home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, Oct. 23

Friday Workshop, Oct. 23

Turnitin and LibX
Oct. 23 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Learn about the online plagiarism detection service for your thesis and add LibX to your browser to link quickly from content found on the web to access the MU Libraries’ catalog, e-journals and e-resources.
Judy Maseles, Head Science Branch Libraries

Workshops offered simultaneously in two formats:
Face-to-face: Rm. 213, 2nd Floor, Ellis Library and live online
Registration Preferred. http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Reference and Instruction by the Numbers

Reference and Instruction by the Numbers

To say we've been busy lately in Special Collections would be an understatement. We've been surfing a tidal wave of classes and reference requests since the semester started, and we're so excited to see ever-increasing interest in Special Collections. To sum up what we've been doing lately, we put together this infographic from our reference and instruction statistics recently. The results surprised even our small but mighty team!

home Resources and Services Open Access Week, Oct. 19-25

Open Access Week, Oct. 19-25

Open Access Week is a global event with activities that promote and provide information on the advantages of
open access to academic and research communities. The 2015 Open Access Week theme is Open for Collaboration.
Join colleagues at Mizzou to learn more about the benefits of free, immediate, online access to scholarly research.

All week check out our exhibit in the Ellis Library Colonnade. Learn about open access on Graduate Profession Council (GPC)
and Missouri Students Association (MSA) social media.

Monday, October 19, 11:00 to 1:00
Open Access Information at the Student Center Information Tables
Pick up literature and speak to MU graduate students and MU librarians about open access.

Tuesday, October 20, 1:00 to 2:00
Webinar: Faculty Perspectives on Publishing Open Access in Ellis Room 114A
Association of College and Research Libraries and CHOICE

Wednesday, October 21, 4:00 to 5:00
Open for Collaboration at Mizzou: Open Access Panel in Ellis Room 114A
Hear from four MU faculty members involved in different aspects of making open access material available.

Thursday, October 22, 11:00 to 1:00
Open Access Information in Ellis Library Colonnade
Pick up literature and speak to MU librarians about open access.

home Resources and Services Maximize your research impact! Watch from your desk 1-2 pm Friday, October 16

Maximize your research impact! Watch from your desk 1-2 pm Friday, October 16


home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, Oct. 16

Friday Workshop, Oct. 16

Maximizing Your Research Identity and Impact
Oct. 16 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Utilize ORCID, Google Scholar Profile, MOspace, h-index, impact factors and more to maximize your professional impact. Learn how to set up accounts and make these tools work for you!
Janice Dysart, Science Librarian; Rebecca Graves, Health Sciences Librarian

Workshops offered simultaneously in two formats:
Face-to-face: Rm. 213, 2nd Floor, Ellis Library and live online
Registration Preferred. http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops

home Resources and Services Come celebrate with us on Thursday, October 15 between 11:30-1:00

Come celebrate with us on Thursday, October 15 between 11:30-1:00

The Health Sciences Library  will celebrate the University Libraries Centennial with a come-and-go event on Thursday, October 15, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM. Please join us in the library for food, fun and prizes. We'll be glad to see you, even if you can only stay for a few minutes. Please come as you are, and stay as you can, to help us celebrate the University Libraries' Centennial, Medical Librarians Month, and the anniversary of J. Otto Lottes' birthday. We will celebrate together the ways in which information content and services strengthen Mizzou. We hope to see you there!

home Resources and Services Models for preserving news archives that long served the industry leave digital content in peril

Models for preserving news archives that long served the industry leave digital content in peril

Edward McCain: Today we face a very real memory hole of our own making, especially when it comes to journalism. The move from analog to digital has disrupted the print and broadcast revenue models and seems likely to do so for the foreseeable future.

Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Models for preserving news archives that long served the industry leave digital content in peril

home Resources and Services No hot water available in the library October 13-14

No hot water available in the library October 13-14

Due to a scheduled steam outage, there will be no hot water available in the library on Tuesday, October 13 and Wednesday, October 14. 

home Resources and Services Historical Tours, Oct. 9

Historical Tours, Oct. 9

Please join us for a special tour of Ellis Library and learn the history of this fascinating building and how it has evolved in the last 100 years.

Tours will take place from 6-8 pm on Oct. 9. Please meet inside the north entrance of Ellis Library.


home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, Oct. 9

Friday Workshop, Oct. 9

Copyright Conundrums
Oct. 9 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Copyright raises many questions: What can I use freely? When do I need to get permission? What is covered by copyright? How do I protect my intellectual property? This workshop will provide an overview of U.S. copyright law in the academic setting and point the way to resources that help in making decisions and knowing when to seek legal advice.

Anne Barker, Head of Research Services

Workshops offered simultaneously in two formats:
Face-to-face: Rm. 213, 2nd Floor, Ellis Library and live online
Registration Preferred. http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops