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Reminder Regarding Library News Notes Submission

Here are a few policies and procedures regarding News Notes.

1. Items for News Notes should be submitted to me by noon on Thursday. Please let me know if you will have a late submission.

2. Please send completed items as you wish them to be posted in the blog. This saves time and confusion. If you would like help in composing your post or if you want me to edit the post, please let me know in advance of the submission deadline.

3. If you have images for your posts, please send them to me as a graphic file attached (not inserted in) to your e-mail.

4. Items must be work-related, but I do occasionally post personal announcements about staff members in a Staff Corner post.

5. If you have corrections to items in News Notes, please send them directly to me.

Thank you for your cooperation. Following these procedures will aid me in making sure that News Notes items are published quickly and accurately. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shannon Cary,