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Rebecca Graves selected for Interpretations IV

Interpretations IV features 40 visual artists and 40 literary artists. Each artist submitted one work of his/her own choice with any theme. Those lucky to have their work selected, participated in an art swap. Each artist received a work from one of the writers; each writher received an artwork.The pairs were tasked with creating a second piece, interpreting the work of their partner. The end result is a showcase of 80 pieces of artwork and writing, currently on display at the Columbia Art League.

This exhibit is a reminder that we all see the world differently and our interpretations are uniqeuly our own. What's even more exciting about this years show is that our very own Rebecca Graves was selected as one of the literary artists. With her partner, Kim Carr, they created 4 pieces of original work. Interpretations IV is up until November 4th. 

Rebecca's initital submission, entitled Heavenly Hosts, was matched up with Kim Carr's photograph, Virture and Vice. Once selected, Rebecca was given Kim Carr's How Far to the Sky?, and interpreted the photograph into a writing titled Relative Value.

 Why did you submit your writing? img_2932

Short answer, to improve my writing and to have people read it.  Long answer is having a goal – the deadline of the submission date plus getting accepted – is a big way to improve.  It’s easy working alone to not finish projects, not carve out the time for them, or not to polish them by revising.  Committing to a submission deadline gives me an added reason to follow through on what I want to do and to also do the revisions and re-writes.  The dirty little secret is that I have been jealous of friends who had had submissions accepted in the past. I’d submitted to this show a couple years ago and didn’t make the cut.  (Not my only rejection either.)  I’ve learned to follow the jealousy.  It’s telling us something.


What do you like most about the exhibt?

The word count limit of 100 words is both a low bar and a high bar.  Low in the sense that most of us can get 100 words down on paper.  High in that you have to have it pretty tight and well-crafted to convey a story or sketch a scene.  I like the collaboration with an artist, the pairing of works and art.  It was fun to find “my” artist and see how she had interpreted my piece and then to see her reaction of my interpretation of hers. 




How did your partner's intrepretation differ from your writing? Were there any surprises?

I love her interpretation.  I think it captures the piece.  Though, yes, I was surprised by the muted colors and tone of her work.  I was expecting bright colors and action.  Funny expectation that, as I don’t have much color in the piece.


Will you be submitting next year? 



Any other comments?

Check out the show. It’s up through Nov 4th.  And the Art League will be holding the Interpretations book reading night on Tuesday 1st November, from 6.30-7.30pm in the Missouri Theatre lobby. 

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.