home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Dr. Leary: Identifying Heat Waves in Florida: Considerations of Missing Weather Data (Open Access)

Dr. Leary: Identifying Heat Waves in Florida: Considerations of Missing Weather Data (Open Access)

Dr. Emily Leary is an Assistant Research Professor in the Biostatistics and Research Design Unit at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. She’s been nominated to a three year term on the University of Missouri School of Medicine Resarch Council and was elected the Vice President of the Mid-Missouri Chapter of the American Statistical Association. To learn more about Dr. Leary’s research, click here.

Dr. Leary recently published her latest research in Public Library of Science (PLOS), an open access journal for science and medicine.

Leary, E., Young, L. J., DuClos, C., & Jordan, M. M. (2015). Identifying Heat Waves in Florida: Considerations of Missing Weather Data. PLoS ONE, 10(11), e0143471. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143471

We were excited to see that Dr. Leary chose to publish in an open access journal. and we asked her for some thoughts on the process:

  1. Why did you choose to publish in an Open Access journal?

“Many of my researcher friends in industry and government are frustrated when they cannot access the research that “their tax dollars pay for” and would help to inform their own work/duties.  Since I had the funds and could publish in open access, I tried to do so.”

      2. Would you publish in an Open Access journal again?  If so, why?

“Yes, although it is interesting that the process is much longer than for subscription based journals.”

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Resources for Residents: Specialty Boards

Check out our new guide to the Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading Lists! https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/vetboards

The guide compiles the recommended reading lists for the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Recognized Specialty Veterinary Organizations (RSVOs) examinations. We hope you will find this information useful as you prepare for boards!

Many thanks to the Veterinary Information Resource Committee of the Veterinary Medical Library Section (Medical Library Association) for pulling all of this wonderful information together and creating templates for veterinary libraries to use. And many thanks to Sue Giger for customizing the information for the University of Missouri!

home Databases & Electronic Resources, Resources and Services Database Spotlight: SWANK Database Trial

Database Spotlight: SWANK Database Trial

Swank Digital Campus Top 100 Films – Trial

This trial for Swank Digital Campus Top 100 Films provides unlimited, 24/7 access to the top 100 requested films, playable on a browser or a mobile device. Popular and award-winning films available include Do The Right Thing, Othello, Rebel Without a Cause, The King's Speech and The Social Network, among others. A plugin may be required for use on certain browsers. Trial ends May 1, 2016.
home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Rahman, Schmaltz, Simoes, Jackson-Thompson, Ibdah: Increased risk for colorectal cancer under age 50 in racial and ethnic minorities living in the United States (Open Access)

Rahman, Schmaltz, Simoes, Jackson-Thompson, Ibdah: Increased risk for colorectal cancer under age 50 in racial and ethnic minorities living in the United States (Open Access)

This week’s Open Access post features 5 University of Missouri authors!

Dr. Rahman specilizes in gastroenterology and practices at the Missouri Digestive Health Center.

Dr. Schmaltz is a Senior Statistician at the Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center assisting on several research projects.

Dr. Simoes is the chair of the Department of Health Management and Informatics at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine and is MU’s Health Management and Informatics Alumni Distinguished Professor.

Dr. Jackson-Thopmson is the Director of the Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center as well as Research Associate Professor of Health and Informatics.

Dr. Ibdah is the division director of gastroenterology and hepatology at the University of Missouri Medical School and the director of the Gastroenterology Fellowship Program. He’s also the Raymond E. and Vaona H. Peck Chair in Cancer Research

They recently published in Cancer Medicine, an open access journal focusing on interdisplinary cancer sciences.

Rahman, R., Schmaltz, C., Jackson, C. S., Simoes, E. J., Jackson-Thompson, J., & Ibdah, J. A. (2015). Increased risk for colorectal cancer under age 50 in racial and ethnic minorities living in the United States. Cancer Med, 4(12), 1863-1870. doi:10.1002/cam4.560

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Resources for Veterinary Toxicology

Check out our updated Guide on Veterinary & Comparative Toxicology


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ICPSR Summer Program

The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Program registration is now open. Choose from any of a number of short courses which cover methodological strategies along with theoretical and practical issues. This recorded webinar tells more about Summer Program courses, scholarships, and more.

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Dr. Schust: Chlamydia trachomatis Infection of Endocervical Epithelial Cells Enhances Early HIV Transmission Events (Open Access)

Dr. Schust: Chlamydia trachomatis Infection of Endocervical Epithelial Cells Enhances Early HIV Transmission Events (Open Access)

Dr. Danny Schust, MD, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. Dr. Schust is also the Division Director of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility at the Missouri Center for Reproductive Medicine and Fertility. To learn more about Dr. Schust’s research and many awards, click here.

Dr. Schust recently published his latest research in Public Library of Science (PLOS), an open access journal for science and medicine:

Buckner LR, Amedee AM, Albritton HL, Kozlowski PA, Lacour N, McGowin CL, Schust DL, and Quayle AJ. (2016) Chlamydia trachomatis Infection of Endocervical Epithelial Cells Enhances Early HIV Transmission Events. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146663. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146663

home J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, Resources and Services Dr. Pulakat: Differential Effects of β-Blockers, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, and a Novel AT2R Agonist NP-6A4 on Stress Response of Nutrient-Starved Cardiovascular Cells (Open Access)

Dr. Pulakat: Differential Effects of β-Blockers, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, and a Novel AT2R Agonist NP-6A4 on Stress Response of Nutrient-Starved Cardiovascular Cells (Open Access)

Dr. Lakshmi Pulakat, PhD, is a professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. Apart from her teaching responsbilites, Dr. Pulakat is also the Associate Director of Research for the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. To learn more about her research and her many awards, click here.

Dr. Pulakat chose to publish her most recent article in Public Library of Science (PLOS), an open access journal for science and medicine:

Mahmood, A., & Pulakat, L. (2015). Differential Effects of beta-Blockers, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, and a Novel AT2R Agonist NP-6A4 on Stress Response of Nutrient-Starved Cardiovascular Cells. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0144824. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144824

Thanks for sharing the love!

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Choose the Right Journal: Think.Check.Submit

Choose the Right Journal: Think.Check.Submit


Choosing the right journal for your research can be tricky!

Think. Check. Submit.

Think. Check. Submit. is a campaign to help researchers identify trusted journals for their research and includes a simple checklist researchers can use to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher.

And, of course, you can always ask Kate!