home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Upcoming Database Cancellation: Biological Abstracts

Upcoming Database Cancellation: Biological Abstracts

Access to Biological Abstracts will end on December 31st, 2013. Due to cost considerations, the MERLIN Library system (comprised of MU, UMSL, UMKC, and MS&T) has canceled the subscription to Biological Abstracts effective December 31, 2013.

Looking for alternatives? Try Scopus or these other biology databases.

Contact Kate Anderson if you have any questions or need help transitioning to another database.

home Resources and Services Health Sciences Research Day

Health Sciences Research Day

Health Sciences Research Day will take place Thursday November 14th outside the Health Sciences Library. Details are below, derived from the School of Medicine’s Event page:

Health Sciences Research Day

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013

Category I Poster Session – 9 to 11 a.m. in Acuff Gallery
Keynote Address – Noon to 1 p.m. in Acuff Auditorium
Category II Poster Session – 1 to 3 p.m. in Acuff Gallery
Reception and Awards Presentation – 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Bryant Auditorium

Health Sciences Research Day provides a forum for original research and educational innovations by undergraduate, medical, nursing, and health professions students, as well as predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees working with faculty in the schools of medicine, nursing, and health professions.

Students are encouraged to present the results of their research at Health Sciences Research Day, held each fall at MU’s medical school. This day-long symposium is filled with poster presentations by undergraduate, graduate and professional students, with prizes awarded to the three best presentations in each student category. In addition, special Deans’ Awards will be presented for the most outstanding research conducted by trainees from the schools of nursing, health professions and medicine. Holders of academic titles are not eligible for this competition, except through mentoring roles.

Additional information is available by contacting Debbie Taylor at taylord@health.missouri.edu or 573-884-0042 or visit icats.missouri.edu/researchday/.

home Resources and Services Sappington Exhibit on Display

Sappington Exhibit on Display

We are pleased to announce a new exhibit has been mounted in the display case on the 3rd floor of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library. It features Dr. John Sappington of Arrow Rock Missouri who was one of the many unsung heroes in the opening of the West. A pioneer physician, he was the first person in the United States to advocate the use of quinine to treat malarial fevers. However at the time, he was called a heretic by the other physicians in the U.S. The recommended mode of treatment of the day was to bleed and administer purgatives.

He sold over a million of his Sappington Anti-Fever pills (containing quinine) thereby saving countless lives of the settlers living in the Mississippi Valley region and of those travelers headed westward. The pills also played a large part in the success of the Santa Fe Trail. In 1844 he published his book The Theory and Treatment of Fevers which was the first medical text published west of the Mississippi River. Stop by the exhibit to learn more about the career of this fascinating man. More can be learned about Dr. Sappington at: http://shs.umsystem.edu/historicmissourians/name/s/sappington/



home Resources and Services The Courts Have Spoken: Copyright Law Update

The Courts Have Spoken: Copyright Law Update

Copyright Law Update for Librarians, Faculty and Academic Administrators

Copyright issues have become increasingly visible in recent years.  What do University faculty and staff need to know to access, create, and share intellectual property?  Join Joseph Storch, Associate Counsel in the State University of New York Office of General Counsel and the Chair of the Student Affairs Practice Group for a presentation and discussion about copyright as it applies to academia, including Fair Use, First Sale, and the Teach Act.  Storch will share his analysis of recent court cases and discuss how they apply to our decisions about use of copyrighted material on our campuses.

This Webinar is open to all interested faculty and staff at MU-Columbia.  The Webinar is sponsored by ET@MO, MU Libraries, and MizzouOnline

November 5, 2013 | 1- 2:30 p.m.
Ellis Library, Room 4F51A

home Resources and Services New Mobile Site

New Mobile Site

After several weeks of intensive work on the part of Hunter Sadler, a student employee in LTS and junior in the Computer Science, the new mobile site is up.  Please take a look at it on your smart phone.

Many thanks to Mathew Stephen for coordinating the project and Danielle Langdon, our graphic designer, for her colorful icons!

Redirect when viewing gateway on a smart phone:  http://library.missouri.edu

Direct link:  http://library.missouri.edu/mobile/

Halloween Hoodoo

"To catch a spirit, or to protect your spirit against catching, or to release you caught spirit – this is the complete theory and practice of hoodoo."

The above quote opens the five volume set of books entitled Hoodoo–conjuration–witchcraft–rootwork : beliefs accepted by many Negroes and white persons, these being orally recorded among Blacks and whites by Harry M. Hyatt that can be found in Special Collections.  Published in 1970, these books represent the culmination of years of interviews conducted by the author over a large portion of the Southern United States.

Not to be confused (as it commonly is), with voodoo or vodou, which are both religions derived from West African religions with a dash of Christianity thrown in, hoodoo is often classified as folk magic and is practiced mainly in the Southern United States.  The difference between hoodoo and voodoo and vodou is similar to the distinction between Wicca and witchcraft.  Also similar to Wicca and witchcraft is the fact that people often use all these terms interchangeably, though they have different meanings. Thus, one can belong to the voodoo religion and practice hoodoo, but they don't have to, and vice versa.

In hoodoo, a practitioner draws upon the spiritual power residing within them to perform a ritual to bring about power or success.  Today's mainstream culture often portrays hoodoo as a negative thing because of the common misconception that all who practice it are greedy or corrupt.

Hoodoo–conjuration–witchcraft–rootwork is a record of people's interactions with hoodoo, containing many accounts about how the interviewee was affected by a conjure or how someone they knew was affected.  One woman relates the experience she had when her neighbor put a conjure on her by burying a bottle containing  sulfur, hair, a bluestone, and roots of some sort.  According to her, this was the reason she was unable to stay up past ten o'clock each night.  She proceeds to relate how she destroyed the bottle and its contents and was able to stay up much later the following night while the next day the woman next door had to go to the hospital due to a major problem with her leg.  Another interviewee tells the author about a common practice of putting sulfur and ashes from the fireplace in a bag and keeping it in your pocket to ward off those that would do you harm.

Whether or not you believe that hoodoo works, these books make for interesting reading and are a comprehensive relation of a common practice here in the United States that most of us are largely unfamiliar with.  So if you get a chance between your Halloween celebrations, come see us at Special Collections where you can find the books mentioned here along with many others!


"Difference Between Hoodoo and Voodoo | Difference Between | Hoodoo vs Voodoo." Difference Between Hoodoo and Voodoo | Difference Between | Hoodoo vs Voodoo. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/culture-miscellaneous/difference-between-hoodoo-and-voodoo/>.
"Haitian_Vodou." Reference.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Haitian_Vodou>.
"Louisiana_Voodoo." Reference.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Louisiana_Voodoo>.


home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Halloween Costume Ideas in Special Collections

Halloween Costume Ideas in Special Collections

Are you tired of wearing that same old zombie costume year after year?  Fed up with being lost in the crowd of witches and ghouls?  Special Collections is here to help, with costume inspiration by the book!  Here are a few ideas for Halloween inspired by our collections.

Go Medieval or Go Home

If you're limited on time or materials, you can't go wrong with the Middle Ages.  All you need is a long bathrobe, a large scarf or sheet, a pair of pointy-toed shoes, and a pageboy wig.  Voila!  Tell all your friends you're a character from the Roman de la Rose.  Add a red hat, a fake beard, and a book, and you could be St. Jerome.


Find a New Trade

Forget dressing up like a doctor, firefighter or astronaut.  How about a Victorian butcher, milkman or baker – or better yet, a cat'smeat-man, park-keeper or waterman?  You could be dressed as a sixteenth-century German piscator or a French marchande de poissons.  The numerous books of occupations and street cries in Special Colllections are a field guide to the merchant and artisan classes from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries




Be a Fashion Plate

Halloween and Homecoming are less than a week apart this year, so party like it's 1839.  Fashion magazines like Allgemeine Modenzeitung can give you an idea of what was in style back then. 

Dapper gentlemen from Allgemeines Modenzeitung, 1839

Dapper gentlemen from Allgemeines Modenzeitung, 1839

Dress like a Peasant…

Special Collections has numerous eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ethnographic studies of the native dress of Europe, Asia, and the Americas.  Little did those ethnographers know they were creating a treasure trove of obscure Halloween costume ideas for us early 21st-century folk.  Here are a couple of examples of Italian peasant dress.  Choose your time and place; with our collections, the possibilities are endless. 



…or like Royalty

Of course, if you're more ambitious, you could impersonate a famous king or queen for the day.  How about Elizabeth I?  Or maybe someone from the court of Marie Antoinette



Embrace the Surreal

Perhaps you're looking for something more, shall we say, fanciful? The work of illustrators like J. J. Grandville and Walter Crane should provide ample inspiration for weird and wonderful costumes of all kinds.




Or Dress Like your Favorite Author

How about Leonhart Fuchs?  Or Charles Darwin!  Of course, here in Missouri, we're partial to Mark Twain.


Mark Twain 

We can't guarantee you'll win any costume contests, but it's a pretty safe bet that you'll be the only one dressed as a sixteenth-century botanist or French fishwife at your Halloween party this year.  Happy Halloween!

Do you have an ORCID iD?

Distinguish yourself with an ORCID iD. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID lets you claim all of your work as yours (and not that other Jane Doe).

More info

Open Access: What It Is, What It Isn’t

Find out more about Open Access: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/openaccess

Six OA myths put to rest

home Resources and Services Faculty Lecture Series: Dr. Hawthorne, Nov. 7

Faculty Lecture Series: Dr. Hawthorne, Nov. 7

November 7, 2013 | 2-3 p.m.
Ellis Library Colonnade
Faculty Lecture Series presents Nanotechnology for Cancer Therapy
with Dr. Fred Hawthorne

Dr. Hawthorne will discuss his work with Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for cancer, and the remarkable progress made here at MU. In 2006 Dr. Hawthorne founded the International Institute of Nano and Molecular Medicine at the University of Missouri, where he is Institute Director and Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Radiology. He has been widely recognized including election to the US National Academy of Sciences and in 2013 he received the National Medal of Science.