home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have immediate openings for the following part time staff positions:

  • Library Information Assistant – Health Sciences Library Circulation, Evenings
  • Sr. Library Specialist – Cataloging and Metadata

For additional information, including the job description, salary, and shift, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.

home Staff news LMT Information and Action Items 3/15/18

LMT Information and Action Items 3/15/18

LMT 03.15.18 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Notes from the University Librarian 3/16/18

Notes from the University Librarian 3/16/18

Hello everyone,

This morning I am delighted to announce that after a search, Noel Kopriva has been appointed the Engineering Librarian and Head of the Engineering Library and Technology Commons.  She had been filling the role on an interim basis, and I know you all join me in wishing her well in her new position.  Discussions are ongoing about how to deal with her liaison and other duties from her past position.

In other non-news, budget discussions continue all over campus.  The University and the state legislators have not come to agreement on state appropriations for us, and even if they did, we have to wait until the Board of Curators meets on April 12-13 in Rolla to set tuition rates for next year.  I know the state of uncertainty is hard for everyone, and will share any news we get as soon as possible.

Because of the situation with us being unable to fill some positions due to the budget, many of you have taken on more and more work in recent years.  Today is probably a good time for me to remind everyone to talk to your supervisor if the amount of work you have is becoming difficult to manage.  Take time to ask for help setting priorities if you need it, and if you’re a supervisor, be clear in setting priorities for your staff and student workers as much as you can.  Teamwork is the only way we’re going to get through this situation, and we need to be patient and clear with each other in all our interactions.

St. Patrick’s Day is March 17, and I hope you all have a safe and happy weekend.  I’ll definitely be wearing green but no longer drink green beer….


home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

Here’s some social media fun for your Friday enjoyment:



home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, March 12 2018

Events for the weekend: Art in Bloom and Trains!

Recipe of the week: Reuben Egg Rolls

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“MUPD arrest man accused of taking pictures of students in Ellis Library”
KMIZ, March 13, 2017

“Man arrested after taking photos of people in Ellis Library bathroom”
Columbia Missourian, March 13, 2018

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Posters removed in Ellis Library not related to student group’s petition”
Columbia Missourian, March 9, 2018

“Campus abortion foes, MU dispute reason for poster removal”
Columbia Daily Tribune, March 9, 2018

“MU library removes controversial posters after student complaints”
KOMU, March 7, 2019

home Staff news Staff Advisory Group, 3/6/18

Staff Advisory Group, 3/6/18


Vice Provost Report – Ann Campion Riley

  • Ann gave a budget report.  All campus units are modelling 10, 12.5 and 15% cuts.  We don’t know how much will really be cut.  Layoffs are a possibility.  People will be told as soon as possible, well before any big announcements.
  • Signs in the libraries, specifically the ones by the Bookmark Café, have been removed so that we can make room for our new posters.

Q/A What will the posters be? We are looking at some of the transform posters as well as those modeled in the ALA catalog.

  • Ann’s meetings with Chancellor Cartwright is making an impact and is representative by his mentioning the Libraries in his recent campus address. The brief mention was shown at the SAG meeting.

Q/A When will we know the budget outcomes?  Our first meeting with the Provost and Rhonda Gibler is this Friday.  The state legislature is slated to pass a budget May 1st.  There is no official decision date at this time.  We will start talking to people if it seems like we need to prepare personnel.  There are lots of pieces to this puzzle that we are waiting to fall into place so that we know what additional decisions we need to make.

Campus Safety – Sheryl Cullina

Sheryl announced that MUPD offers in depth active shooter training.  This training will likely occur after business hours.  Sheryl will look into setting up a time for this training to be available for University Libraries employees.

  • Sheryl showed the Run, Hide, Fight video produced by MUPD representing how we can respond to an active shooter scenario at MU.
  • Sheryl showed some additional Self-Defense programs available through the University.
  • Kathy added that the University is working on online training materials that we will need to complete this fall.
  • Please contact LTS if you did not receive an Alert on your computer for today’s tornado warning.

Q/A – What is the timeline to complete the Activity survey for those who did not complete it last week?  Supervisors with employees that have not completed the survey have received an email and need to complete the survey on behalf of the employee by Friday.

Lib Cal – Nav Khanal

Nav walked through the Lib Cal and demonstrated how to book a room and some cautionary operations.  He answered a few specific questions about warnings for double booking and deleting bookings.  It was suggested that a start date and end date were added to the programming so that we can book events over multiple dates.  Marie also suggested that the programming be modified to allow modifying a series of events’ start or end dates without being required to delete the series and add it again.

Closing remarks – Kevin McFillen

Kevin’s time as Chair of Staff Advisory Group is coming to an end and Kate Wright will soon serve as Chair.  If there are any suggestions you would like to make to the format of the SAG meetings please let Kevin know.

Tuesday, April 3 at 10:00 AM – next Staff Advisory Group town hall meeting.



home Staff news Daylight Saving Time Returns This Weekend

Daylight Saving Time Returns This Weekend

Daylight saving time returns at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 11. That means you should move your clocks forward one hour Saturday night before going to bed. It is also recommended that you use this as a reminder to change all batteries in fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, March 5, 2018

Events for family this weekend: Dinosaurs, Cavemen and Second Saturday for Kids.

Recipe of the week: Orange Honey Rainbow Fruit salad.