home Staff news Supply Requests

Supply Requests

Please send any supply requests to mulibraryadmin@missouri.edu.

home Staff news Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2017

The University Libraries 2017 Annual Report is available at library.missouri.edu/about. If you would like to request a print copy, contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or

home Staff news Travel Mileage Reimbursement Update

Travel Mileage Reimbursement Update

The following notice refers to an update in the University transportation policy as of Feb. 1, 2018. This revision reduces the mileage reimbursement for travel from 50.0 cents to 37 cents per mile.

Jacqueline has updated the travel forms to reflect this change. Please use the updated travel forms on the Libraries Staff Web: Home under the Travel Forms section.  http://libraryguides.missouri.edu/staff

Please replace any locally saved forms with these new versions to report the most accurate amounts when requesting travel and requesting a travel reimbursement.


home Staff news Some Printing Guidelines for the Libraries

Some Printing Guidelines for the Libraries

University Libraries Administration wanted to send out some quick reminders about using Digiprint/Printing Services.

  • If you need to print promotional materials for the Libraries, please check with Shannon to make sure these items meet Libraries and MU standards. Shannon can also help you with logistics of getting items printed.
  • If you want to send items to Digiprint directly, please check with Jacqueline or Kathy to make sure you are using the correct MOCode.
  • All printing receipts must be given to Jacqueline, so she can reconcile billing from Digiprint/Printing Services.

If you have any questions at all about printing items for the Libraries, feel free to contact Shannon.


Shannon Cary
Kathy Peters
Jacqueline Rash

home Staff news Voicemail Tip

Voicemail Tip

With our new phone system, the email and phone voicemail are integrated. This means that if you delete the voicemail from you email, it will no longer be available on your phone. Also, if you listen to the voicemail on your phone, it will no longer show up in your email. Let us know if you have any other tips about using the new phones that you would like to share.

–Libraries Administration