home Staff news Access for Ellis Library

Access for Ellis Library

As we approach the end of the Fall 2018 semester, I wanted to remind everyone that you must have pre-authorization to access the building when Ellis Library is locked. This new security measure was announced at the All-Staff Meeting in Sep 2018. Please be sure to check the building hours on our website at  http://library.missouri.edu as you plan your intercession work schedule.

Winter Intercession is our first long-term implementation of this new security measure. Please be sure to check the building hours on our website at  http://library.missouri.edu as you plan your intercession work schedule.

Change in Access for Ellis Library

  • When Ellis Library is locked, you must request pre-authorization to access the building.
  • The North and West doors will unlock 15 minutes before posted Library Hours and stay unlocked for 15 minutes after posted Library Hours. Pre-authorization is not needed for staff entry/exit at those times; only during locked hours.
  • If you need access to Ellis Library when the doors are locked, send an email request to your supervisor and to Pat Jones. Be sure to:
    • Indicate the date(s) and time(s) that you need access.
    • State the nature of the work to be conducted while you are in the building.
  • Upon entry/exit, you MUST confirm that the door is securely locked behind you. It only takes a moment to push or pull the door for confirmation.
home Staff news Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items, 12/4/18

Library Management Team Meeting Information and Action Items, 12/4/18

LMT 12.04.18 Information and Action Items

home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Man pleads guilty to sexual misconduct in MU library incident”
Columbia Missourian, November 16, 2018

“Growing partnership between MU, Moberly college affirmed for another year”
Columbia Missourian, November 28, 2018

home Staff news MULSA’s Annual Holiday Party

MULSA’s Annual Holiday Party

Friday, December 14, 2018
2:30-4:30 PM
Ellis’ Staff Lounge

All staff and student staff are welcome

MULSA will provide things to nibble on and something to drink. Additional food items will be welcome!

MULSA is also still collecting donations for Toy-For-Tots! There is a donation box located in the Staff Lounge & it will be receiving donation until the end of the semester.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Weekend Fun: Handel’s Messiah, Great Gatsby Dinner Theater, and First Friday

Donations needed for Tiger Pantry and Toys for Tots!

Future Library

home Staff news Inclement Weather – Campus Closure Policies

Inclement Weather – Campus Closure Policies

In anticipation of winter weather and in preparation for any other campus emergencies, the UM Human Resources Policy Manual HR217 outlines campus closure and pay procedures for University of Missouri. These policies permit two types of campus closures: full closure or partial closure.

The policy can be accessed by following the below links:


As a major research campus that has extensive 24/7 operations, MU will not typically close. Should the Chancellor designate a partial campus closure (e.g., classes are cancelled but many operations remain open), the following pay procedures for staff employees will apply:

  • Employees who do not report to work may cover the absence(s) with paid time off (vacation or personal days) as appropriate.
  • Employees who are able to report to work will receive straight pay. Employees arriving late may use paid time off for the tardiness/absence (lost work time), request a flexible work schedule (if available) or request leave without pay, all with supervisory approval.

While unlikely, a full campus closure could occur in the event of a major disaster or other catastrophic event and the campus would be closed, classes cancelled and administrative and academic operations suspended. Certain continuous operations would be maintained even in the event of a full campus closure. Employees (except those deemed situationally critical) would be directed not to report to work. In the event of a full campus closure the following pay procedures will apply:

  • Regular employees who are not required to report to work will receive regular pay for up to five days with no reduction to the employee’s paid time off balances. If the closure continues for more than five days, employees could choose to cover the time off with vacation, personal days or sick leave, as appropriate, based on the situation causing the closure.
  • Regular non-exempt employees (i.e., hourly paid) who are required to report to work during a full campus closure will receive time and a half for all hours actually worked.

Because of the nature of our campus and the need to maintain critical 24/7 operations, the MU campus would designate a full closure only in extreme circumstances.

 Departments should designate those positions considered situationally critical and inform employees in advance, if possible, in preparation for a partial or full campus closure. The designation of situationally critical may differ based on the nature of the situation.

 The above policies do not apply to staff at MU Health Care.


home Staff news Engineering Library Book Drive

Engineering Library Book Drive

The College of Engineering, including the Engineering Library, is collecting new and gently used books for children up to five years of age. Please contact Michelle Baggett for more information.

College of Engineering Book Drive Flyer


home Staff news Winter Break Reduced Operations Q & A

Winter Break Reduced Operations Q & A

To efficiently and consistently implement the Winter Break Reduced Operations policy, we have developed a Q&A that we hope you will find helpful. Below are links to both the HR policy and the Q&As.

Additionally, for employees who are in benefit-eligible non-exempt academic positions, we have been provided President approval to provide administrative leave during the same period.



home Staff news MULSA Food and Toy Drives

MULSA Food and Toy Drives

MULSA is currently collecting food and toys for charity.

The food drive benefits Tiger Pantry, and they are looking for non-perishables and toiletries. The collection bin is in the staff lounge.

Toys for Tots is looking for new, unwrapped toys or cash/gift cards to buy toys. A collection box is in the staff lounge and donations can also be given to Ashley Granger.

home Staff news Read the Fall 2018 Issue of Identify

Read the Fall 2018 Issue of Identify

The Fall 2018 issue includes

  • All the ways Mizzou celebrated Homecoming 2018
  • Accessibility efforts and award winners
  • Students making an impact in and out of the classroom
  • The new IDE champion feature
  • News about the 2019 MU MLK speaker.

Identify is published by the Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity. If you would like to receive future IDE communications, you can subscribe with this form.

-the Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.