home Staff news Goodbye to Gary Cox

Goodbye to Gary Cox

Gary Cox, after 21 years of service to the MU Libraries and the University of Missouri, will retire from his position as Reference and Public Services Archivist in University Archives. Monday, August 12th will be Gary’s last day in the office.

“Old Missouri, fair Missouri,
Dear old varsity,
Ours are hearts that fondly love thee,
Here’s a health to thee.“

home Staff news Goodbye to Jeff Drake

Goodbye to Jeff Drake

Best wishes to Jeff Drake who is retiring from the MU Libraries. His last day is today, August 2.

home Staff news New Vice Provost to Start on September 16

New Vice Provost to Start on September 16

Kara Whatley, our new vice provost for Libraries and university librarian, will begin at MU on September 16.

home Staff news Congratulations to Kimberly Evans

Congratulations to Kimberly Evans

Please congratulate Kimberly Evans on her new role as Head of Ellis Circulation/Reserve. She started Monday, July 8th.

home Staff news Welcome to Piper-Brown Kingsley

Welcome to Piper-Brown Kingsley

MU is pleased to announce the hire of Piper Brown-Kingsley as the Information and Data Services Librarian at the Health Sciences Library starting June 3. Piper is a May 2024 graduate of the University of Wisconsin Library School. In addition, she’s been working as a Remote Data Curation Intern at the National Network Data Archive (NaNDA) at the University of Michigan. We’re so excited to have her join the Information Services Team at the Health Sciences Library. She will be work remotely full-time until the Health Sciences Library reopens.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the interviews and provided feedback on the candidates.

Diane Johnson, on behalf of the search committee:
Rebecca Graves
Caryn Scoville
Taira Meadowcroft
Terri Hall
Rae Thudium

home Staff news New Librarian Promotions

New Librarian Promotions

The following librarians have received promotions:

Seth Huber, Promotion to Librarian III
Taira Meadowcroft, Promotion to Librarian III
Rae Thudium, Promotion to Librarian II

home Staff news SAVE THE DATE: Trulaske Graduate Programs Open House for MU Employees- June 13 (12-1pm)

SAVE THE DATE: Trulaske Graduate Programs Open House for MU Employees- June 13 (12-1pm)

Have you thought about pursuing your graduate degree? Are you looking for a career pivot or to earn a promotion?

If you answered yes, join us for light refreshments in Cornell Hall 306, June 13th, from 12-1pm, to learn more about how you or your spouse could benefit from the 100% online, flexible Crosby MBA at Mizzou or our 100% online Master of Science in Finance or even our in-seat Master of Accountancy.

For eligible UM System Employees, you may receive 75% of your tuition waived up to 15 credit hours per year. Spouses/dependents can receive 50% of tuition waived up to 140 college credit hours.

RSVP here. Please email askjoe@missouri.edu for additional questions.

home Staff news 2024 Celebration of Service Comments

2024 Celebration of Service Comments

2024 Celebration of Service Comments

home Staff news Goodbye to Burt Fields

Goodbye to Burt Fields

With much appreciation for his many years of service, Ellis Circulation bid farewell to Burt Fields on April 26th. Thank you to Terri Hall for stepping in to provide some extra assistance while we search for a new circulation supervisor. Please direct questions normally sent to Burt to Terri or Cindy Cotner.

home Staff news Welcome Back to Nicole Whyte and Goodbye to Jacqueline Eiben

Welcome Back to Nicole Whyte and Goodbye to Jacqueline Eiben

We’re pleased to announce that Nicole Whyte is returning to the University Libraries on April 15, to serve as executive assistant in the Administrative office.

Nicole will join us to help prepare the administrative office for transition, as Jacqueline Eiben will be leaving us in late May so she and her kids can join her soon-to-be husband in Olathe, KS. Nicole is an office professional with 20+ years of experience working for the University of Missouri. She holds a master’s degree in psychology, and she brings with her many years of experience as an executive assistant and HR support staff.

Nicole worked in the administrative office of the University Libraries as an HR specialist 2018-2021, before being relocated as part of the HR reorganization in 2021. She is delighted to return to the Libraries, and to be doing the type of work she loved doing for two schools here at MU before turning to HR work.

We are fortunate to bring Nicole back to the Libraries as someone who is already familiar with our organization. We’re looking forward to a smooth transition. Welcome back, Nicole!