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MU Libraries December 2015 Update

Dear friends and colleagues,

As we come to the end of the year, we wish you and yours a happy and refreshing holiday and look forward to the new semester.

As you have heard, the proposed library fee did not receive the required 60% of the student vote.  We want to let you know that the Libraries have been working hard to address current budget issues.  The good news is that we are able to avoid a large journal cut this fiscal year.  A message to faculty about current and future budget expectations will be shared with faculty late January. 

In the meantime, here are some things you can do:

Attention BrowZine users.  We are sorry to report that this service will be discontinued beginning January 1st.  However, there are some other options for reviewing tables of contents for many of your favorite journals.  Contact us to learn more. 

We continue to celebrate the centennial of the Ellis Library building. Please join us for our rededication ceremony on January 15, 3:00-5:00, in the grand reading room. Author Steve Weinberg will give a brief presentation on his upcoming publication, A Place of Visions: 100 years of the University of Missouri Libraries.

We are pleased to welcome librarian Timothy Perry to Special Collections in Ellis Library. Tim recently completed a Master of Information degree at the University of Toronto, with specializations in Library and Information Science and in Book History and Print Culture. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Classics and French from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), a Master’s degree in Classics from the University of Canterbury, and a PhD in Classics from the University of Toronto.