home Resources and Services We’ve got a new look!

We’ve got a new look!

With huge thanks to Mike Spears, the library web site has been redesigned and updated.

What’s New?

  • The ability to search PubMed right from the home page.
  • In the PubMed search: if you put in a PMID, you’ll be taken directly to the journal article.
  • Hours available on the home page
  • Research guides (including the equine guides) are available from the home page.
  • Under the hood, we’ve improved the handling of “not found” searches to provide help and suggestions that will lead to search results.


home Resources and Services Pro Arte Quartet at Ellis Library on Feb. 9

Pro Arte Quartet at Ellis Library on Feb. 9

Feb. 9, 2012
10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Ellis Library Colonnade

The Pro Arte Quartet was founded by students at the Brussels Conservatory. The University of Wisconsin chancellor offered a permanent home to the quartet – it was the first such residency ever in a major American university, and became the model on which many other similar arrangements were developed at other institutions. Today, in addition to widely acclaimed performances of standard classical repertoire, the Pro Arte continues its tradition of championing new music.

This event is free and open to the public.

For tickets to the Pro Arte Quartet’s Concert Series performance at the Missouri Theatre, please visit the University of Missouri Concert Series website.

home Resources and Services Zotero Workshops

Zotero Workshops

home Resources and Services Endnote Workshops

Endnote Workshops

home Resources and Services Art by John Fennell on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Art by John Fennell on Display in Bookmark Cafe

Missouri School of Journalism Associate Professor John Fennell has been a painter as long as he’s been a journalist. In 25 years as a writer and editor, Fennell has worked in almost every variety of print media: a wire service, newspapers and magazines. He is also the editor of a book on typography and the author of a biography. He joined the MU magazine faculty in August 2005 and holds the Meredith Chair for Service Journalism. He teaches writing and magazine publishing.

During his 13-year tenure as editor of Milwaukee Magazine, the publication was nominated for the National Magazine award, the Loeb Award for Distinguished Business and Financial reporting (twice) and won more than 160 national and local awards. Under his leadership, the magazine was also honored by the Society of Publication Design, the Society of Illustrators and won more awards than anytime in the history of the magazine, including two gold awards for general excellence.

He has exhibited his paintings in Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis and in Columbia at PS Gallery. There is a current exhibition of his abstract work, “The Geometry of Light,” in the School of Journalism’s Strategic Communication office in Walter Williams Hall.

He can be reached on campus at 321A Lee Hills Hall, 882-8966.

A review of John Fennel’s Night Lights series.

home Resources and Services Ellis Library is closed Sunday – Monday, January 15-16.

Ellis Library is closed Sunday – Monday, January 15-16.

home Resources and Services LibX 2.0 now available

LibX 2.0 now available

Note: LibX 2.0 was written for Firefox and Chrome.

home Resources and Services It’s Your Fault! Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the New Madrid Earthquakes

It’s Your Fault! Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the New Madrid Earthquakes

home Resources and Services MU Celebrates MLK Jr, 2012 with Larry Wilmore – A FREE EVENT!

MU Celebrates MLK Jr, 2012 with Larry Wilmore – A FREE EVENT!

home Resources and Services Designing the Imperative: Libraries, Technology & Leadership

Designing the Imperative: Libraries, Technology & Leadership

Lisa Carlucci Thomas, who is nationally recognized for her leadership, innovation and research on evolving mobile and social technologies, will give a talk entitled “Designing the Imperative: Libraries, Technology & Leadership” on Wednesday, January 25 at 7 p.m. in Ellis Auditorium.

Thomas is a 2010 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, a 2009 ALA Emerging Leader, and a MLIS graduate of the Syracuse University School of Information Studies. She is currently the director of design think do, a library technology and innovation consultancy. She was formerly digital services librarian at Southern Connecticut State University, responsible for exploring, developing and coordinating library technologies, systems and digital initiatives. Thomas’s previous experience also includes project and services management in Access Services, Manuscripts & Archives, and Electronic Collections at the Yale University Library.

Sponsored by the Library and Information Science Graduate Student Association.