Shelly McDavid, a library information assistant a the Veterinary Medical Library, and Rebecca Graves, the educational services librarian for the Health Sciences Library, co-authored two chapters, "Introduction to Learning Theory" and "Introduction to Instructional Techniques," which appear in Curriculum-Based Library Instruction: From cultivating faculty relationships to assessment (Medical Library Association Book Series), 2014. The book has just been released and was co-edited by Amy Blevins, a graduate of the MU School of Information Science and Learning Technologies.
Resources and Services
MU to Open Census Bureau Research Data Center In Ellis Library
Satellite center will make population, economic and health research more efficient for scientists
Oct. 07, 2014
Story Contact(s):
Nathan Hurst,, 573-882-6217
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The University of Missouri has received approval from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to become a satellite location for the new Research Data Center (RDC) to be located in Kansas City, Mo. Now, researchers from MU and around the Midwest will be able to access millions of files of census bureau data for research projects ranging from public health issues to economics. Hank Foley, senior vice chancellor for research and graduate studies at MU, says this new center will further position MU as a leading research institution in the region.
“Having access to the federal government’s immense database on our campus will allow MU researchers, as well as scientists from around the region, to perform important, complicated research that they otherwise would have to travel hundreds of miles and spend thousands of dollars to complete,” Foley said. “This new research center will be a priceless resource for advancing scientific study here at Mizzou and around the Midwest.”
Although best known for the nationwide census every 10 years, the U.S. Bureau of the Census collects millions of records of information on individuals and businesses based on a large number of specialized surveys, as well as providing access to data maintained by a variety of government agencies. Although much of these data are made public, a large portion contain sensitive information, such as Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and medical records, which remains confidential to protect the privacy of individual Americans. In order to access this sensitive data for sociological, economic and public health research, scientists are required to receive certification from the census bureau and travel to an RDC, where they are closely monitored by government officials to ensure that the data remain confidential. Previously, Mizzou researchers were forced to travel as far as Chicago or Minnesota to reach the closest RDC. Colleen Heflin, an associate professor in the MU Truman School of Public Affairs and co-director of the satellite RDC at MU, says the new center will allow MU researchers to work much more efficiently.
“Spending time travelling hundreds of miles to gain access to this invaluable database can be quite expensive and time consuming,” Heflin said. “With this resource on campus, MU scientists can perform their research much more cheaply and quickly than they could formerly.”
“Having an RDC branch on campus will allow MU researchers to take on projects that would not be possible otherwise, opening up opportunities for important scholarly work as well as government and private grant funding,” said Peter Mueser, a professor in the Department of Economics in the MU College of Arts and Science and co-director of the MU RDC. “For example, RCD census data have detailed information on geography that was used in a recent study on the effect of hurricane Katrina on businesses in Mississippi. Such RDC access is available at fewer than 20 sites nationwide, so MU will join a small elite group who have this kind of access.”
The University of Missouri has dedicated $1 million from the general operating budget: to finance the new facility, which will be located in Ellis Library on the MU campus; fund the salary of a census bureau employee to operate the RDC; create small grants for faculty to receive federal approval to use the RDC; fund several doctoral fellowships to train students in using the database; and begin a seminar series promoting the types of research in which the RDC is capable of assisting. The primary RDC, located in Kansas City, is funded by the Kauffman Foundation. While the MU RDC is technically a satellite center, it will allow the same access to census bureau data as the primary RDC in Kansas City. Chris Wikle, a professor of statistics at MU, says the new RDC will be a valuable resource for all kinds of research.
“The types of data available in an RDC allow us to more easily develop and check the techniques we are working on to improve research in specific areas that are important to scientists who are trying to do work in the social and political sciences,” Wikle said. “An example would be if social scientists were interested in comparing demographic data to the amount of crime in a particular neighborhood. The demographic data from a specific neighborhood might not normally be available to the public, but can be accessed through the methods we are developing with resources from the RDC.”
The date in which the MU RDC will be opened has not yet been named, but Heflin believes it should be operational within the next year.
Engineering Library Study Rooms
Looking for a quiet place to study? The Engineering Library has nine study rooms for group use. Each room has a white board, and dry erase markers are available for checkout at the front desk. Reserve a study room online for two hours at a time.
Puppen-Hand Colored Plates
Friday Workshop, Oct. 17
Keep Current with Your Latest Research Without the Stress
Oct. 17 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Room 213, Ellis Library
Is trying to keep up with new developments in your field stressing you out? We’ll show you some tools that can make keeping up with the latest research easy and painless.
Rhonda Whithaus, Electronic Resources Coordinator
Registration Preferred.
Homecoming Open House
On Saturday, October 25, visit Ellis Library after the Homecoming Parade from 10 a.m. to noon for refreshments, tours, family activities and free mini pumpkins. This event is free and open to the public.
Digital archives not as complete or long-lasting as they should be — or could be
Today, digital archives and ?computer-assisted journalism? are commonplace. Almost all stories, photos, videos and related news assets are now created digitally ? so one might think electronic archives are universal. But it?s not necessarily so. Digital archives may not be as complete or long-lasting as they could/should be.
Read more at the Reynolds Journalism Institute blog: Digital archives not as complete or long-lasting as they should be — or could be
View “Maximizing your research identity and impact” from your computer
We had a full house for our recent Fridays@the Library class, “Maximizing your research identity and impact”, but if you missed it, you can now review the recording to learn how to utilize ORCID, Google Scholar Profile, MOspace, and impact factors to maximize your professional impact.
Ghosts, Friendly and Otherwise
While sometimes our stacks can certainly feel like they're haunted, the only ghosts we know live here are the ones in our books! From Casper the Friendly Ghost to the Headless Horseman, our shelves are inhabited by a large variety of spirits. We even have books claiming to be written by ghosts, such as the Ghost Epigrams of Oscar Wilde, and collections of ghost stories spanning the years.
Automatic writing allows a person to channel the supernatural to produce written words without consciously writing. In this case, allowing the figure of Lazar to write pages worth of witty epigrams from the spirit of Oscar Wilde.
In this pamphlet, a speech is recorded from the ghost of Lord Haversham, who was so disturbed by some of the carrying-ons of the Parliment that he returned as a ghost after his death to give this speech to the House of Lords in 1710.
Even Holmes and Watson join the fray in the fight against evil spirits in these crossover comics that pit the famous consulting detective and his biographer against the opera ghost, or the Phantom of the Opera.
One of the more well-known ghosts in American literature is that of the Headless Horseman from Washington Irving's short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Also a terrifying figure in other European folktales, a common theme among all depictions is that, where this spirit shows up, death usually follows.
So if these books make you want to take up ghosthunting this October, you know who to call. (Hint: it's us, Special Collections!)
New Art Display: Medical Illustrations
Please stop by and view our new display, the medical illustrations of Stacy Turpin Cheavens, MS, CMI. Stacy has been the School of Medicine's sole Certified Medical Illustrator for 10 years now, currently at the Missouri Orthopaedic Institute. She works directly with health professionals of all types to create illustrations and animations for journal articles, presentations, posters, textbooks, websites, patient education, and clinical materials, among other uses.
While attending the University of Missouri as an undergrad, Stacy learned that she could combine her two passions, art and the life sciences, in one career. She knew immediately that Medical Illustration was the profession for her. After graduating in 2000, she studied drawing and sculpture at the Florence Academy of Art in Italy, and taught an écorché class (learning anatomy through sculpture). She then continued on to the Medical Illustration Graduate Program at Georgia Regents University in Augusta (then the Medical College of Georgia). It was there that she gained an in-depth understanding of anatomy, studying side-by-side with medical students, and became familiar with the tools necessary to create professional illustrations and animations.
You can view more of her work at She is also happy to talk about starting a new project or to answer any questions about a career in Medical Illustration. Contact her at or 884-5324.