2019 Annual Report Now Available

The 2019 University of Missouri Libraries Annual Report is now available online. Print copies will be available soon. Contact Shannon Cary (carysn@missouri.edu) if you would like a print copy.

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 1/28/20

In Attendance Deb Ward – conference call, Shannon Cary, Corrie Hutchinson, Jeannette Pierce, Kathy Peters, Kate Anderson, Ernest Shaw, Support: Jacqueline Rash Correction from 10.28.19 meeting Homeless in Ellis It was recommended by the Provost that, due to lack of Campus Policy regarding homeless, University Libraries is welcome to create our own policy. Addition: MUPD has clarified that CRR 110.010 Regulations https://www.umsystem.edu/ums/rules/collected_rules/facilities/ch110/110.010_regulations …

Marketing Highlight

The Libraries’ Marketing Team was recognized by Campus Communications. Gwen Gray nominated us for the newly created Brand Wagon award, and we received an honorable mention (with cookies)! The award recognizes campus departments that promote the Mizzou identity and brand. Past and Present Marketing Team Members Grace Atkins Shannon Cary John Fifield Kelli Hansen Taira …

Thanks to Everyone Who Participated in the United Way Bake Sale!

The Great Libraries Bake Off was a big sucess! We raised $99 and enjoyed lots of yummy baked goods! Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks to the following staff who provided the baked goods. Rachel Brekhus Shannon Cary Gwen Gray Erin Powell Ann Campion Riley Paula Roper Sheila Voss You can give directly to …

Thanks to Everyone Who Helped Out at the Homecoming Open House

We had a successful Homecoming Open House last weekend with a huge crowd. We helped visitors make around 130 library buttons, almost 100 mini pumpkins and lots of tiger masks. We also handed out tons of pencils, post it notes, Special Collections bookmarks and black & gold beads. Visitors enjoyed cider, coffee, pumpkin bars and …

Reminder About Events and Exhibits Team

The University Libraries Events and Exhibits Team consists of Libraries staff who are directly responsible for the implementation of library events and exhibits. If you have an event to propose, please fill out the Events Form at least 30 days in advance of the event. If you are interested in bringing in an outside exhibit, …

Thanks to Everyone Who Helped Make Escape Ellis Library So Successful!

We had a great turnout, over 175 new students, at last Friday’s Escape Ellis Library event for Welcome Week. It took a lot of time and creativity to put this all together. So thanks to the following people who created four escape rooms from scratch! Grace Atkins Shannon Cary John Fifield Taira Meadowcroft Also thanks …

Spring/Summer 2019 Library Connections Now Available

The current issue of Library Connections, our biannual print newsletter for University Libraries supporters, is now available online. You may also pick up a print copy in 104 Ellis Library. If you work in a specialized library and would like a copy, please contact Shannon Cary (carysn@missouri.edu).  

Celebration of Service, May 30

MULSA has requested that we all gather for a staff photo since we have not taken one since our centennial celebration. If you would like to be included in the staff photo, please come to the Grand Reading Room (201 Ellis Library) at 11 am. We will eat after the photo is taken. Let me …

Thank You to Show Me Mizzou Day Volunteers

Thank you to the following graduate students, staff members and librarians who volunteered to work at last weekend’s Show Me Mizzou Day activity at Ellis Library: Grace Atkins Tyler Blood Shannon Cary Cindy Cotner John Fifield Kelli Hansen Haley Gillilan Trevor Hook Jefferson Hulbert Nav Khanal Taira Meadowcroft Amanda Sprochi Kelsie Wilkins Michelle Zigler Around, …