home Staff news, Support the Libraries University Libraries Wish List 2019

University Libraries Wish List 2019

Now in its third year, the Wish List campaign helps the University Libraries to purchase titles that we wanted to purchase, but could not squeeze into our previous year’s budget. You can help the Libraries make these titles accessible to our students and faculty by donating to purchase your favorite titles on the list. Just click the “Buy” button next to your chosen title and follow the instructions. Prices also include a small fee to help with shipping and processing costs. Titles that you fund will be added during the fall semester.

Past campaigns have helped us add over $25,000 in materials to our collections. Your generosity is truly appreciated! Thank you for reviewing the Wish List and considering how you can help strengthen the Libraries’ collections.

Go to library.missouri.edu/giving/wishlist to find a title of interest to you.

If you would like to help us add any of these titles to our collection, please select “Buy” in the right-hand column, and follow instructions to purchase by credit card or check. If you need assistance with the purchase, Matt Gaunt would be glad to help. E-mail or call Matt at: gauntm@missouri.edu or 573-882-9168.

Thank you for supporting our University Libraries!

home Engineering Library, Support the Libraries Mizzou Giving Day is here!

Mizzou Giving Day is here!

Please consider a gift of any size to support University Libraries  from noon, Wednesday, March 13 to noon, Thursday, March 14.

Mark the dates on your calendar and share giving information with a friend!

Your support is key to making Mizzou Giving Day 2019 a success. Use the hashtag #MizzouGivingDay and #AllInMizzou on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to spread the word and inspire other Tigers to make a difference at Mizzou. Please put in a good word for University Libraries while you’re at it.

Did you know that Ellis Library is the second most visited building on Campus? Over 6,000 students use Ellis on a typical school day, and another 2,000 students use specialized libraries that serve Engineering, Geological Sciences, Health Sciences, Journalism, Mathematical Sciences, The Missourian and Veterinary Medicine. Yes – Libraries are the heart of the academic experience, and Great Universities have Great Libraries!!

For more information about how you can direct your gift to an area of interest to you, contact Matt Gaunt: gauntm@missouri.edu or 573-884-8645.

Mara Inge

Mara Inge is the Electronic Resources & Discovery Librarian. She is also the subject librarian for Classics, Archaeology, Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.

home Support the Libraries Mizzou Giving Day Is Coming on March 13!

Mizzou Giving Day Is Coming on March 13!

Please consider a gift of any size to support University Libraries  from noon, Wednesday, March 13 to noon, Thursday, March 14.

Mark the dates on your calendar and share giving information with a friend!

Your support is key to making Mizzou Giving Day 2019 a success. Use the hashtag #MizzouGivingDay and #AllInMizzou on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to spread the word and inspire other Tigers to make a difference at Mizzou. Please put in a good word for University Libraries while you’re at it.

Did you know that Ellis Library is the second most visited building on Campus? Over 6,000 students use Ellis on a typical school day, and another 2,000 students use specialized libraries that serve Engineering, Geological Sciences, Health Sciences, Journalism, Mathematical Sciences, The Missourian and Veterinary Medicine. Yes – Libraries are the heart of the academic experience, and Great Universities have Great Libraries!!

For more information about how you can direct your gift to an area of interest to you, contact Matt Gaunt: gauntm@missouri.edu or 573-884-8645.

Health Sciences Library Wish List 2018: Books

The health sciences librarians  listed 100 of our “Most Wanted” books on the 2018 University Libraries book wish list. For as little as $22, you can help our continued mission of supporting health sciences teaching and research at MU.

To view the full list of titles we would have loved to purchase, please visit library.missouri.edu/giving/wishlist

In spring of 2017, MU librarians created a wish list of over 400 titles that would enhance teaching and research, but that could not be purchased due to fiscal restraints. The response from alumni and friends exceeded our highest expectations. Fifty-six donors purchased 105 books and electronic book collections, totaling $22,270 in gifts.

Don’t see anything here that appeals to you? Let us know what you’re interested in at asklibrary@health.missouri.edu





Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Special Collections and Archives, Support the Libraries, Uncategorized Social Media Challenges for Mizzou Giving Day 2018

Social Media Challenges for Mizzou Giving Day 2018

Are you prepared to participate in the Mizzou Giving Day 2018 social media challenges?? Get ready to tweet…

March 14

  • NOON
    Challenge 1: Hide-and-Seek
    Five Truman the Tiger stuffed animals will be hiding throughout the Mizzou campus on Mizzou Giving Day. Find one and post a selfie using #MizzouGivingDay. You could win bonus money for your favorite Mizzou school, college or program.
  • 2pm
    Challenge 2: Draw the Logo
    Let’s see what kind of artists we have in the Mizzou family. Draw the Mizzou logo, and tag it with #MizzouGivingDay to win bonus money for the school, college or program of your choice.
  • 5pm
    Challenge 3: Mizzou Abroad
    From the Eiffel Tower to the Great Wall of China, Tigers represent. Tag your best selfie wearing Mizzou gear around the world with #MizzouGivingDay, and win bonus money to support a Mizzou school, college or program.

March 15

  • 9am
    Challenge 4: Campus Close-Up
    How well do you know some of Mizzou’s iconic landmarks? We’ll zoom in on a photo of something or someplace you’ve walked past every day on campus. Identify it, and bonus money is yours to donate to the Mizzou school, college or program that means the most to you.
  • 11am
    Challenge 5: Show Your Stripes
    Share a photo or video of you wearing your best black and gold. Use the #MizzouGivingDay tag, and win bonus money to support the Mizzou school, college or program of your choice.

NEVER FORGET that awesome moment last year when Mizzou undergraduate Taylor Tutin won $900 for Mizzou Libraries during a social media challenge!! THANK YOU, TAYLOR!


home Special Collections and Archives, Support the Libraries Giving Day 2018: Special Collections Classroom Project

Giving Day 2018: Special Collections Classroom Project

Did you know that Mizzou Libraries Special Collections reaches thousands of students across hundreds of classes and research projects each year? This Mizzou Giving Day, help us improve their learning experience with a new classroom space.

In Ellis Library, the Special Collections and Rare Books department houses rare and unique materials that span over four thousand years. It’s a great place to do research, explore exhibitions, or teach a class.  Last year alone, Special Collections taught 2,200 students across 165 classes! With a dedicated classroom space, they could teach even more students. The Special Collections librarians have been teaching out of a research space, and are in desperate need of a dedicated classroom space.

#MizzouGivingDay is a 24-hour crowdfunding campaign to gather donations for Mizzou projects. Giving Day starts at noon on Wednesday, March 14 and runs until noon on Thursday, March 15.

Please consider giving to the MU Libraries Special Collections Classroom Project. Even gifts as small as $10 are greatly appreciated!


home Ellis Library, Special Collections and Archives, Support the Libraries Giving Day 2018: ULSAC Special Collections Outreach Contest

Giving Day 2018: ULSAC Special Collections Outreach Contest

This Mizzou Giving Day, the University Libraries Student Advisory Council is working hard on an outreach campaign to support the Special Collections Classroom Project.

Every org participating in the contest needs to email their point totals to ULSAC advisor, Grace Atkins atkinsge@missouri.edu by 10am on Thursday, March 15.

Points can be earned 4 ways

  1. Repost/Retweet from the @MizzouLibraries accounts – 1 POINT
  2. Tweet/Post original message about giving $10 to the Special Collections Classroom Project2 POINTS
  3. Send direct ask to someone to give $10 to Special Collections Classroom Project5 POINTS
  4. Participate in the Giving Day social media challenges10 POINTS

Outreach contest prizes include

  • If every org participates, ULSAC will have a permanent meeting space in Special Collections.
  • The org with the most points gets $400 donated in their name to the classroom project and a special thank you prize from Special Collections.
  • And, if MU Libraries is the unit with either the most donations or the most participation, Special Collections will win thousands of dollars in extra bonus funding!

ULSAC is made up of the following joint session student orgs: Association of Black Graduate and Professional Students (ABGPS), FourFront, Graduate Professional Council (GPC), lnterfraternity Council (lFC), Latino Graduate and Professional Network (LGPN), Library Ambassadors (LA), Legion of Black Collegians (LBC), Missouri lnternational Student Council (MISC), Missouri Student Association (MSA), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Panhellenic Association (PHA), and the Residence Hall Association (RHA).

home Events and Exhibits, Support the Libraries Mizzou Giving Day, March 14-15

Mizzou Giving Day, March 14-15

#MizzouGivingDay: Up to the Challenge

Your participation and gifts are part of something big on Mizzou Giving Day. Generous supporters have contributed challenge funds that provide a way for social media users and donors to win money for University Libraries .

Spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by using #MizzouGivingDay. You could win the opportunity to further support the Libraries!

This year’s challenges include:
• Most dollars raised by unit
• Most donations by unit
• A variety of social media challenges

How can you help?

  • Connect online at givingday.missouri.edu and promote the hashtag #MizzouGivingDay on social media
  • Follow the Libraries on Facebook and Twitter @MizzouLibraries
  • Support what you love most about MU by giving as little as $10
  • Share your infectious Tiger spirit by getting your friends and family to participate
  • Consider giving to the Special Collections Classroom Project

In 2017, the University Libraries achieved impressive results:

  • 115 gifts
  • $115,000

What can we achieve this year?

home Cycle of Success, Support the Libraries Library Ambassadors and Student Advisory Council

Library Ambassadors and Student Advisory Council

Welcome back to all students–we hope your semester is off to a great start!

Have you heard of the Library Ambassadors program? It’s a low-commitment, high-impact way for students to support the libraries. To learn more about the Library Ambassadors program, and how you can be involved, check out the Library Ambassadors info page.

All Library Ambassadors are welcome to attend the University Libraries Student Advisory Council (ULSAC) as non-voting participants. For meeting dates and times, check out the ULSAC info page.

Questions about either program? Contact Grace Atkins, student outreach coordinator: atkinsge@missouri.edu


home Engineering Library, Support the Libraries Space Updates at Engineering

Space Updates at Engineering

In addition to our study rooms, we also made a few small changes to the library as a whole while you all have been away this summer.

What’s different:

  1. In order to de-clutter and really open up our space, we removed some unused or unnecessary furniture including a dictionary stand, stools, a metal table, a bookcase, and study carrels. Don’t worry, there are still a ton of carrels left for you solitary studiers!
  2. We rearranged the furniture in our newly acquired space and added a display case given to us by the College of Engineering to show off more Engineering memorabilia from the Heritage Collection.
  3. We received new chairs and a few new tables for our study rooms from the College of Engineering. The new Student Services Enhancement Fee helped us pay to paint the walls behind the monitors so there is less eye strain when using them.
  4. We redid our call number labels at the ends of the stacks for a more polished, user friendly look. The labels now have acrylic holders for durability and they contain subject headings for easier browsing.
  5. The College of Engineering gave us framed Dean portraits to replace our paper ones on the Heritage Collection display board (Dean Loboa’s portrait is still pending).

We would like to give a big thank you to everyone who helped us change things around!

See some photos of our updated space: