Collections Review Update

We’re completing the collections review project of the fall.

  • We’ll stop receiving many journals in January. You may review lists of the journals cancelled, posted as we complete negotiations with our vendors.
  • The budget for one-time purchases (books, videos, recordings) has also been curtailed. We stop ordering on April 1 and resume after July 1. Please let your subject librarian know of materials you will need for the summer and early fall as soon as you can.
  • Please be aware especially of how these budget cuts may impact your students as they must rely more on interlibrary loan and MOBIUS for materials:

    • waiting for delivery of articles and books from other libraries
    • shorter loan periods and stricter overdue fines from other libraries.
  • Although it’s tempting to use informal methods (I can haz pdf, SciHub, etc.) to obtain articles, be aware that these often involve violations of copyright and license agreements, can pose online security issues, and prevent us from knowing what you need. We will deliver materials via interlibrary loan as quickly as possible—and use request data to make future budget decisions.
  • Help us be more aware of what materials are used: please link to articles and other online materials rather than reposting pdfs.
  • Please do not reshelve materials used in the libraries. Just leave them on a table or reshelving area so we can register that they’ve been used.

Endnote X8 is now available at MU

Endnote X8 is now available at the Division of IT site

  • EndNote X8 is free for MU students. Log in with your pawprint to MyServices and find EndNote under "software."
  • EndNote X8 costs $30 per year for MU faculty and staff. Order EndNote here

Endnote X8 has the following upgrades:

  • X8 will allow library sharing with up to 100 other users.
  • Versions X8 and X7 will be cross compatible so X7 users can share with X8, and vice versa.
  • An activity log has been added so users can easily track changes that others are making to a shared library.
  • Icons across Mac & Windows have been updated to better represent their action.

Additional product details are available at the Endnote site along with a “What’s New in Endnote X8” video. To decide whether or not to upgrade to X8, check out a chart comparing the features of X6, X7 and X8

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services Fridays @ the Library Workshop: “I have an idea for an invention, where do I go from here?” Nov. 11

Fridays @ the Library Workshop: “I have an idea for an invention, where do I go from here?” Nov. 11

Join Spruce Fraser to learn whether your invention might be patentable. We will explore basic search tools on the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office website and other more powerful tools such as PubEast. This workshop is guaranteed to provide entrepreneurs and inventors simple patent search strategies. 

This workshop will be offered simultaneously in two formats: Rm 213, Ellis Library and live online

November 11th 1-2 pm

Registration Required

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services Trial Available for Harper’s Weekly: 1957-1912

Trial Available for Harper’s Weekly: 1957-1912

Harper’s Weekly: 1957-1912 is the electronic format of the Harper’s Weekly periodical that ran from 1857-1912. This periodical covered five presidential elections, national and international stories, featured both literature and verse for entertainment, and printed over 75,000 images ranging from illustrations, cartoons, maps, and portraits. The entire collection has been scanned in high quality and can be easily searched or browsed. Harper’s Weekly: 1857-1912 also features contextual essays and related materials that aid in explaining and expanding a researcher’s understanding of the periodical. This trial ends on November 20, 2016.

More Information

Harper's Weekly: 1857-1912

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services Trial Available for Black Thought and Culture

Trial Available for Black Thought and Culture

Black Thought and Culture provides a combination of monographs, articles, speeches, essays, interviews and letters written and conducted by the leaders and scholars in the black community. The information provided in this database ranges from 1700’s to the present, and covers a variety of topics such as black studies, political science, music, literature and art, and American history. With a vast variety of searching options and easy browsing ability discovering new and forgotten works by major black authors, scholars, athletes and activists is simple even for the beginning researcher. Black Thought and Culture allows access to previously unattainable or forgotten works, such as  letters by famous athletes like Jackie Robinson, and correspondence written by Ida B. Wells. This trial ends on November 20, 2016.

More Information 

Black Thought and Culture 


home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services Trial Available for Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Trial Available for Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Including the complete works of Jane Austen and all of the plays of Shakespeare, Oxford Scholarly Editions (OSEO) also features 880 Oxford critical editions. OSEO coverage includes annotated texts originally written from 1485 to 1901, as well as some classic Greek authors. One of the nice aspects of this resource is how the annotations are displayed. Annotations are located in an adjustable panel to the right of the text. By clicking the annotation or the footnote, the interface scrolls automatically to the appropriate position. Additionally, this database is easily browsed by author, work, or edition, and includes a list of selected works. Check it out before our trial ends on November 17, 2016.

More info

Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Database Spotlight: Artstor

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. While adding one to your presentation or paper won’t actually add a thousand words to your word count, they can help put your project over the top.

Artstor is a great resource featuring a growing collection of more than 2 million high-quality images for education and research uses. The digital library allows you to search for images in art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences and use them in your assignments for class. Artstor contains images from all parts of the world and of all different objects including a collection of old master drawings, African masks, medieval manuscripts, images of grottoes in the Gobi Desert, and archives of Islamic textiles.

The image viewer allows you to manipulate the images in a variety of ways including enlarging, panning, and rotating. Want to use an image in a project or paper? You can print them out with their descriptions or download and save them for later. You can even share images with classmates.

The free account that you can create offers even more features to help you maximize your Artstor experience. After you make your account, you can set viewing preferences, create folders to save images in, save citations, and even save your searches.

Speaking of searching, there are several ways you can find the images you need. There is a simple keyword search but when that won’t cut it, there is a robust advanced search that allows you to search by date or date range, geography, classification, or collection. This can really help you.

In addition to Artstor’s large digital collection, they also give us access to the Shared Shelf Commons. Shared Shelf is a place where institutions like Harvard, Cornell, Yale, and many art museums can upload and share their own collections.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Use * for truncation and _ for wildcards when searching.
  • Spelling matters on searches, so double check on how to spell that artist’s tough name.
  • Be sure to check out the copyright rules when using Artstor, their images are not to be put on the open web or used commercially. For a full list of what is permitted, please visit their page at If you have any questions, feel free to contact a librarian who will be able to help you out.

WiseSearch Trial

The MU Libraries is currently participating in a trial for WiseSearch. WiseSearch is a Chinese news and business information database that collects the latest news from over 11,000 sources. Covers 10 key industries and over 8,000 companies. Updates daily. WiseSearch is available in Chinese and English. Trial ends September 14, 2016.

WiseSearch Trial

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Ellis Library, Resources and Services Encourage Your Students to Participate in the Library Scavenger Hunt

Encourage Your Students to Participate in the Library Scavenger Hunt

An early introduction to the library helps students understand that the library is there to support research needs both online and onsite, with resources beyond what existed in high school libraries.  The MU Libraries can help you achieve your goal of ensuring a smooth transition from high school to college, by introducing resources, skills, and habits which foster academic success.

The MU Libraries Scavenger Hunt is designed to introduce you to Ellis Library’s spaces and services – and to make the building a little less intimidating. It takes about 30 minutes to complete, so will easily fit into any break in your schedule. Students can take the Scavenger Hunt on their smart phone (, or stop by the reference desk to pick up a paper copy.

New Tech Tools @ Your Library

Discover @ MU

You may notice some changes on the MU Libraries homepage. Over the summer, our team of electronic resource specialists implemented a new discovery tool: a simple and fast search engine that helps you find relevant information on any topic from the University of Missouri Libraries’ collections.  Results contain citations for scholarly journal articles, books and e-books, DVDs, magazines, newspapers, dissertations, and many more resources. Give Discover @ MU a try, and if you have any questions, please contact the Ellis Library Reference Desk (

Embed Library Resources in Canvas and Blackboard

Did you know you could place direct links to resources within 40,000 journals and almost 300 databases within Canvas, BlackBoard, E-Reserves, on web pages? Linking and embedding provide easy access for students to exactly what faculty want them to use.  There are no copyright concerns – the link is to something for which we've already paid – and linking provides usage stats, so that we do not cancel highly used materials. Find out more about linking library content.

Extended Chat Hours

Do you and your students need research help? You can ask a librarian for help using our chat service–now available almost 24 hours a day. During the day you can chat with MU librarians and library staff. At night, we offer access to a chat reference service called ChatStaff. They will be able to answer most research questions, except for some that are Mizzou-specific. To access the chat service and see what hours chat reference is available, visit


Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.