home Resources and Services Predatory Open Access Publishers

Predatory Open Access Publishers

Getting spammed by requests from journals and publishers you’ve never heard of? Check out Jeffrey Beale’s 2012 list of Predatory Open Access Publishers

What’s a predatory OA publisher?

“Predatory, open-access publishers are those that unprofessionally exploit the author-pays model of open-access publishing (Gold OA) for their own profit. Typically, these publishers spam professional email lists, broadly soliciting article submissions for the clear purpose of gaining additional income.” (Beale)

More on Open Access from SPARC

home Resources and Services RNA Biology journal now available

RNA Biology journal now available

In response to user demand, the library now subscribes to the journal RNA Biology . The subscription includes access to the complete archive of articles from 2004-date.

home Resources and Services Anniversary Pictures & Program Online

Anniversary Pictures & Program Online

Check out the pictures from our 25th Anniversary Symposium! In this MOspace collection, you’ll also find videos, posters, and the program.

J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Anniversary Symposium


home Resources and Services F.D.A. Revokes Approval of Avastin as Breast Cancer Drug

F.D.A. Revokes Approval of Avastin as Breast Cancer Drug

See full article in New York Times.

home Resources and Services Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar Citations is now open to all.  Create a My Citations profile to see citations to your articles, graph citations over time, and compute various metrics (such as the h-index).

You can make your profile public and invite others to do so.

For fun, check out Albert Einstein’s citation profile.

home Resources and Services Read any good OA articles lately?

Read any good OA articles lately?

The 6th Annual BioMed Central Research Awards celebrates high quality research made freely available through open access publishing. There are 15 award categories this year including 10 new categories, the winners of which will be shortlisted for the BioMed Central Research Award. We invite you to nominate the finest research from the last 12 months before 31st December 2011.

More information on the BMC Research Awards.

Speaking of Open Access…

Did you know that many publishers allow you to self-archive your articles? Before submitting to a journal, check the copyright agreement to make sure you can post your work to MOspace, MU’s digital institutional repository.

home Resources and Services Writing for Publication in Veterinary Medicine

Writing for Publication in Veterinary Medicine

Check out this new online resource!

Writing for Publication in Veterinary Medicine: A Practical Guide for Researchers and Clinicians

Happy Writing!

home Resources and Services World War II Posters: Women Called to Action

World War II Posters: Women Called to Action

As many men went abroad to serve in the war, large numbers of women were left behind.  However, women played an integral part in the WWII victory.  War posters on display from the Special Collections Department of Ellis Library illustrate how women were called upon to help win the war both at home and in foreign lands.

World War II Posters will be on display in the Ellis Library Colonnade November 3rd-December 2nd, 2011.

home Resources and Services Instructor Orientation Workshop in Special Collections and Rare Books

Instructor Orientation Workshop in Special Collections and Rare Books

Thinking about those courses you’re teaching next semester?
Think about exploring Special Collections and Rare Books with your students!  Come to Ellis Library for a Special Collections orientation (or just to refresh your memory) on Friday, November 11, at 10:00 am or Monday, November 14, at 2:30 pm.  Topics will include:

  • Materials and collections with potential for use in class visits or assignments
  • Instruction services offered by Special Collections
  • Assignment and activity ideas

Register online and preview the workshop at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/specialcollections/instructor_registration.htm

Questions? Schedule conflicts?
If you have questions, or would like to request a session at a different time, contact Kelli Hansen at hansenkb@missouri.edu.

home Resources and Services PubMed and Beyond

PubMed and Beyond

PubGet…Ligercat…PubNet…what are all these things?

Here’s a handy comparison of biomedical literature search tools from NCBI.

You can even specify what kind of tool you’re interesting in: for example, visualizing search results using networks.