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Peer Navigator Corner: Library Advocacy Day

Written by: Faith Brown

As patrons of MU Libraries can attest to, a library is a place where everyone can find a place for themselves and focus on what they need to accomplish. Whether you’re looking for reading material, a place to study, or any other library services, there’s guaranteed to be something for everyone. As a thank you for all that libraries do for the people of Missouri, as a chance for each person to express their love for their favorite libraries, and to promote funding and legislative support, Library Advocacy Day was celebrated statewide on Tuesday, February 6 in Missouri.

What is Library Advocacy Day? The Missouri Library Association (MLA) describes Library Advocacy Day as a day where “Librarians, library trustees and friends from across Missouri come together on one day to meet with State Representatives and Senators to discuss the importance of all libraries — academic, public and school — and their contributions to the lives of Missourians.” The goal of this day is to acknowledge the importance of state aid to public libraries as well as showing the impact that in-person discussions can have on civil agreements.

What’s MU role in all this, and why should you care? The University of Missouri is home to the largest research library in the state of Missouri (Ellis Library), so naturally we have an interest in keeping our neighboring libraries strong. Daniel Boone Regional Library, Columbia’s public library located not too far from campus, does receive funding from the state, meaning it is affected directly by decisions about funding of Missouri libraries. To show support for DBRL, you can visit their donation page or simply use the library’s resources. You can browse their online catalog to find eBooks, audiobooks, streaming services as well as book in their physical collection as well. Those interested can apply for a library card here and either check out materials online or visit DBRL in person.

Even though the date has passed for Library Advocacy Day, it’s not too late to show your gratitude toward Missouri libraries and library workers! The Missouri Library Association has a webpage set up that walks each visitor through the process of how to get in touch with Missouri representatives to advocate for financial assistance and legislative support for all libraries in the state. To show your support for library funding, visit the Missouri Library Association’s Library Advocacy page here for more information.

MU Libraries continues to campaign for state funding while promoting the story of every library’s service to the people in their communities. While our campus libraries aren’t dependent on state funding, your support is still always appreciated! If you would like to find out ways you can show your support for MU Libraries, please visit our support page on the MU Libraries website or click here.