International Students Find More than Books at Ellis Library

Before becoming an instructor in the University of Missouri’s Intensive English Program (IEP), Liza Armstrong taught a little further from home, such as at Al Akhawayn University, located in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Now she helps the Center for English Language Learning fulfill its mission of “providing high quality English language instruction to non-native speakers of English …

Avoiding Plagiarism Is Less Daunting after Library Instruction

Debbie Parker, instructor at the Center for English Language Learning, pinpoints a key challenge for international students: “Avoiding plagiarism is a daunting task for all students, but it is complicated by the fact that international students have different ideas about what is expected when using support in papers or presentations.” A major assessment of the …

Zotero Proves to Be Valuable Research Tool for International Students

This guest post is written by Mary Browning, Instructor at the Center for English Language Learning. In the fall of 2017, Cindy Cotner, the liaison between Ellis Library and MU international students, and I collaborated on two workshops designed to teach students in my classes about Zotero, an online tool that helps students research, collect, …

Staff Advisory Group, 2/6/18

Vice Provost Ann Campion Riley Budget – No conclusive information on budget next year.  We should get the budget projections in the next week.  Unfortunately, we do expect some more cuts to collections. Some have wondered if the Program Evaluation Report that came out with the recommendation to drop some graduate programs would help us …

Cycle of Success: English 1000 Pilot Program Results in Increased Collaboration

Last year, Cindy Cotner served as the Interim Head of Instructional Services at Ellis Library and oversaw a pilot program where new teaching assistants in the English department were each matched to an individual librarian for library instruction and research assistance for their sections of English 1000, the first-year writing course required of Mizzou students. …

Changes in RAIS

I am pleased to share with you that the Research and Information Services (RAIS) Division is changing our name slightly and re-organizing into three major units. Our new name is Research, Access, and Instructional Services Division. Note that we are able to keep the acronym – RAIS. Subject librarians will report to either Research Services …

Ellis Library Elevators Out of Service on Friday, Feb. 25

We regret to inform you that due to scheduled repairs, the two, ground-to-fourth-floor elevators will NOT be operational on Friday, 25 Feb.  (The ground-to-first-floor elevator in the Information Commons will be working, however.) If you are unable to use the stairs, and if you need assistance retrieving resources from the upper floors, please inquire at …