home Staff news Concannon Receives James Bennett Childs Award

Concannon Receives James Bennett Childs Award

Congratulations to Marie Concannon! She is the recipient of the 2024 James Bennett Childs Award. This honor, which is awarded by the Government Documents Round Table of the American Library Association, is a tribute to an individual who has made a lifetime and significant contribution to the field of documents librarianship.

From the award letter: “The Awards Committee noted that the support letters for your nomination focused on your dedication to the profession and your lifetime of service. Your role in Government Documents practice has been exemplary. Your work with Prices and Wages by Decade has been beneficial not only to the government information community, but to the wider community as well. It is a privilege to honor you with this award for your years of dedication and service to Government Information.”

The official announcement of the award will come out in mid-March, and Marie will be recognized at the GODORT Awards Ceremony at ALA Annual in San Diego.

home Staff news New Muse Posts

New Muse Posts

“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”

A Paws-On Barn Hunt Training Session!

home Staff news Marketing Highlight

Marketing Highlight

John Henry Adam’s Wordy Wednesday series has been picked up by the John Carter Brown Library on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JCBLibrary/status/1755301245252739465

Make sure you’re following Special Collections and Archives to see more Wordy Wednesday posts!

home Staff news New Event Form and Planning Guide

New Event Form and Planning Guide

The Events and Exhibits Teams has recently updated the Events Form and had created a Library Events Planning Guide. These documents are available through the staff web page.

If you have other questions about planning an event in the library, contact Shannon Cary, head of the Events and Exhibits Team.

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Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week


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New Muse Posts

Against Disruption: On the Bulletpointization of Books

Tryps Seussified Spring Break Camp for Kids

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In the News

“MU librarian to share on historic Boone County housing discrimination”
Columbia Daily Tribune, January 22, 2024

home Ellis Library, Special Collections and Archives, Staff news New Resource: Attack of the Collational Formula

New Resource: Attack of the Collational Formula

When librarians and booksellers describe books, they often include a collational formula, a nightmarish collection of Roman and Greek letters, Arabic numerals, and all manner of subscript and superscripts. If you are interested in learning how to decipher collational formulas, then you may be interested in watching The Attack of the Collational Formula, a series of five videos produced by John Henry Adams, Joseph Sabo, and Caleb Ashlock in a joint project between Special Collections and the Digital Media and Innovation Lab. The project was funded by the Bibliographical Society of America.

The video series includes a basic introduction to bibliographic terms before covering format, collation, and signing in greater detail. Whether you want a refresher or are just getting started, why not check it out? You can find all five videos as a playlist at the BSA’s YouTube channel or you can follow the links below:

John Henry Adams

John Henry Adams is a librarian in the Special Collections and Rare Books department. He provides instruction and reference for the history of the book in general, but especially for medieval manuscripts, early European printing, the history of cartography, and English and German literature.

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Highlighted Newshub Posts of the Week


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Library Management Team Information and Action Items 1/9/24

LMT 01.09.24 Information and Action Items