opportunity

The University Libraries is seeking a .50 FTE Library Information Specialist. Apply online at https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 30717.

home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The University Libraries have an opening for a part-time Security Officer. Apply online at https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 30673.

The University Libraries have an opening for a part-time Facilities Attendant. Apply online at https://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff with Job ID 30660.

home Staff news Welcome to David Merz

Welcome to David Merz

The Health Sciences Library will welcome a new Library Information Assistant, David Merz, on Monday July 1. Terri Hall will be his supervisor.