home Staff news Library Shelfie Day

Library Shelfie Day

Thanks to everyone who helped us participate in Library Shelfie Day this past week. Mizzou social media even posted some content!

Mizzou social media:



Mizzou LIbraries Instagram highlight: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17885023423998934/

Mizzou Libraries Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKkNGXdnPbi/

Zalk Library on twitter: https://twitter.com/ZalkLibrary/status/1354450068959502336

Special Collections: https://twitter.com/MUSpecColl/status/1354470287459426304

Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Library Management Team 1/26/21

Library Management Team 1/26/21

LMT 01.26.21 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Staff Corner

Staff Corner

Charla Kleopfer, 1947-2021
Charla Kleopfer was a librarian at the Health Sciences Library in the late 70s and early 80s.

home Staff news Marketing Highlight- Bernie Sanders in Places

Marketing Highlight- Bernie Sanders in Places

The Marketing Team joined the fun and created their own Bernie Sanders in places meme. It’s gotten a lot of engagement on twitter, instagram, and facebook.




Taira Meadowcroft

Taira Meadowcroft is the Public Health and Community Engagement Librarian at the Health Sciences Library at the University of Missouri.

home Staff news Library Management Team Action and Information Items 1/12/21

Library Management Team Action and Information Items 1/12/21

LMT 01.12.21 Information and Action Items

home Staff news Library Management Team Action and Information Items 12/1/20

Library Management Team Action and Information Items 12/1/20

LMT 12.01.20 Information and Action Items

home Staff news SDC and WPD Resource Pick: UM System Employee Assistance Program is Here to Help

SDC and WPD Resource Pick: UM System Employee Assistance Program is Here to Help

The University Libraries Staff Development Committee and MULAC Wellness and Professional Development Committee will be sharing information about resources available on campus and in the local community. Our first Resource Pick is the UM System Employee Assistance Program and here is more information provided by James Hunter, Director of the UM System EAP office. If you have suggestions for future resource picks, please contact either SDC or WPD.

The UM System EAP offers up to five sessions of counseling for employees, members of their immediate families and retirees. Services are provided at no-cost and are confidential. The counseling service also includes referral to or linkage with a wide variety of community resources based upon assessment and intervention planning. Our counseling service is an avenue to assist employees in effectively coping with stressors in their lives away from the organization such as parenting, caring for a relative in need, maintaining a healthy marriage and family, developing positive social connections, and managing economic stressors. Employees also utilize the counseling service to manage a multitude of work-related stressors.

Often, employees seek the consultation of our EAP to address the complex intersection of personal or life stressors with adjoining work demands. Our counseling interventions aim to promote effective employee role functioning within and external to the workplace as well as address the context in which their stressors are embedded. Effective workplace counseling provided by an EAP may reduce absenteeism, turnover and health care utilization, and may improve work role performance, enhance employee engagement and serves to moderate existing health conditions such as anxiety, depression, alcohol or other substance use.

EAP Work – Life Resources are located here: https://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/benefits/eap/eap_training_programs

EAP Occupational Stress Programs are summarized here: https://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/benefits/eap/eap_occupational_stress

EAP Services for administrators are reviewed here: https://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/benefits/eap/eap_administrator_services  and https://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/benefits/eap/eap_org_consultation

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

Bookish Ornaments

Warm Springs Ranch Holiday Lights Drive-Thru

home Staff news Help Us Build a Better Future

Help Us Build a Better Future

We’ve been through a lot in 2020. And we still face significant uncertainty in the coming months and years. But this moment is also an opportunity to build a better future. One that includes every person in our community.

As our country and community recovers from the pandemic, we will see greater need for years to come. Consider this:

  • 11 million Americans are unemployed (U.S. Department of Labor)
  • 7% of the population of Columbia lives in poverty (Boone Indicators Dashboard)
  • More than 1 in 10 don’t know where their next meal is coming from (Feeding America)
  • 5% of Boone County residents are food insecure (Feeding America)
  • 38% of Boone County residents experiencing food insecurity are above the income threshold for nutrition assistance programs (Feeding America)
  • At least 30 million people are at risk of eviction (Aspen Institute)
  • 1 in 7 students don’t graduate high school (National Center for Education Statistics)

Addressing these challenges will take every one of us. Every day Heart of Missouri United Way helps chip away at these problems. The progress we make is only possible because of donors like you. Please help us do more by giving today.

The future will be different than we once imagined. But it can also be better than we ever dreamed it could be.


Andrew Grabau
Executive Director
Heart of Missouri United Way

P.S. Did you know that for most taxpayers, up to $300 of donations to charity are deductible in 2020? Please, give to Heart of Missouri United Way now.

Donate Here

home Staff news Library Management Team Notes

Library Management Team Notes

We got a little behind on posting notes from the Library Management Team notes. Here are the action and information items from the last several meetings.

LMT 08.11.20 Information and Action Items

LMT 08.25.20 Information and Action Items