home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Monday Manuscript: Tiny stories in Charlotte Bronte’s own handwriting

Monday Manuscript: Tiny stories in Charlotte Bronte’s own handwriting

Happy 198th birthday to Charlotte Brontë, and happy manuscript Monday! Here's one of the most famous items in the collections: a manuscript by Charlotte herself, written at age 17.  Believe it or not, if you're on a desktop computer, the scans below are probably displayed on your monitor at larger than actual size.  The original manuscript is only about 5 inches tall. Its eight leaves contain not just one, but two short stories – "The Secret" and "Lily Hart."  What's amazing to note is that Charlotte actually edited this manuscript. If you look really closely, you can see where she's crossed out some phrases and added others. 

Can you read it?  If not, never fear: this manuscript was published by William Holtz in 1979 in facsimile and transcription, for those of us whose eyesight isn't quite as keen as Charlotte's must have been.  This manuscript also has an amazing history; see a past Mizzou Wire article for more information, or find it in the MERLIN catalog.





home Resources and Services Instruction Librarian Goodie Bhullar Honored with MU Writing Intensive Award

Instruction Librarian Goodie Bhullar Honored with MU Writing Intensive Award

Congratulations to Goodie Bhullar, who has received one of the 2014 Writing Intensive Teaching Excellence Awards in recognition of her contributions in serving on the Writing Board, coordinating library instruction for many writing intensive classes and being an excellent teacher. She was honored at a reception at the Benton Bingham Ballroom in Memorial Union on April 18th at 2:00pm.

To learn more about the award, visit http://cwp.missouri.edu/awards/WI_Excellence.php.

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives What’s Blooming this Week: Lenten Rose

What’s Blooming this Week: Lenten Rose

For this last week of Lent, our featured plant from the Mizzou Botanic Garden is helleborus orientalis, or Lenten Rose.  You'll find them blooming on the west side of Ellis Library.  The plants in the photo are just outside the entrace to Ellis Auditorium.

Lenten rose

Helleborus orientalis is native to Anatolia and was not introduced to European gardens until the mid-1800s.  It is grown primarily for its ornamental value. However, there are several other species in the hellebore family, and they were used medicinally in Europe for thousands of years.  In Medical Botany (London, 1790), William Woodville provides illustrations of two hellebores related to those growing on campus: Helleborus foetidus, or Bear's Foot, and Helleborus niger, or Christmas Rose.



Woodville’s book is a work on plants, but he’s primarily interested in their medicinal uses.  Woodville writes that Helleborus niger was introduced in England in 1596, while Helleborus foetidus was “constantly used in medicine from the time of Hippocrates [and] was the only species of Hellebore known in the Materia Medica of our pharmacopoeias.”   He notes:

The smell of the recent plant is extremely fetid, and the taste is bitter, and remarkably acrid, insomuch, that when chewed, it excoriates the mouth and fauces; it commonly operates as a cathartic, sometimes as an emetic, and in large doses proves highly deleterious.  (54)

Of course, the Helleborus orientalis growing on our campus may have different properties than its cousins H. foetidus and H. niger.  It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: the information provided here is most certainly not meant to provide any form of medical advice!

Many thanks to David Massey, a research specialist at Landscape Services, and to Pete Millier, director of the Mizzou Botanic Garden, for lending their wisdom for this post.

home Resources and Services St. John’s Bible on Display in Ellis Library

St. John’s Bible on Display in Ellis Library

On display in the Ellis Library Colonnade are eight prints from the Heritage edition of the St. John’s Bible. The leaves are part of a traveling exhibit from the St. John’s Project, a subsidiary of St. John’s University in Minnesota and will be on display until April 27th.  More information about the St. John’s bible can be found on their website at : http://www.saintjohnsbible.org/.

home Resources and Services Faculty Lecture Series, April 24

Faculty Lecture Series, April 24

Thursday, April 24 at 2:00pm 

Ellis Library Colonnade

When the word "melodrama" is mentioned, scenes of suspenseful situations with exaggerated music and action come to mind. In the Czech lands, a different style of melodrama was exceedingly popular in the nineteenth century. Dr. Judith Mabary will provide an introduction to this genre and the contributions of its main proponent, Zdenek Fibich, to the concert version prominent in the nineteenth century. Samples will be performed by Dr. Janice Wenger from the School of Music on piano and Dr. Cheryl Black from the Department of Theatre as the reciter. Please join us for this presentation on Thursday, April 24 at 2 pm in the Ellis Library Colonnade. This event is free and open to the public. 



home Resources and Services National Library Week Event, April 17

National Library Week Event, April 17

Next week, the MU Libraries join libraries in schools, campuses and communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week, a time to highlight the value of libraries, librarians and library workers.
Libraries today are more than repositories for books and other resources. Often the heart of their communities, campuses or schools, libraries are deeply committed to the places where their patrons live, work and study.  
The MU Libraries are celebrating National Library Week by holding two parties for the MU faculty, staff, students and our community users. Please join us for refreshments and library information at Ellis Library and at the Health Sciences Library on Thursday, April 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
home Resources and Services Celebrate National Library Week with us! April 17

Celebrate National Library Week with us! April 17

Next week, the MU Libraries join libraries in schools, campuses and communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week, a time to highlight the value of libraries, librarians and library workers.

Stop by the Health Sciences Library on Thursday, April 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m for a chance to meet with the friendly faces at your library as they hand out refreshments. There will also be opportunities to win prizes!

Libraries today are more than repositories for books and other resources. Often the heart of their communities, campuses or schools, libraries are deeply committed to the places where their patrons live, work and study.  

home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives Monday Manuscript: Notebooks from a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright

Monday Manuscript: Notebooks from a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright

April 13 would have been playwright Lanford Wilson's 77th birthday, so we're celebrating him by featuring his work on this week's Manuscript Monday. Wilson passed away in 2011 and left his papers to the University of Missouri Libraries. The collection includes correspondence, working notebooks, drafts and proof copies, and well as work related to Wilson's personal interests, such as gardening and art collecting.

The manuscripts featured here relate to Wilson's plays A Sense of Place and Fifth of July, which was recently produced on campus by the MU Theatre Department. It's fascinating to watch Wilson at work through these pages, as he adds, edits and deletes the texts of his plays.  





An unexpected bonus: we also found Wilson's recipe for tomato tart, which sounds delicious. Let us know if you try it!


home Resources and Services, Special Collections and Archives What’s Blooming this Week in Special Collections

What’s Blooming this Week in Special Collections

Did you know that Mizzou is a botanic garden?  Our campus is gorgeous all year round, but it's particularly outstanding in the spring and summer.  We're celebrating the natural beauty around us with a new series that links Mizzou's campus gardens with the herbals, botanical books, and gardening manuals in Special Collections. 

We didn't have to go far to find inspiration this week.  These magnolia trees on the Ninth Street side of Ellis Library are show-stoppers every spring. Daffodils of several varieties provide a cheerful shot of yellow underneath. 



We found images and descriptions of these plants in Curtis' Botanical Magazine, a publication that started in the late 1700s with the aim "to unite systematic knowledge with the pleasures of the flower-garden."  William Curtis includes several types of narcissus throughout the publication; the ones illustrated here are only a few.  About the magnolia, Curtis writes,"There is a magnificence about the plants of this genus which renders them unsuitable subjects of representation in a work the size of ours."  We have to agree; in person they're really amazing.






Apologies for my fingers; these volumes of Curtis are really tightly bound!  Special thanks to Arthur Mehrhoff at the Museum of Art and Archaeology.  Be sure to check out his Pride of Place website, which provided an inspiration for this series.

home Resources and Services Food in the Library

Food in the Library

This is just a friendly reminder to help keep the library safe and clean by following our food policy.

You may bring drinks and snacks like chips and granola bars from the vending machines into the Engineering Library.  However, things like fruit, yogurt, pizza, sandwiches and other foods attract bugs.  Please eat these foods out in the hall before you come into the library to help protect our materials.

Thank you!