home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

We are often surprised by what posts and tweets our social media followers respond to the most. Last week a story from Access Services about an overdue book, sparked a lot of interest on Facebook. Thanks to Charlotte Landreth for posting this story.



home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

A picture of the depository on Instagram has been one of our most popular posts. If you’re not following us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/mizzou.libraries/, you’re missing out!




home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

  1. We have our first Libraries’ Mizzou Made story on the campus Mizzou Made page. Mizzou Made stories are what we call Cycle of Success stories, but specifically focusing on students. You can see the story on the Newshub: http://library.missouri.edu/news/lottes-health-sciences-library/mizzou-opens-up-horizons and the Mizzou Made page: https://news.missouri.edu/category/mizzou-made/. We have more of these success stories of current and past students in the works, including our most recent Undergraduate Research Contest winner. Please along any student success stories you have to your Newshub reporters. Also, I want to thank all of the Marketing Team for their work in thinking about how we can best share the story of the Libraries’ impact on students, but I especially want to thank Taira Meadowcroft who worked to get the content together for the first three Mizzou Made stories we are publishing.
  2. Dr. David Crespy gave us a really nice write-up on the University of Missouri Press blog. https://missouribooks.wordpress.com/2017/11/10/the-lanford-wilson-collection-at-mu-libraries-special-collections-and-rare-books/
home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

  • UMKC Libraries’ research librarian and OER coordinator Scott Curtis was interviewed by the Kansas City Star. His Open Educational Resources guide is featured in the article and video. Our own open education and outreach librarian Grace Atkins partnered with him to make that guide, and they’re working together on the UM System’s Affordable & Open Educational Resources initiative. The A&OER grant program was announced today in an email from President Choi. Expect to see a great deal of publicity around this initiative.
  • In other news, the Grand Reading Room made it to the front page of Reddit! 9,000+ upvotes!
home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

Check out the latest Library Ambassadors newsletter.

Special Collections got a shout out on Twitter this week after a surprising instruction session: https://twitter.com/TheGreatKatee/status/920012886423957507.

Don’t forget to stop by the Homecoming Open House tomorrow at Ellis Library!

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

The Zalk Veterinary Medical Library is featured on the Mizzou homepage.

Kate Anderson states, “http://missouri.edu currently features Travis Inman, a non-traditional vet student. He’d wanted a picture of everyone in his family studying in the library.”



home Staff news Marketing Highlight and Request

Marketing Highlight and Request

Marketing Highlight
Tara was a popular subject on our social media this week. If you’re not following the Libraries on social media, you’re missing out!




Marketing Request
Current Mizzou Made stories can be found here: www.missouri.edu/mizzoumade, currently 2-3 stories a day are being published.

These stories also will be used for future marketing purposes including newspaper advertisements and social media. You can help the Libraries’ Marketing Team identify stories. Currently, the campus is prioritizing the following:

  • Mid-Missouri students (Columbia, Ashland, Hallsville, Lake of the Ozarks, etc.)
  • Rural Missouri students thriving at Mizzou
  • Student veterans (will be priority for last week of November leading up to the Military Appreciate Mizzou Football Game on November 11th)
  • Student athletes succeeding in their sport and in the classroom
  • Recent (or not-so recent) alumni with awesome jobs who credit Mizzou for their success (one of the popular stories so far on social media was Chloe’s https://news.missouri.edu/2017/from-mizzou-to-google/)

Please contact Grace Atkins, Shannon Cary, Kelli Hansen, or Taira Meadowcroft if you know of a student who would be good for a Mizzou Made story.

In addition, we will keep posting Cycle of Success stories about faculty, staff, and community. These will also be tagged on social media as #MizzouMade, but the primary marketing focus right now is student recruitment.

Feel free to contact Shannon Cary if you have questions.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight and Request

Marketing Highlight and Request

  • Check out this week’s Library Ambassadors Newsletter.  Grace Atkins is the coordinator of the Ambassadors and the University Libraries Student Advisory Council (ULSAC). If you have news you want to share with these student groups, please let her know.
  • We need #MizzouMade student success stories. Do you have super successful student workers? Do you have student workers who went on to do great things after they graduated? Let us know. We would like to highlight these stories as Cycle of Success stories, but also as part of the campus-wide #MizzouMade stories. You can see example of these stories at https://news.missouri.edu/category/mizzou-made/. Please contact your Newshub reporter or a member of the Marketing Team (Grace, Kelli, Shannon, and Taira) if you have a student you would like to highlight. We will help contact the student and get the story written.


home Staff news Marketing Highlights

Marketing Highlights

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Here are a few notes from the Marketing Team.

  • MU’s campus-wide marketing and communications efforts are putting an emphasis on student success stories, using the hashtag #MizzouMade. The Libraries’ Marketing Team will be asking for your help to find student workers and recent alums to highlight as part of our Cycle of Success features and as part of the campus-wide #MizzouMade campaign.
  • Cycle of Success has become quite the. . .well, success! We have so many success stories that we currently having a waiting list to get them up on our gateway. Thanks to everyone who has participated! We are adding another marketing step to the process, by contacting the communications staff at the schools and colleges of the faculty or students we are highlighting. Hopefully, they will be able to cross-promote our success stories.
  • And on a lighter note, we had one hungry Tumblr viewer who thought one of our books was a cake! Check out this post: http://muspeccoll.tumblr.com/post/165616592758/plasticpaddypogue-muspeccoll-in-our
home Staff news Identity Standards for MU and the Libraries

Identity Standards for MU and the Libraries

Over the last several years, the University of Missouri has adopted identity standards that relate to what we call ourselves and the images we use to represent the institution. To find a complete list of these rules, visit identity.missouri.edu.

Here are some key things to remember:

  • We no longer use “Columbia” when referring to our campus, it is just the University of Missouri, MU, or Mizzou.
  • Mizzou is to be used in informal situations or when students are the primary audience.
  • The stacked MU is the primary logo for the University. There are strict rules about using the stacked MU.
  • Each unit has their own unit signature. It is the stacked MU with the name of the unit and the University of Missouri.
  • You can get the the Libraries’ unit signature from me. If you need anything printed with the unit signature, please make sure it has been approved by me or Printing Services.
  • When referring to the Libraries, use University of Missouri Libraries in the first instance and use University Libraries after that. You may use Mizzou Libraries in informal situations, such as on social media.

If you have questions, please contact me.

Shannon Cary