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home Resources and Services Lockers with Chargers Now Available in Ellis Library

Lockers with Chargers Now Available in Ellis Library

Personal storage lockers with USB chargers are now available in Ellis Library, next to the elevators on the main floor. These lockers are free to use, but a Mizzou TigerCard (MU ID) is required for access. These lockers were purchased with funds from the Enhance Mizzou student fee.

Spacesaver Lockers

  • There are two USB charger ports to charge electronic devices in each locker. Chargers are available at the Check Out and Information Desk.
  • You can only use one locker at a time.
  • Lockers can only be used for one day at a time. Any items left in the lockers overnight will be taken to Lost and Found at the Ellis Library West Entrance Desk.


  • Push on door to open locker door. Available lockers have a green light on the numbered panel. Occupied lockers have a red light.
  • Put Items in locker. Charge electronic devices by plugging into USB charger ports.
  • Close locker door. Press your Mizzou TigerCard against numbered panel to lock the door. The light will turn red. Remember your locker number.
  • Open locked door by pressing your Mizzou TigerCard against numbered panel. The light will turn green and the door will open.

If you have any problems using the lockers, contact the Building Coordinator at 115 Ellis Library (by the North Entrance) or the Ellis Safety Team at the West Entrance Desk.