home Staff news Staff Advisory Group, 2/6/18

Staff Advisory Group, 2/6/18

Vice Provost Ann Campion Riley

Budget – No conclusive information on budget next year.  We should get the budget projections in the next week.  Unfortunately, we do expect some more cuts to collections. Some have wondered if the Program Evaluation Report that came out with the recommendation to drop some graduate programs would help us save money.  As we already don’t spend much resources in these areas, as compared to larger journals, it is unlikely that program cuts will create savings for our collections.  It is also unsure at this time how the University will act on these recommendations.

UM Library Council – will have the quarterly telepresence meeting next week and President Choi will join the meeting.  They plan to discuss the UM System shared collections funds.

Doughty Birds – We hope to pack them up and send them to the auction house by the middle of Feb.

Sign project – The sign project is almost complete but tell Shannon if you know of any changes that need to be made.

Special Collections update – We will be turning the Microfilm room into a classroom for Special Collections and will be soliciting for gifts for this project through the Giving Day which is March 15th.

Flu epidemic – Please use standard sanitization practices.  Service desks can obtain anti-bacterial hand sanitizing pumps from Duane.

Loving cups – Due to restrictions from the donors, we can’t sell the loving cups and need to continue to display them at this time.

Corrie Hutchinson – Associate University Librarian for Acquisitions, Collections and Technical Services

Deadline – We have passed the 50% firm order deadline and we re-allocated approximately $2,000 back to the pool.

Payment history reports – Reports are fixed and we hope to have real reports by Friday.

Phase I of Microfilm project – We will need to pack and ship out the microfilm to Center for Research Libraries. Collection Steering Committee will finalize the list of items to be sent, which will be shared with Selectors.

Rearrangements – The TS conference room will become space for conservation for Michaelle and Ann’s old office will be used as a conference room.

Full text finder – Switch will occur in July.

Van – We have a new Van for UMLD to replace the very worn and depreciated old van.

Dorothy Carner – Head of Journalism Libraries for Deb Ward – Associate University Librarian & Director Health Sciences Library

SPEC exhibit – Special Collections has put up an exhibit in the Engineering Library. Kate has found some complementary artifacts in the Heritage Collection and they are also on display, called Texts & Tools: A History of Engineering. We really appreciate Special Collections staff for doing this. Kate is creating a poster to advertise the entire exhibit and it will be part of ZOUME, the Mizzou Museum of Engineering. Various exhibits throughout the College will be on display and the ELTC is proud to do its part.

Math Library – Recent work in the Math Library is improving its appearance and reducing the crowded look in the study table area. Some old file cabinets and current-journal shelving has been removed, and it looks much more attractive as a result.

Cash-less – At HSL, photocopy services have been re-vamped to go “cash-less.” We are providing photocopy services to affiliates through copy cards, and asking non-affiliates to use the scanner. We are advising everyone that cash-based copy services are still available at the copy center in Ellis Library.

Manual update – The HSL safety manual has been updated. Anyone who would like to see it can do so by contacting Gayle Mooney.

Deb’s projects – Deb is working with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine to plan for Year Three of the contract beginning May 1. She is also working with SISLT on a grant idea to create a health-focused certificate for SISLT students.

Open House – Just a reminder of the Staff Development Committee Open House in the Digital Media Center immediately following this meeting. If you attend, you can submit that information to Sheryl to become eligible for a drawing at the end of the year for attending SDC programs and events.

Journalism – Sandy and Dorothy had done 20 instructional sessions, that reached about 400 students and that the JAM team had targeted all of the journalism core courses, reaching about 1300 students this semester.

Cindy Cotner – User Engagement Librarian & Interim Head Access Services
RAIS Division for Jeannette Pierce –
Associate University Librarian for Research, Access, & Instructional Services

New Positions – Digital Services is looking forward to welcoming Charlotte Landreth to their group on February 19th.   In January Felicity hired a new GA, funded with money from the Office of Graduate Studies, to help putting dissertations into MOspace. In January, Digital Services added 600 items to MOspace in January. With gift funds allocated for HathiTrust work, they were able to add a part-time staff member to Digital Services in November.  Since then we have contributed 731 items to the HathiTrust.

Special Collections – They are excited to have had the tall shelves removed from the reading room space, allowing them to move the reference desk closer to the door and, more importantly, opening up the room for easy sightlines and instructional space.   Kelli and Tim are busy with classes and orienting John to his new position.  Note that Kelli has moved into Alla’s old office, 402.  John is now in Kelli’s former office, 405.  Tim stayed put in 408.

Access Services – Seeking and evening circulation assistant.  They are sad to be losing Charlotte Landreth, but happy for her!  They have also been reviewing e-reserve processes and exploring self-check-out stats.  We had over 1200 self-checkouts between launch in Dec. 2019 and June 30th.

Reynolds Journalism Institute – Edward McCain continues to work on projects to ensure Missourian content is archived for future accessibility.  He and Dorothy continue to spread the word about the importance of personal digital archiving through their JAM (Journalism Archive Management) initiative.  He is also Chairing the National Digital Stewardship Alliance –  Web Survey group which is in the process for analyzing the survey results.

Gov. Docs. – Marie has been doing lots of work with the Preservation of Electronic Government Information grant and will be presenting about this project at ALA next week.

Open training- Joe, Kimberly, Taira, and Grace attended the Open Textbook Network Training offered by MOBIUS on Monday of this week. This group will be helping to offer training on our campus in the coming year.

Research and Instructional Services:

Office moves- We have been continuing to move offices in the west reference area:

Jeannette is now in Admin, Navadeep Khanal now in 156  (Jeannette’s old office) and Rhonda now in 154. Still to come — Rhonda’s long-term office (157) will become a consultation office sometime in the coming months.  Once 157 is complete, the current consultation office in 158 will become Joe Askin’s office.

Upcoming online training:

  • February 22 – 9:00am-4:00pm:  Wrangling Library Data: Analytics, Dashboards and Spreadsheets
    • Multiple sessions on different topics related to library data
    • Room locations will be sent to the staff listserv
  • March 5-7: Electronic Resources & Libraries 2018 Annual Conference online
    • Multiple sessions on many different topics
    • Room locations will be sent to the staff listserv

MU Connect – Anne, Nav, and others have continued to work on how librarians integrate into MU Connect.  The recent focus has been on how faculty and academic advisors can use MU Connect to refer students to their subject librarian.  MU Connect is an online service that integrates into Canvas in order to help connect students with student services.

Writer’s Room – We continue to partner with the graduate student association to host the Writer’s Room on Thursday nights.  Librarians meet briefly with the graduate students at the beginning of many of the sessions to share information about our services.

Workshops – The entire group has been busy meeting with classes and conducting workshops.  Fridays @ the Library are going strong, and LibWIS Week, a special series of workshops for international students was completed last week, with LibWIS Wednesdays continuing throughout the semester.  You can see the variety of instructional activities by viewing the calendar of the web site.

Black History Month – Thanks to Rachel and Paula for working with the Black History month committee again this year.   Two events sponsored by the libraries are:


  • Feb 5 – Feb 28 Exhibit: War, Peace and Black Progress
  • Images on display at Ellis Library from the State Historical Society of Missouri and the University of Missouri Libraries. Sponsors: University Libraries and Missouri State Historical Society.
  • Feb 28  6pm Black History & Culture Trivia Night
  • Join local celebrities at the Columbia Public Library for a fun and competitive evening of history, culture and prizes. Sponsors: BHM Committee; Columbia Honda; Daniel Boone Regional Library; University Libraries; Paramount Marketing Group.


Open House – Nav is looking forward to seeing all of you at the Digital Media Lab open-house to follow the SAG.  This is the space where we have a green screen to make videos and the new Whisper Room for recording.

Anselm Huelsbergen – University Archivist

Archives updates from flood – We are now in Phase II of the flood recovery process.  We have moved from the 7th floor to the 1st floor to replace flooring.  Archives is now moving up to 7th floor again. Phase III will be replacing furniture and items not immediately needed.  All reference work has been continued and materials have been accessible.

Sheryl – HR Manager

Incentive – Keep attending Staff development incentive programs and email Sheryl for raffle tickets.

Student workers – Stay posted for updates on how we want to recognize student workers in the future.




home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Six things to do on mid-Missouri campuses this week”
Columbia Missourian, Feb. 5, 2018

Columbia Morning with David Lisle
Interview with Chancellor Cartwright mentions the Libraries

home Staff news Notes from the Director, 2/2/18

Notes from the Director, 2/2/18

Hello everyone,

Today is cold and sunny, a classic winter day.  I think we all welcome the sunshine, no matter how cold, after all the cold gray days we had last month.

Some of you know I was out with the flu earlier this week, and I am glad to be back and better.  I hope everyone is taking care, washing hands frequently and getting enough rest as we hear there is at least another month left of flu season.

There is probably at least another month to wait until we hear the campus budget assumptions for the coming year.  Lately the news has not been too bad, and enrollment is projected now to be up for the fall, so we can hope to avoid another major cut, but we don’t know yet.  Our plans for the depository continue, as do our other projects that we discussed last month at the All Staff meeting.  Jim Spain is now the Interim Provost, and we know he is a friend to many of us and to the libraries, so we hope little will change from the great support we had from Garnett Stokes. I know some of you attended her farewell. She will be missed.

This week starts Black History Month, and there are many interesting events taking place on campus in commemoration. I hope you all find time to attend some.  There are calendars of events that should be posted soon.

This coming Tuesday is the monthly Staff Advisory Group meeting, and I hope to see many of you there.  Maybe I will have more news then, but for now, I don’t have much.  We continue to be busy in Ellis and all the locations, which is good news.


home Events and Exhibits, Staff news 2018 Black History Month at Mizzou

2018 Black History Month at Mizzou

This year’s Black History Month theme is “War, Peace & Black Progress.” The University Libraries are proud to sponsor the following exhibit and event.


Feb 5 – Feb 28 Exhibit: War, Peace and Black Progress

Images on display at Ellis Library from the State Historical Society of Missouri and the University of Missouri Libraries. Sponsors: University Libraries and Missouri State Historical Society.

Join local celebrities at the Columbia Public Library for a fun and competitive evening of history, culture and prizes. Sponsors: BHM Committee; Columbia Honda; Daniel Boone Regional Library; University Libraries; Paramount Marketing Group.


Check out missouri.edu/blackhistory/ for information about all of the events happening this month.


home Staff news In the News

In the News

“Mort Walker, Creator of Beetle Bailey, Dies Aged 94”
Bleeding Cool,
Jan. 27, 2108

home Staff news Employment Opportunity

Employment Opportunity

The Libraries have an immediate opening for the following staff position:

  • Library Information Assistant, Evenings: Health Sciences Library Circulation
    • This position is open to current University employees only.

For additional information, including the job description, salary, and shift, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week. Jan. 29 2018

Events for the weekend: Love is in the air and Pajama Yoga.

Recipe of the week: Lemon Cheesecake Hand pies

home Events and Exhibits, Staff news Registration Is Open: Fourth Annual Black History and Culture Trivia Night

Registration Is Open: Fourth Annual Black History and Culture Trivia Night

Since 2015, the University of Missouri Libraries and the MU Black History Month Planning Committee have hosted Black History Trivia Night on the last day of the culture-packed month of February. This year, for the first time, the event has co-sponsors that will make it a true “town/gown” event spotlighting local minority-owned businesses. Black History and Culture Trivia Night 2018 will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday February 28 in the Friends Room at Columbia Public Library.  Extra-special prizes for the winning and second place teams are being donated by corporate sponsors Columbia Honda and Parmount Marketing Group. Dr. Cyntha Frisby of the MU School of Journalism and longtime local columnist Bill Clark will share “celebrity emcee” honors.

Participation in Trivia Night is free; maximum team size is five players. On the registration form, players are given a choice of local business owners for whom they’d like to play, or if they wish, they may register a team of five and name their own captain. A light supper will be served before the game begins, which will allow for plenty of time for mingling among and across teams, as all participants enjoy a fun and competitive evening full of heroic feats of memory, entertaining multimedia questions, and many chances to acquire new knowledge.

Registration is online at library.missouri.edu/trivia by phone at 573-443-3161 (Columbia Public Library), 573-642-7261 (Callaway County Public Library) or 573-657-7378 (Southern Boone County Public Library).

home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

Hope you were following the Libraries’ social media accounts on MO Libraries Snapshot Day! Here’s a glimpse of the photos of our librarians and staff at work.

#MOLibraries Snapshot Day, which was on Jan. 24, is a social media activity designed by the Missouri Library Association to advocate for libraries through increased visibility using the hashtag #MOLibraries.

The statewide collection of library snapshots can be found at https://storify.com/MOlibraries.

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, Jan 22 2018

Recipe of the week: Chicken Wonton Tacos

Events for this weekend: Warmer weather! Get out and enjoy.