home Staff news Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have immediate openings for the following staff positions:

  • Sr. Library Specialist – Engineering Library – 26939
  • Library Information Assistant – Ellis Library Circulation Reserve Desk, Part Time – 26941

For additional information on there positions, including the job description, salary, and shift, please visit the Libraries webpage at http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings.

home Staff news Welcome to Christina Pryor and Steven Pryor

Welcome to Christina Pryor and Steven Pryor

Please welcome the following Librarians. They will both be starting on August 1.

  • Christina Pryor will be a Librarian III and NNLM Missouri Coordinator in HSL.
  • Steven Pryor will be a Librarian II in RAIS.
home Staff news Goodbye to Kate Wright

Goodbye to Kate Wright

Kate Wright has accepted a position as Outreach and Student Success Coordinator at the William H. White Business Library at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her last day in the Engineering Library will be July 6. The Engineering Library will be hosting a farewell open house for Kate on Friday, June 29 from 1-3.

home Staff news Staff Development Incentive Program Raffle Winners

Staff Development Incentive Program Raffle Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in the pilot year of the Incentive Program.  The raffle winners are:

  • Colleen Smith – $50 gift card
  • Ashley Granger – $25 gift card
  • Corrie Hutchinson – $25 gift card

This program has been renewed for another year.  To qualify for a raffle ticket:

  • Attend an HR event, an in-person/online class, read a print/ebook that will increase your skill level in some way
  • Notify Sheryl Cullina by providing the date and details of the event/activity and she will add a raffle ticket with your name on it
  • Deadline for submission is May 17, 2019
  • More information can be found at http://libraryguides.missouri.edu/staffincentive
home Staff news Goodbye to Brittany East

Goodbye to Brittany East

Brittany East will be leaving Ellis Library Security. Her last day will be June 15, 2018.

home Staff news Welcome to Kendall Steinmetz, Bonnie Johnson, and Ari Pepper

Welcome to Kendall Steinmetz, Bonnie Johnson, and Ari Pepper

Please welcome. . .

  • Kendall Steinmetz to Ellis Library Security. Kendall began working as a part time Security Officer on 5/10/2018.
  • Bonnie Johnson to the Ellis Library Receiving Room. Bonnie transferred to the Libraries on 5/15/2018.
  • Ari Pepper to Ellis Library Admin. Ari will be a part time HR Assistant starting on 5/29.
home Staff news Celebration of Service Comments

Celebration of Service Comments

Congratulations to all of our employees who were recognized at this year’s Celebration of Service. The supervisors provided comments about each employee. You can see those comments if you visit the links listed below.

Celebration of Service: 5 Year Recognitions

Celebration of Service: 10 and 15 Year Recognitions

Celebration of Service: 20 Year Recognitions

Celebration of Service: 25 and 40 Year Recognitions



home Staff news Celebration of Service, May 22

Celebration of Service, May 22

This is a reminder that the Libraries’ Celebration of Service will be held in the Grand Reading Room on Tuesday, May 22 from 11:30 am to 1 pm. A calendar appointment went out last week, but I wanted to make sure that everyone has the correct date.

Campus will also be holding employee recognition week next week, from May 21 – May 25. I hope you are all able to participate in the various activities.

–Sheryl Cullina

home Staff news Welcome Melody Edwards

Welcome Melody Edwards

Please welcome Melody Edwards to the Cataloging & Metadata unit. Melody will be a part-time Sr. Library Specialist, starting on Monday, May 21.

home Staff news UM Staff Benefit, Rental Car Discount

UM Staff Benefit, Rental Car Discount

The University of Missouri System has a partnership with Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental. The UM System asks all faculty/staff to utilize this program when traveling for university business. You will also receive a 5% discount if you use these companies for personal rental car use. Contact Jacqueline Rash for the discount code or more information.