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Welcome to Kara Whatley

Dear Colleagues,

The time has arrived! Our new Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian, Kara Whatley, will begin work with us this coming Monday, September 16th.

I shared in our August All Staff meeting that Kara will be meeting with direct reports when she gets to campus and is eager to connect with all our units and departments. She is looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know people by name. Kara encourages everyone to say hello and introduce themselves when they see her.

It has been a pleasure to serve as the Interim VP for Libraires. The experience has certainly proven to me that there is always more to learn about the good work we are doing in our libraries and the processes that enable that good work to happen. Thank you to everyone for working together to keep our operations running smoothly during this transition period.

This is an exciting time for the University of Missouri Libraries. It is a time to think optimistically about how we can best serve the University of Missouri now and in the future. I look forward to continuing work with all of you in my role as Associate University Librarian for Research, Access, and Instructional Services as we enter a new era for the University of Missouri Libraries.

All the best,
