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Database Spotlight: Ovid Featured Resources for Nursing

Check out the free database and journal trials that Ovid is offering in May for nurses! The featured resources this month are:

  • Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database: "This comprehensive database covers a wide range of medical, nursing, and health science specialties and includes a unique suite of information that’s been analyzed, appraised, and prepared by expert reviewers at JBI so you and your team can integrate the world’s best evidence into your practice"
  • Maternity and Infant Care: "Maternity and Infant Care is a bibliographic database covering over 400 English-language journals and other sources. It is a key information resource used by maternity health care professionals and student midwives worldwide to support their research, practice and study requirements."
  • AJN: American Journal of Nursing: "The American Journal of Nursing is the oldest and most honored broad-based nursing journal in the world."
  • Journal of Patient Safety: "The Journal of Patient Safety is dedicated to presenting research advances and field applications in every area of patient safety."

Access for these resources lasts until the end of May, so check them out while you can.

Access here:

Tips and Tricks:

Each resource has to be registered for separately.

Cross searching databases is not allowed with the trials.