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home Resources and Services Video Cameras Available for Checkout at Ellis Library

Video Cameras Available for Checkout at Ellis Library

The following cameras are available for checkout with an MU ID at the Ellis Library Circulation/Reserve Desk.

7 Zeiss SONY 40X HANDYCAM Digital Video Camera Recorders on Reserve for 1 day loan;

1 Zeiss SONY 800X Digital Video Camera Recorder for 1 day loan; and

2 Flip Video Ultra HD Camcorders for 1 day loan.

For more information, contact the Ellis Library Circulation/Reserve Desk at 882-3362.

home Resources and Services Join Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Ron Powers for a Reading and Discussion of His New Play, Sam and Laura

Join Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Ron Powers for a Reading and Discussion of His New Play, Sam and Laura

Sam and Laura
a new play by the
author Ron Powers

Hear the play. Talk to the playwright.

Join us Thursday, March 18, 2010
Doors open at 7 p.m.
Play begins at 7:30 p.m.
Stotler Lounge in Memorial Union

Join us for a concert reading of a new play, Sam and Laura, by Ron Powers. Mr. Power is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Mark Twain biographer. Music will be provided by Jane Accurso and Dierik Leonhard of Ironweed. After the reading, there will be a talkback session with the playwright. Refreshments will be provided. This event is free and open to the public.

This event is part of the Marking Twain Centennial Celebration. For a complete list of events, visit http://coas.missouri.edu/events/markingtwain10.html.

home Resources and Services Graduate Student Research Workshops on March 16 & 17

Graduate Student Research Workshops on March 16 & 17

home Resources and Services MU Libraries Seek Student Ambassadors

MU Libraries Seek Student Ambassadors

Want to get involved? Make new friends? Gain valuable leadership skills? And most importantly, do you want to make a difference?! The MU Libraries are looking for enthusiastic, energetic and dedicated undergraduate students who would like to serve as Ruth E. Ridenhour MU Libraries Student Ambassadors. Ambassadors will teach fellow students about the libraries, represent the libraries at alumni events and advise the libraries on marketing services to students.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Sign up today at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/about/studentambassadors.htm.

For more information, contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or (573) 882-4703.

home Resources and Services Supplies Vending Machine Now in Ellis Library

Supplies Vending Machine Now in Ellis Library

A school/office supplies vending machine is now located by the north entrance of Ellis Library. You may use money or a student ID to purchase the following items:

12 page blue book, $.50

Index cards, $.85

8 page blue book, $.35

Sharpie Accent, $1.60

Correction Pen $3.00

BandAids, $1.40

Binder Clips, $2.20

Sharpie TT, $2.20

Maxell Ear Buds, $7.50

Pilot G2 Black, $2.20

Pilot G2 Blue, $2.20

Bic Pencil  .7mm, $2.70

Bic Pencil .5mm, $2.70

Memo Books, $.35

Pocket Tissues, $.55

CD-R, $1.05

CD-RW, $1.05

AA Batteries, $5.35

AAA Batteries, $5.35

Mini Stapler, $2.20

Fiskars Scissors, $3.60

Ear Plugs, $2.20

Post It Flags, $2.70

Scotch Tape, $2.20

Sticky Notes, $3.20

12 page blue books, $.50

Pencil, $1.40

Flash Drive, $10.00

8 page blue books, $.35

4 Function Calculator, $3.20

Envelopes 5 Pack, $.55

home Resources and Services New Video Tour of Ellis Library Available

New Video Tour of Ellis Library Available

home Resources and Services New title in PMC: Journal of Veterinary Science

New title in PMC: Journal of Veterinary Science

The Journal of Veterinary Science has been added to PubMed Central.

Journal of Veterinary Science
ISSN: 1229-845X (print) 1976-555X (electronic)
URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1103/
Archive includes September 2008 to present.
Note: There is no embargo delay for this journal.

home Resources and Services Create an MU Libraries Wish List Using My Lists

Create an MU Libraries Wish List Using My Lists

  1. Do a search in the MU Libraries Catalog (MERLIN)
  2. Click in the box by one or more titles and click “Create and/or Save to My Lists.”
  3. If you are not already logged in, the system will prompt you to log in.
  4. Log into your account and select “Create a New List.”
  5. Name your list and click submit.
  6. Use My lists to:
    • Create different lists for different subjects.
    • Add, delete, or place holds on items in your lists.
home Resources and Services Life Sciences & Society Symposium Exhibit in Ellis Library

Life Sciences & Society Symposium Exhibit in Ellis Library

On March 4, MU Libraries’ Special Collections, Archives, and Rare Books (SCARaB) division will open an exhibition in the Ellis Library Colonnade entitled Anatomical Illustration: Art Informing Science: 1543 -1950. The exhibition will run in conjunction with the 6th Annual Life Sciences & Society Symposium “From Art to Biology and Back Again”. A wide variety of materials—books, prints, artifacts—from the collections of Special Collections & Rare Books, University Archives, J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Rare Book Room and the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library will be displayed. Michael Holland, the Director of SCARAB division, is the curator of the exhibit. The display will run till March 26th 2010.

Opening lecture entitled: “Art and Human Nature” by Professor Carsten Strathausen
Chair, MU Department of German & Russian Studies

  • Thurs. March 4, 2:00pm
  • Ellis Library Colonnade