home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives What’s the oldest item in Special Collections?

What’s the oldest item in Special Collections?

We get this question a lot – and we posed it as a multiple-choice trivia question this week on our Facebook page.  Now it’s time to reveal the answer.   Which is the oldest item in Special Collections?

And the winner is… The Mesopotamian Clay Tablet

tablet9-1_smAs far as we know, this cuneiform tablet dates to around 2500 B.C.E., making it the oldest item held in Special Collections (it predates the next oldest item, an Egyptian scarab seal, by about 500 years).

This tablet is one of eight held in the Special Collections department.  Although the other seven tablets have been translated, this one has never been deciphered.  If you read any of the ancient Near Eastern dialects, we’d love to hear from you!

For more information about the cuneiform tablets in Special Collections, see the online exhibit Cuneiform Tablets: Records of Ancient Mesopotamia see the list on our website [digital exhibit retired; link updated 11/10/2014].


What about the other options?

This was a tough question, because all of the items were the oldest in one way or another.  More information below.

The Hebrew Scroll

IMG_6313If you guessed that the scroll represents the oldest book form in Special Collections, you were right!  The scroll predated the codex (the form we usually associate with a book nowadays) by thousands of years.

In most of the Western world, the codex replaced the scroll gradually, from around 300 to 500 A.D.  However, among Jewish communities, the scroll retained its place as the primary form for storing and transmitting information.  Jewish congregations still use temple scrolls produced to strict specifications in their rituals of worship.

Although it’s old, this parchment scroll is far from ancient.  It dates from the 1600s, contains the Book of Ruth, and was probably not produced for temple reading.  It fits conveniently into the hand, the perfect size for personal study.

The Latin Manuscript Codex

IMG_6304This manuscript copy of De Constructione by Priscianus dates to around 1150 A.D.  Although Special Collections holds manuscript fragments that are older, this is the oldest complete book in the collection.  It is a work on grammar, written in Latin with passages in Greek.IMG_6302

The binding of this manuscript was done later than the text, but it is also interesting because it’s a good example of a fifteenth-century German binding in blind-tooled pigskin.  The back board still shows discoloration from the former site of a metal clasp.

The Egyptian Papyrus Fragment

IMG_6319Dating from approximately 1500-1100 B.C.E., this fragment from the Egyptian Book of the Dead isn’t the oldest item in Special Collections – but it is the oldest piece of writing on papyrus in Special Collections.

Papyrus is a plant that grows along the marshy banks of the Nile River, and the ancient Egyptians used it to make a paper-like substance for writing.  Papyrus became one of Egypt’s main exports and was used throughout the ancient world, in Greece, modern-day Turkey, and the Middle East.


home Resources and Services First EndNote X5 Workshop Thursday, Sept. 22, 6 PM

First EndNote X5 Workshop Thursday, Sept. 22, 6 PM


Learn to set up and use this powerful tool to organize your references and format them in thousands of citation styles.


Next workshop:

Thursday September 22, 2011

6:00-7:30 p.m.

Ellis Library Room 213

Instructor: Ashley Nelson

More information on EndNote and registration link: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/endnote

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives “Simple in vocabulary while majestic in effect”: 400th anniversary of the King James Translation of the Bible

“Simple in vocabulary while majestic in effect”: 400th anniversary of the King James Translation of the Bible

The most published book in the world celebrates its 400th anniversary.

King James Bible 1611. Title page

Soon after March 24th 1603, when James VI, King of Scots, inherited the English crown, a crowd of Puritans approached him with their petition. They requested that all traces of Catholicism were removed from the Church of England service. Upon thorough consideration of their request the King rejected the whole document and even threatened to “harry the Puritans out of the land, or else do worse”.

But he surprisingly agreed to commission a new translation of the English Bible — a last-minute added wish by one of the Puritans, known as Dr. John Rainolds, President of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. The 47 translators were selected based exclusively on their scholarly reputation without regard of religious convictions, thus about a quarter of them were Puritans.

Though it is officially called the Authorized Version, King James never technically authorized this new translation of the Bible into English. It is possible to assume that this version which is now firmly connected with the King’s name was called “authorized” in opposition to the two preceding attempts made by the early dissidents – Wycliffe and ill-fated Tyndale. This translation meant to play an important role in uniting all Protestant Englishmen despite their religious differences, the endeavor started by Elizabeth I with The Act of Uniformity in 1559.

Dedication to the King
Dedication to the King


As Leland Ryken puts it: “The King James style is a paradox: it is usually simple in vocabulary while majestic and elevating in effect. However imitated or parodied, the language is dignified, beautiful, sonorous and elegant.” *

These words capture well the impression King James Bible makes on all who love the English language.

Perhaps nothing influenced the English and eventually American literature and literary language more than KJB. Edmund Wilson thought that “other cultures have felt its impact, and none — in the West, at least – seems quite to accommodate to it. Yet we find we have been living with it all our lives”**

Small wonder: first [pilgrim] settlers in America were people of the Bible, and many early American towns carry Biblical names, such as Salem, Mass, 1626; Bethel, Conn, 1700; Shiloh, NJ, 1705; Ephrata, Penn, 1732; Nazareth, Penn., 1740;  Emmaus, Penn.,1740; Bethlehem, NH, 1774, etc. Seven towns named Galilee, fifteen named Trinity, fourteen – St. Joseph, including one in Missouri; as well as St. Mary, MO — one of the nineteen American towns with this name.

Everyday idiomatic usage is replete with hidden or obvious direct quotations from the KJB. Here are a few common examples:

At his wit’s end – Psalms, 107:27

God save the king – The First Book of Samuel, 10:24

My brother’s keeper – Genesis, 4:9

The land of the living – Job, 28:13

The root of the matter– Job 19:28

Fell flat on his face — Numbers 22:31

The salt of the earth– Matthew 5:13

Labor of love — Thessalonians 1:2, 1:3:

A two-edged sword—Proverbs 5:4

White as snow — Daniel 7:9:

A drop in the bucket — Isaiah 40:15

A wolf in sheep’s clothing — Matthew 7:15

Woe is me – Job 10:15

Beat swords into ploughshares — Isaiah II

In the twinkling of an eye1 Corinthians 15:52

Sign of the times — Matthew 16:3

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak Matthew 26:41

You reap what you sow — Galatians VI

Physician heal thyself — Luke 4:23

Man does not live by bread alone — Deuteronomy 8:3

A broken heart — Psalms 34:18

It’s better to give than to receive — Acts 20:35

Good Samaritan — Luke 10:30/33

Feet of clay — Daniel 2: 31-33

Don’t cast your pearls before swine — Matthew 7:6,

A voice crying in the wilderness– John 1:23

Awake and sing– – Isaiah 16:19

We also encounter these quotations in our everyday lives, as I did while at the ALA conference in Philadelphia last year where I took this picture.

Philadelphia Liberty Bell

“Proclaim Liberty throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10) – The Liberty Bell in the Liberty Bell Center, Philadelphia.


*Leland Ryken. How We Got the Best-Selling Book of All Time. WSJ, August 27, 2011

**Robert Alter. Pen of Iron: American Prose and the King James Bible. Princeton U Press, 2010.

John Bartlett. Familiar Quotations: A Collection of passages, Phrases and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature. Boston, 1855.

Highway 70 from Columbia, MO to St. Louis.


home Resources and Services Ellis Library will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

Ellis Library will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

home Resources and Services Ellis Library Closed Sunday and Monday (September 11 & 12).

Ellis Library Closed Sunday and Monday (September 11 & 12).

Ellis Library will remain closed through Monday, September 12.  The Library will resume regular hours on Tuesday, September 13.  Circulation, Reserve and Interlibrary Loan Services have been temporarily relocated to the Current Periodicals Reading Room on the west side of the first floor of Ellis Library.

On Monday, September 12,  Ellis Reference will resume phone service (573-882-4581) in addition to answering questions through chat, email and text messages until 6:00 pm.  All branch libraries will follow their regular hours. 

More information regarding the Saturday morning fire and cleanup may be found here.


home Resources and Services HSL Symposium: Wednesday, September 28th

HSL Symposium: Wednesday, September 28th

Join the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library in celebrating 25 years! The HSL Anniversary Symposium will be held on Wednesday, September 28th, from 9am to noon. National Library of Medicine Director Don Lindberg will be the honored guest.


home Resources and Services Free Anti-Theft Registration

Free Anti-Theft Registration

MUPD and Ellis Library Security will be providing a FREE bike/electronics (laptops, iPads, e-readers, etc.) registration and engraving session in Ellis Library for the 2011 Fall Semester on Wednesday, September 7th 9am – 1pm and Thursday, September 8th from noon – 4pm. DoIT will also have a help station set up for any computer questions or problems. The event will take place on the first floor of Ellis Library in the colonnade. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to be proactive in protecting their property.

Tuesday Trivia

question marksThis semester, get acquainted with Special Collections and Rare Books by playing Tuesday Trivia!  Each week, we’ll post a question on our Facebook page.  Be the first to leave a comment on Facebook with the correct answer, and we’ll send you a Special Collections bookmark.  At the end of each month, the person with the most correct answers will win a “grand prize” – including packs of Special Collections notecards, publications, and more.

We’ve designed these questions to challenge you, but a hint: most of the answers can be found on the Special Collections website, in the MERLIN library catalog, or in the UM Digital Library.

Stay tuned for the first Tuesday Trivia question!

home Resources and Services Database Trial: Natural Standard

Database Trial: Natural Standard

MU Libraries is conducting a trial of the Natural Standard Alternative Medicine database.   Nature Standard summarizes and synthesizes research evidence on effectiveness of herbal and alternative therapies. Trial ends September 30, 2011.

If you have comments about this resource, send them to wordens@health.missouri.edu.

home Resources and Services Natural Standard Alternative Medicine database trial until September 30

Natural Standard Alternative Medicine database trial until September 30

MU Libraries is conducting a trial of the Natural Standard Alternative Medicine database from now through September 30.   Summarizes and synthesizes research evidence on  effectiveness of herbal and alternative therapies.  If you have comments about this resource, send them to wordens@health.missouri.edu.