home Resources and Services SciFinder Scholar Training Sessions at MU

SciFinder Scholar Training Sessions at MU

October 23, 2013 (Wednesday)
2:00 – 3:20 pm Basic/Introductory session
3:30-5:00 pm Intermediate/Advanced session
  125i Chemistry Building (conference room inside 125 Chemistry Building)
Trainer:  Peter Blasi, Applications Specialist, CAS

Register here to attend a SciFinder Scholar training session

The Basic/introductory session will cover the following topics plus questions from participants:

  • An introduction to CAS content and indexing
  • A brief overview of SciFinder features
  • Exploring references by research topic, company name, author name, journal name, and patent number
  • Sorting/Analyzing/Refining/Categorize
  • Saving/Exporting/KMPs
  • Exploring substances by chemical name and CAS RN
  • Interpreting chemical substance records
  • Commercial suppliers and regulatory information
  • Retrieving full-text

The Intermediate/Advanced session will cover the following topics plus questions from participants:

  • Structure searching
    Reaction searching
    Analyzing reaction answer sets
    Using SciPlanner
  • Specialized topics such as polymers/alloys/organometallics  

Please contact Janice Dysart if you have any questions. 

Springer eBooks!

MU Libraries recently added over 400 ebooks from Springer's Biomedical and Life Sciences collection. Some titles of interest include:

home Resources and Services First floor renovation complete – see slideshow

First floor renovation complete – see slideshow

Slideshow: Health Sciences Library 1st Floor Renovation Fall 2013

With funding and assistance from the School of Medicine, the space has been transformed into an information commons, featuring:

  • a renovated computer instruction room
  • improved lighting
  • improved heating & cooling for the entire building
  • additional printers
  • a conference room for faculty & staff

The DoIT computer lab, Printsmart printers and help desk have moved back downstairs to the first floor.  The books in the compact shelving area are directly accessible by students, staff and faculty.


home Resources and Services Content Matters: An Interview with Edward McCain of the Reynolds Journalism Institute

Content Matters: An Interview with Edward McCain of the Reynolds Journalism Institute

For this installment of the Content Matters interview series of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Content Working Group I interviewed Edward McCain, digital curator of journalism at RJI and University of Missouri Libraries.

Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Content Matters: An Interview with Edward McCain of the Reynolds Journalism Institute

home Resources and Services Federal government shutdown

Federal government shutdown

The bad news: Many federal government websites are offline, and links to research reports are broken. The good news: MU Libraries has a Government Documents department with specialists who may help you find what you need through alternate sites or in physical collections. Find contact information under “Reference Services” on the Government Documents home page: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/govdocs

Has the government shutdown prevented you from getting information you need? Please fill out our Government Shutdown and Information Access form and let us know.  

The form is designed to help us determine areas of greatest need during the shutdown. The Government Documents unit will assist respondents in finding alternate sources if requested.

Happy Birthday Arthur Rackham!

Last week marked the 146th anniversary of the birth of Arthur Rackham, illustrator extraordinaire. Best known for his work on children's books, fairytales, and classics, Arthur Rackham's distinctive style continues to be recognized and admired by modern illustrators, art lovers, and readers alike.

Arthur Rackham was born on September 19, 1867 to Anne and Alfred Rackham.  One of twelve children, Arthur grew up to follow in his father's footsteps and began work as a clerk with an insurance company when he was eighteen.  He soon grew bored with that and began taking night classes at a nearby art school.  In 1892, he began work as a full time illustrator with the Westminster Budget where his drawings of everyday life in London and famous personalities were a hit.  They were so popular that he often was assigned to draw royal events, such as the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of York in 1893, who would later be known as King George V and Queen Mary.

As photography began to become more popular in the newspapers, Rackham turned to book illustrations, contributing for several travel books and developing his style by contributing to other works before his first major success in the form of the illustrated Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales in 1900.  The book that really put him on the map, as it were, was his 1905 illustrated Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving.  In this book, Rackham's iconic style is fully developed and becomes enormously popular with each successive year seeing at least one new work published with illustrations by Arthur Rackham.

Rackham is known for various elements that combine in his work such as:

  • flowing lines
  • muted watercolors
  • backgrounds with hidden images or "surprising information"
  • a balance between sensuousness and chastity in his fairies and nymphs
  • just the right amount of ugliness to not be frightening in his trolls
  • forests filled with twisted trees
  • the juxtaposition of the frightening with the beautiful in a single image

In addition to his stunning watercolor prints, Rackham would more frequently do black and white line drawings.  Occasionally he would experiment with silhouette, and this is showcased beautifully in his illustrated The Sleeping Beauty (shown below).

The Sleeping Beauty

Rackham continued his illustrative work until his death from cancer on September 6, 1939.  His last work, completed just before his death, was an illustrated Wind in the Willows that was published posthumously in 1940.

We have a wide range of books and folios showcasing Arthur Rackham's work, including those from the Limited Editions Club and some first editions.  So if you get the chance, come celebrate the life of one of the most beloved children's/fairytale illustrators with us here at Special Collections.

Sources used:

"About Arthur Rackham." The Arthur Rackham Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. <http://arthur-rackham-society.org/about_the_artist.html>. 
"Arthur Rackham." Arthur Rackham. N.p., 1998. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. <http://www.bpib.com/illustrat/rackham.htm>.
"Rackham 101." Aleph-Bet Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. <http://www.alephbet.com/arthur-rackham-101.php>.
Scott, LaRue. "Arthur Rackham Illustrations." British Heritage 24.4 (2003): 52. EBSCOhost. Web. 18 Sept. 2013. <http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=9321715c-f7d8-456c-a626-c6de6fb3fc32%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=5&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=f5h&AN=9676268>.

Author Self-Portrait:


home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Unsolved Mystery #3: Extrait des Registres du Parlement

Unsolved Mystery #3: Extrait des Registres du Parlement

You might think I'm cheating a bit with this week's Unsolved Mystery.  After all, this manuscript is catalogued; it's even fully digitized!  We know where it came from, how we got it, and we have a general outline of its contents.  Not much of a mystery, right? 

Well, like most of our Unsolved Mysteries, there are more pieces of the story to uncover.


This manuscript on the laws of Paris and the French Parliament is attributed to Monsieur Drouyn de Vandeuil, the first President of the Parliament of Toulouse, and contains a history of France and a register of French royalty. There is also an extract of the minutes of the French Parliament.  The manuscript seems to have been written by two separate scribes.  We assume it's a fair copy of minutes and other working documents.

This manuscript belonged to the French lawyer and bibliophile Jacques Flach. His collection was purchased by the University of Missouri in 1920, and the manuscript has been here ever since.  It is available through the University of Missouri Digital Library.


To our knowledge, the manuscript has never been published or studied – so we have an outline of the text, but we don't know its contents in detail. 

How did Flach come across the manuscript? Is the attribution correct? Has the text ever been published?  What information does it contain?

If you have information about this or any other of our unsolved mysteries, email us at SpecialCollections@missouri.edu – and stay tuned for another Special Collections mystery next week.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library New Resources for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine

New Resources for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine

The Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicince (University of Nottingham) has launched VetSRev and BestBETs for Vets!

Information on the new resources from Douglas Grindlay, Veterinary Information Specialist, CEVM:


Firstly, there is VetSRev (www.nottingham.ac.uk/cevm/vetsrev).

VetSRev is a freely-accessible online database of citations for systematic reviews of relevance to veterinary medicine and science. At present VetSRev contains around 330 systematic reviews, but more and more are being published each year.

To find out more about VetSRev and our inclusion and exclusion criteria, please see our document About VetSRev. We have also written a guide to using the database called Getting Started with VetSRev.

BestBETs for Vets

Our database BestBETs for Vets (http://bestbetsforvets.org) is also now available online.

“BET” stands for Best Evidence Topic. The BestBETs concept was first developed for doctors working in emergency medicine (http://www.bestbets.org/). In collaboration with our medical colleagues, we have developed a freely accessible database of BestBETs for vets, BestBETs for Vets.

BETs are simple reviews of the current best evidence available to answer simple, common and specific clinical questions. They are designed to be a quick and achievable method of enabling the incorporation of evidence into clinical practice.

BETs start with a very specific clinical question. A systematic literature search is then done to find available evidence. The relevant literature is critically appraised for quality and a “bottom line” (the answer to the question) is reached based on this evidence. BETs do not tell you what to do, they tell you about the evidence on a certain topic—we aim to give an unbiased view of the evidence found.

BETs can be used to help vets stay up to date on what the current evidence suggests on a specific topic. They can also be used as a discussion point for practice meetings, journal clubs and teaching.

If there is a particular topic or question which we have not yet covered, you could submit the question to us via the BestBETs for Vets website.

New CEVM website

Finally, we have a completely new CEVM website, with details of all our different projects:


home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Unsolved Mystery #2: The Book of Ruth

Unsolved Mystery #2: The Book of Ruth

IMG_6313_smThanks for the interest in our first Unsolved Mystery post!  We're presenting these items as great opportunities for students or faculty to do some original research – so if you'd like to work on any of these materials, let us know.

The next item in the series is a small Hebrew scroll with a wooden handle.  We refer to it as the Book of Ruth, since that's the identification of the text on its label.  But since none of us reads Hebrew, we haven't verified whether Ruth is actually the text.  Mr. David Birnbaum, a Hebrew Biblical text scholar from the University of Chicago Law School, confirms that our scroll manuscript is indeed the Book of Ruth. [added 10/31/2013]

IMG_6305_smThis Hebrew text is manuscript on parchment and is clearly the work of two scribes.  The entire piece measures about 7 inches tall, including the handle.  We assume that its small size and humble materials indicate that it was used for personal study, but that's just our conjecture. 

Where was the scroll produced?  How old is it?  And how did it get here?

As always, feel free to email us at SpecialCollections@missouri.edu with any information – and stay tuned next week for another Unsolved Mystery from the Special Collections vault.

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Unsolved Mysteries of Special Collections

Unsolved Mysteries of Special Collections

 They’ve come to us across four thousand years of history, from at least three different continents, representing many cultural traditions.  We know just enough about them to tantalize us – and we’d like to know more.  Each week we'll be sharing a new mystery from our collections.  Can you solve the Unsolved Mysteries of Special Collections?



Sorry, not those Unsolved Mysteries.  We’re talking about Special Collections materials we’d like to know more about.

Unsolved Mystery #1: Cuneiform Tablets

Special Collections holds eight cuneiform tablets whose exact provenance is unknown. Seven of the tablets were donated to MU Libraries by the now-defunct Ernest McClary Todd Museum, formerly a part of the School of Journalism. They may have come to the University in the early twentieth century.

Tablet MULC 8 (Z113 .P3 1#1 item 1a) was acquired as part of the Pages from the Past collection, which was a portfolio of leaves and artifacts sold by Foliophiles in the 1960s.

Six of the tablets were recently published by a researcher at the University of Heidelberg. The remaining two tablets are thought to be from the Old Babylonian period (1900-1600 BCE) and are currently unedited.

Where did the tablets come from? What information do the two unpublished tablets contain?  What, if anything, is known about the Ernest McClary Todd Museum?

If you have information about this or any other of our unsolved mysteries, email us at SpecialCollections@missouri.eduStay tuned next week for another Unsolved Mystery from the Special Collections vault.