home Staff news Congratulations to Yasuyo Knoll

Congratulations to Yasuyo Knoll

Please congratulate Yasuyo Knoll on her promotion to Sr. Library Specialist. Yasuyo began her position in the Math Library on Monday, December 18.

home Ellis Library, Hours Ellis Library Winter Break Hours

Ellis Library Winter Break Hours

Ellis Library’s extended finals hours have come to a close. We’ll cut way back on hours during the Winter Break and return to our regular hours when the spring semester starts up. The Libraries will be closed, along with the rest of the campus, the entire week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

As always, check our Hours page for up-to-date opening and closing times:

Dec. 23–Jan. 1

Jan. 2–Jan. 15
Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-7pm
Friday 7:30am-5pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
Sunday closed

Jan. 15

January 16 Begins Spring Semester Schedule

Library hours are subject to change. Please check the Hours page for the latest information: http://library.missouri.edu/hours/

home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, December 11, 2017

Family events this weekend: Winter Wonderland at Maplewood House and more!

Recipe of the week: Whole ham glazed with red wine and spices (holiday).

home Staff news Concannon Attends FDLP Anniversary at Rockhurst University

Concannon Attends FDLP Anniversary at Rockhurst University

On November 14, Marie Concannon traveled to the Rockhurst University Library in Kansas City to give a speech in honor of their 100th anniversary in the FDLP.

Green Lease Library Marks Century as a Federal Depository


home Staff news Office Change

Office Change

Jeannette Pierce has moved from Ellis Library Room 152 to Ellis Library Room 105 (Ellen Blair’s former office). We’ll have more moves to announce in the future, but this one is complete.

home Staff news Notes from the Director, 12/8/17

Notes from the Director, 12/8/17

Hello everyone,

Just in case you have not heard yet, the Chancellor is closing campus and giving all full-time employees four additional days off with pay between Christmas and New Years Day (Dec. 26-29).

The University Libraries will ALL BE CLOSED as will the rest of campus. Hospitals are not included, obviously.  SHS plans to be closed along with Ellis.

To be clear, no Library staff can work during that time as we are completely closed. Part-timers and students can’t work; full-timers can’t work. Enjoy the extra time off.

More on Monday,

home Events and Exhibits We’re Looking for the Best Undergraduate Research

We’re Looking for the Best Undergraduate Research

The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest recognizes and rewards outstanding research conducted by undergraduate students at the University of Missouri. Undergraduates in any discipline are invited to enter the contest, which will be judged by a cross-disciplinary panel of librarians.

One $500 scholarship, and one $250 scholarship will be awarded to an individual or group project. The winners will have their projects archived in MOspace, MU’s digital repository.

The research project can be a traditional research paper, a musical composition, a work of art, a video, a web page, or other creative work. It has to have been researched using the resources of the MU Libraries. The project will be judged primarily on sophistication of the research process and the materials used (as documented in the Research Process Statement).

Examples of projects:

  • A set design for theater where the student researched period-appropriate furniture, lighting, and architecture to create the perfect backdrop
  • A documentary film for class that researches the history of race relations at MU using library and archive materials
  • Composition of a piece of music created in the style of a famous composer informed by research into their style, skills, etc. through library materials
  • A business plan for a new company or product showing market need, demographics of customers, patents, design, etc. informed by research using library materials
  • A political science paper comparing the rise of fascism today with that in the early 20th century
  • A parody of a famous piece of literature or any original piece of fiction for which the author did library research for their setting, criticisms, etc.

The deadline for submission of all materials is January 31, 2018.

Questions? Contact Sandy Schiefer at schiefers@missouri.edu

home Staff news New MU Titles in the HathiTrust

New MU Titles in the HathiTrust

Following is a list of MU Titles that were recently added to the HathiTrust. The plus sign before the title indicates that this was a unique contribution to the HathiTrust; i.e., no one else had contributed a copy of this. Some of the items were new when we started digitizing them and another institution has contributed them in the meantime. These volumes were digitized by the Digital Services Department.

Government Publications

+ Cotton hosiery for women : a portfolio of design / by David H. Young. 1942.

+ Fall and winter seasonal apparel. 1942.

Farm labor / Crop Reporting Board, Statistical Reporting Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1944-1946.

Journalism Typography Project

American line type book, borders, ornaments, price list printing material and machinery. 1906.

+ American specimen book of type styles, complete catalogue of printing machinery and printing supplies, vol. 1-2. 1912.

+ Barnharts big blue book containing specimens superior copper-mixed type. : Borders, ornaments, rule, etc. manufactured by Barnhart brothers & Spindler. 1897.

A brief history of printing, volume 2 / by Frederick W. Hamilton … 1918

+ Catalogue of body type faces both modern roman and oldstyle : together with a showing of body type sundries, list of accents, miscellaneous signs, etc. 1913.

+ Hygiene of the printing trades / [by] Alice Hamilton and Charles H. Verrill. 1917.

+ New type faces, borders, ornaments / produced by this company since the publication of the American specimen book of type styles. 1912.

+ The practice of typography : correct composition; a treatise on spelling, abbreviations, the compounding and division of words, the proper use of figures and numerals, italic and capital letters, notes, etc. … 1916.

The printed book / by Harry G. Aldis. 1916

+ Specimens of plain and fancy brass rule : as shown in the 1912 American specimen book of type styles. 1912

+ Specimens of types & borders, and illustrated catalogue of printers’ joinery and materials. 1919.

Special Collections and Rare Books

+ Anakreontos Tēiou Melē = Anacreontis Teii Odae / ab Henrico Stephano luce & Latinitate nunc primùm donatae. 1554.

+ Aristotelous Peri kosmou, pros Alexandrou : Aristotelis De mundo liber, ad Alexandrum : cum versione latina Gulielmi Budaei. 1745

Bibliografía aragoneza del siglo XVI / Juan M. Sánchez. 1913-1914.

Ek tōn Aristotelous kai Theophrastou = Aristotelis et Theophrasti scripta quaedam : quae uel nunquam antea uel minus emendata quam nunc edita fuerunt. 1557.

+ Eine Anzahl wertvoller Schriften / Geschnitten, und herausgegeben von Gebr. Klingspor. 1914.

+ Mémoire de droit public sur la ville de Strasbourg et l’Alsace en général. 1789.


home Staff news Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 12/5/17

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 12/5/17

LMT 12.05.17 Information and Action Items


home Staff news New MUSE Posts

New MUSE Posts

Web tip of the week, December 4, 2017

Holiday Food Drive!

Recipe of the week: Slow cooker Chocolate Turtles (Holiday Edition)

Events for this weekend: Magic Trees, donuts with Santa and lots more.