home Resources and Services Celebration of the Book on Oct. 10

Celebration of the Book on Oct. 10

History and Fiction: Dueling Narratives
A Celebration of the Book including readings and panels on historical fiction, biography, memoirs, dramatizations of real life,
journalistic narrative, true crime writing, essay writing, poetry writing and the writing of non-fiction.

The Missouri Center for the Book Annual Celebration
Saturday, October 10th 2009
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Stephens College Campus

Register at: http://books.missouri.org/node/1
The registration fee of $25 per person includes a box lunch and
an early evening reception honoring renown Missouri scholar and translator
Margaret Sayers Peden.

The Keynote speaker will be celebrated Missouri historian, novelist, and journalist Harper Barnes

Sponsored by:
Stephens College English and Creative Writing Department
University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries
The Missouri Arts Council and
The Missouri Center for the Book

home Resources and Services Zotero for Easier Citing

Zotero for Easier Citing

Zotero Workshop for Beginners & Beyond

Learn to set up and use this powerful, free tool to help you keep track of your references and format them in many different styles.

Friday September 18, 3:00-4:30
Ellis Library Room 213
Instructor: Rachel Brekhus
No registration necessary

home Resources and Services JVECC Now in PubMed

JVECC Now in PubMed

The Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care is now indexed in PubMed!

Indexing starts with the February 2009 issue: Volume 19, number 1.

See it for yourself: JVECC in PubMed

home Resources and Services Enter the Journalism Library Video Contest

Enter the Journalism Library Video Contest

Details available at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/journalism/contest/default.htm.

home Resources and Services 2008 JCR Now Available

2008 JCR Now Available

Need an impact factor? Want to see the top-ranked journals in Veterinary Sciences?

The 2008 Journal Citation Report has arrived.

Stop by the library to take a look, or give us a call at 882-2461 for more information.

Learn more about Impact Factors and other ways to measure scholarly impact.

home Resources and Services Adopt-a-Book Before Year’s End and Your Donation Will Be Matched by Kemper Foundation

Adopt-a-Book Before Year’s End and Your Donation Will Be Matched by Kemper Foundation

Many books in the MU Libraries are fragile, others need minor repairs, still others require extensive help if they are to survive this century. Those of us who consider books our friends cannot bear to lose them, and it is in that spirit that the Friends of the MU Libraries have initiated the Adopt-A-Book Program. By adopting a book, you will ensure that it gets the help it needs to remain with us for years to come. Please consider sponsoring a book. All monies will go directly to the care and maintenance of rare, fragile and just plain good books. We are also happy to announce that, due to a grant from the Kemper Foundation, we are able to match your gift dollar for dollar. This grant ends December 31, 2009.

For more information and to adopt a book online, please visit http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/about/adoptabook/adoptabook.php

home Resources and Services EndNote Fridays are Back!

EndNote Fridays are Back!

For more information, visit http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/guides/classestours/endnotefridays/default.php

home Resources and Services H1N1 Flu Information

H1N1 Flu Information

Keep up to date on the H1N1 outbreak.

Ask Dr. C – Dr. Michael Cooperstock provides local information about H1N1 and plans for handling the flu at Mizzou.

H1N1 Influenza Center  – from the publishers of NEJM

H1N1 Center featuring articles and news developed by New England Journal of Medicine.

Clinical information about swine flu

Google Maps
Track the cases of swine flu on a Google map.

Environmental Health and Toxicology Links on Swine Flu
The National Library of Medicine Division of Specialized Information Services has released an Enviro-Health Links page on Swine Flu. This page contains links to resources about the 2009 Swine Flu outbreak, including transmission, prevention, treatment, and the genetic makeup of the influenza virus.

home Resources and Services Meet Mizzou Reads Speaker Peter Bergen at Ellis Library on Sept. 1

Meet Mizzou Reads Speaker Peter Bergen at Ellis Library on Sept. 1

The MU Libraries will host a reception for Peter Bergen at Ellis Library in the First Floor Colonnade on Tuesday, September 1 from 4-5 p.m. Please join us for refreshments and an opportunity to meet this acclaimed journalist and terrorist analyst. For more information, contact Shannon Cary at carysn@missouri.edu or 882-4703.

home Resources and Services Biomedical Informatics Subject Guide Updated

Biomedical Informatics Subject Guide Updated

New resources have been added to the Biomedical Informatics subject guide, including individual descriptions of major NCBI resources.

Check it out at: http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/guides/subjects/biomedicalinformatics.htm

Want to see a resource added to this guide? Contact Kate Anderson

Check out our other Subject Guides as well!