home Cycle of Success Welcome to Nicole Merzweiler

Welcome to Nicole Merzweiler

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Nicole Merzweiler has been hired as the continuing resources cataloger librarian. Nicole has a Master of Library and Information Science from Kent State University. She has previously worked as the cataloging librarian at Northeast Ohio Medical University. Nicole’s professional interests include inclusive cataloging and user experience.

home Cycle of Success Welcome to Jill Kline

Welcome to Jill Kline

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Jill Kline has been hired as a student success librarian. Jill has a Master of Library and Information Science from MU and a Bachelor of Secondary Education from Union College. Jill has been working in libraries since 2013 starting as a student worker. After graduating from Union College, she worked as an English, art and yearbook teacher in Centralia, MO, then worked as a public services and outreach librarian at Union College for two years. She has also worked as part of a TRiO Student Support Services program at Doane University.

home Cycle of Success, Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives A Resource for the Study of Early Printed Plays in Spain: Comedias Sueltas USA

A Resource for the Study of Early Printed Plays in Spain: Comedias Sueltas USA

by Diana Vasquez

Comedias Sueltas USA is a website dedicated to the study of Spanish plays, primarily by means of its comprehensive database which maintains and compiles records of comedias sueltas printed before 1834 and are currently held in the collections of academic and research libraries across the United States. Referred to as chapbooks in English, sueltas emerged from printing centers of Spain mainly in the 18th century, and they continued to be produced well into the 19th century. Key characteristics of comedias sueltas include quarto format printed in double column. These singly printed three-act plays were often 32 to 64 pages in length resulting in 4 to 8 gatherings that were later stab- stitched. Many have a printed number on the upper portion of the first page by which printers kept track of the inventory. A primary place for decoration was the area around the title and the author’s name. One finds arrangements of metal ornaments such as fleurons, stars, ivy leaves, and manicules, or elaborate woodcut tailpieces at the very end. Booksellers also took advantage of pages following the end of the play to advertise other titles they had for sale. Early examples of sueltas often lacked imprints and can be dated only through typographical analysis, however, over time dates appeared gradually in the colophons of sueltas.

The first page of Las Bizarrias de Belisa by Lope de Vega Carpio.
The first page of Las Bizarrias de Belisa by Lope de Vega Carpio.

These ephemeral works have managed to survive in significant numbers, as printers and publishers maintained these titles in print for the theater-going public. The theater-going public also enjoyed amateur performances and often purchased multiple copies of sueltas for reading at home. From the colophons we see that printers operated in all the major cities in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, and Salamanca), as well as in some of the smaller cities, and sold some of their sueltas through booksellers all over Spain. It was an active and thriving business.

Director Szilvia Szmuk-Tanenbaum and the team at Comedias Sueltas USA hope that the Database and some of the other features of the website will serve as a valuable resource for students and scholars exploring different aspects of the Spanish theater, book history and the printing culture of the hand-press period in Spain. This comprehensive census includes records and images. As an ongoing process we will continue to enhance records with new data as it emerges. Our objective is to bring awareness and accessibility to these collections, enabling scholars to analyze trends, document change, and provide context allowing for a deeper understanding of the time periods in which they were created. To this end, in addition to accurate bibliographic records, we are including copy specific images of the first and last pages of each play from its holding institution for exact identification.

Other resources available on the website include:

  • An extensive Bibliography that consists of publications supporting the study of sueltas in connection with specific items or collections, comprehensive bibliographic resources covering literature that integrates material on comedias sueltas, and references to printers or booksellers of suelta editions, as well as broader insights into printing history that illuminate the practices applicable to suelta
  • A Glossary of terms, a recent addition still a work in progress, compiles a list of terms that scholars are likely to encounter in our bibliographic records, essays, or general literature about comedias sueltas. Additionally, the diagram of the anatomy of a comedia suelta serves for easy identification of parts and their proper name.
  • The Websites of Interest section assembles a list of various platforms, mostly from Spain, useful for researchers engaged in the study of Spanish history, theater, or literature.

Comedias sueltas USA has identified just over 100 academic and independent research libraries in the United States that have holdings of comedias sueltas. The size of these collections varies, with approximately one-third of the libraries holding only a few titles, several more holding 11-975 titles, and about 8 collections hold more than 1000 titles. For instance, the University of North Carolina boasts a collection of over 2200 titles and similarly, the Hispanic Society Library and Museum in New York possesses nearly an equivalent number.

At the time of this writing, the team at Comedias Sueltas USA has uploaded 69 collections of sueltas into its database and many more are getting ready to be uploaded. We very much appreciate Kelli Hansen’s assistance by providing images of the first and last pages of each item in the Ellis library Spanish play collection. We feel that having the 62 titles, some of which we haven’t seen before, really adds to the completion of the census.

A cover of one of the factitious volumes in Ellis Library's collections.
A cover of one of the factitious volumes in Ellis Library’s collections.

The sueltas in the Ellis library database offer good examples for teaching the history of printing ephemera. These are generally single plays, but we also find them bound as factitious volumes. The term factitious volume is used to describe some randomly bound volume (usually of 12 plays) selected by a collector, bookseller, or librarian. These bound volumes were thought to be easier to handle than the ephemeral pamphlets. The Moreto plays Confusión de un jardín and San Franco de Sena, with no imprint dates, seem to be the earliest in the collection. The most recent suelta in the collection, Sancho Ortiz de las Roelas by Cándido María Trigueros was printed in 1814. A selection of Trigueros’ works are 18th-century adaptations of plays originally written by Lope de Vega. Curiously, nearly half of the Ellis collection is authored by Lope de Vega, a prominent Spanish playwright and poet of the Golden Age. By closely examining this collection students can observe first-hand the printing styles across the 17th -19th century.

Looking at these plays in chronological sequence, it is easy to observe change in typography and orthography. For example, the use of long s (a letter that looked almost like an f) transitions to a modern short s during this period. Other aspects of spelling become modernized as well. The use of a short s but with an early date in the colophon indicated a “concealed reprint” which was done to avoid paying the fee a printer should have paid for reprinting an earlier work.

Women played an important part in the world of 18th century Spanish printing. Seven of the 62 plays in the collection were produced by women printer/booksellers. Women often assumed the reins of their late husband’s or male relative’s business. As was the case with Viuda de Quiroga (Manuel de Losada Quiroga’s widow) and Antonia Gómez (José de Orga’s widow). In addition, there was Teresa de Guzmán who was a printer and bookseller in her own right in Madrid from 1733-1737.

It is important for Special Collections to bring the history of the book and older printing practices to the attention of its users. Plays that students now read in modern paperback edition or electronically did not appear that way to their first readers two or three centuries ago. It is important to have them touch the paper that was made one sheet at a time during this era of printing and even to feel the bite of the type as the raised letter was formed. Experiences such as these bring a deeper understanding to the evolution of printed materials. We hope that faculty, students, and researchers at the University of Missouri will see the value of their Spanish plays collection.

To access comedias sueltas or any other materials in Special Collections, schedule an appointment through the Special Collections website.

Kelli Hansen

Kelli Hansen is head of the Special Collections and Rare Books department.

home Cycle of Success Welcome to Janet Hilts

Welcome to Janet Hilts

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Janet Hilts has been hired as arts and humanities librarian. Janet has a Master of Library and Information Studies from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Arts in ethnomusicology and musicology from York University. She previously worked as a research assistant with the project “Sounds of Home: Exploring Local Music Collections and Collecting in Canada,” and as a librarian for the Learning and Instruction Division at Simon Fraser University Library.

home Cycle of Success Welcome Megan Ballengee

Welcome Megan Ballengee

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Megan Ballengee has been hired as the community engagement coordinator. Megan has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and Bachelor of Arts in art history and Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking from St. Cloud State University. She previously worked as an instructional services librarian at Heartland Community College and an undergraduate instruction & outreach librarian at Texas State University.

home Cycle of Success Using Government Research to Uncover the History of the Bicycle

Using Government Research to Uncover the History of the Bicycle

Every year since 1990, bicycle enthusiasts have converged from around the world for the International Cycle History Conference (ICHC), where papers are presented on all aspects of cycle history and culture.

Few controversies are more important to this group than that surrounding the invention of the “boneshaker,” that is, the original bicycle of the mid-19th century powered by cranks and rotary pedals attached to the front hub. Though it appears to have originated in Paris around 1863, exactly who was responsible for that breakthrough and the original Michaux bicycle company remains unclear.

Fortunately, new technologies in library research may help solve the mystery. In 2022, MU Government Information Librarian Marie Concannon presented a paper at the ICHC titled “How to use digital libraries for historical cycling research,” and spoke about advances which allow powerful full-text searching in millions of books and government records all at once.

One of the historians in attendance was David Herlihy, author of Bicycle: The History published by Yale University Press. After hearing Ms. Concannon’s presentation, he was intrigued by the possibility of using U.S. Patent & Trademark Office databases to answer a key question: in 1869, were the founders of the Michaux company trying to purchase the original bicycle patent granted by the U.S. Patent office in November, 1866 to Pierre Lallement of Paris, France? If so, that would provide strong evidence that they knew this was a valid patent. Mr. Herlihy hopes to analyze data generated by the newly retooled U.S. Patent database, together with 19th century intellectual property law, to make that case.

Ms. Concannon was able to assist with the patent database, but needed help with intellectual property law history. She asked MU Law Librarian colleagues Randy Diamond and Cindy Shearer for input, and was delighted to see all they uncovered — about a dozen articles providing exactly the sort of legal context Mr. Herlihy was seeking, including the steps a foreigner might have taken in the 1860s to either purchase or overturn an existing U.S. patent. Taking such actions could indirectly reveal that individual’s opinion of the bicycle’s rightful inventor.

For now it remains a mystery to us, while Mr. Herlihy works through all the materials sent by our team of librarians. We can’t wait to see his next ICHC paper!

home Cycle of Success Navadeep Khanal Appointed Head of Teaching and Learning

Navadeep Khanal Appointed Head of Teaching and Learning

The University of Missouri Libraries are pleased to announce that Navadeep Khanal has been appointed head of the newly created Teaching & Learning Department within the Research, Access and Instructional Services (RAIS) Division. The Teaching & Learning Department combines the former Instructional Services Department with the E-Learning/Digital Media unit and will support instructional services, e-learning, web content management, and the Digital Media and Innovation Lab. The head of Teaching & Learning will report to the associate university librarian for RAIS and work closely with the head of Research and Information Services to provide forward-thinking leadership in support of the libraries’ strategic goal to position the University Libraries as active partners in student-centered learning.

Navadeep has served as the head of E-Learning Technologies at the MU Libraries since 2021. He joined the MU Libraries in 2013 as the e-learning librarian. He earned his PhD in social and community informatics at the University of Illinois in 2012, and a Masters in Library and Information Science in 2005. He earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2002. Over the years he has worked closely with his fellow librarians, and instructional technology staff at Mizzou. He went on to set up the Digital Media and Innovation Lab in Ellis Library, and take on the additional role as web manager since 2017. Prior to coming to Mizzou, Navadeep worked at the iShool in Illinois to support research and information technology needs.

home Cycle of Success, Government Information, Staff news Marie Concannon Receives National Library Award for “Prices and Wages by the Decade”

Marie Concannon Receives National Library Award for “Prices and Wages by the Decade”

Marie Concannon, head of government information for the University of Missouri Libraries, has been awarded the 2023 NewsBank/Readex/GODORT/ALA Catharine J. Reynolds Award from the Government Documents Round Table of the American Library Association. This award provides funding for research that would make a contribution to the field of documents librarianship. The prize will be used to fund a student position in the library’s Government Information department to help expand the “Prices and Wages by Decade” web guide.

GODORT stated, “The Awards Committee is excited and impressed with your website and research project Prices and Wages by Decade, and acknowledges the immense value it offers to researchers everywhere.”

The “Prices and Wages by Decade” guide points to retail prices and average wages in primary source materials, mainly government documents. The research guide has found fans across campus, the state and the world since Concannon created it in 2012.

Concannon has received two previous awards for the “Prices and Wages by Decade” guide from the Reference and User Services division of ALA.

home Cycle of Success Welcome to Mara Inge

Welcome to Mara Inge

The MU Libraries are pleased to announce that Mara Inge has been hired as the electronic resources and discovery librarian. Mara has a Master of Library and Information Science and a Bachelor of Arts in art history and archaeology from the University of Missouri. She worked as a senior library information specialist at the MU Engineering Library and Technology Commons since 2018. Before that, Mara was a document control coordinator at the MU Research Reactor.

home Cycle of Success Research and Reviews with MU Libraries

Research and Reviews with MU Libraries

Written by Ashlynn Perez

In 2016, Cassie Boness, a graduate student in the Department of Psychological Sciences, set out to research and analyze the numerous causes of alcohol use disorder. The project was enormous, eventually amounting to nearly five years worth of work. With the long road to publication ahead of her, Boness contacted MU Libraries for help.

“They put me in contact with Kimberly who was so wonderful and patient in our massive undertaking,” Boness said. “I really felt more confident in the work knowing we had her expertise on board.”

Moeller, an instructional service and social science librarian and co-author of the review, first connected with Boness in 2016 when she was contemplating the project. What started as a few brainstorming emails quickly became monthly meetings and continual communication between the two when in September 2017, Boness secured grant funding and the road toward publication began.

Boness and Moeller’s review, entitled, “The Etiologic, Theory-Based, Ontogenetic Hierarchical Framework of Alcohol Use Disorder: A Translational Systematic Review of Reviews,” was written to look into the many causes of alcohol use disorder by summarizing and interpreting data from more specific reviews to make a broader conclusion about the field.

“It was a multi-step process,” Moeller said. “There’s already a lot of reviews out there, and we don’t need to recreate the wheel. So, we decided to review the reviews that exist.”

After the grueling, two-month process of narrowing down sources to reference in the review – an endeavor led by Moeller – came the coding of research and the extrapolation of data. While the initial research and writing of the review were time-consuming, the process of journal submission, receiving feedback, and making changes for resubmission took about half the time spent working on this project.

“Cassie, by and large, did the heavy lifting on this,” Moeller said. “She wrote at least 90% of the paper – likely even more than that – while I worked on the searches, the flowchart, and the methodology section. There was a lot of ‘in-between’ work that occurred as well, with searches added at different points to include other aspects or terminology that reviewers suggested.”

The review, pre-published in July 2021 and officially published in October 2021, has since been picked up by news organizations and created a buzz on Twitter. Boness is now a research assistant professor at the University of New Mexico.

For MU graduate students, staff and those interested in undertaking a systematic review like Boness’, Moeller recommends attending “Demystifying the Literature Review,” a workshop led by her and Christy Goldsmith from the Campus Writing Program. This workshop is offered both in-person and online, with a recording available on the MU Libraries YouTube channel for easy access, and explains both the research and writing process of compiling literature reviews. In addition, Moeller encourages researchers to talk to an MU Librarian.

“We [librarians] run these searches a lot,” Moeller said. “We’re very familiar and comfortable with which tools you might want to use, and can give suggestions to get you started. The librarian you work with can help you set up the search, run the initial search, export all of the results, and then you’re already a step ahead of the game.”