home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, Feb. 20

Friday Workshop, Feb. 20

EBooks: What every student and faculty member should know
Feb. 20 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Room 213, Ellis Library

Did you know the library has ebooks? Or perhaps you have seen an ebook in the MERLIN catalog and didn’t know how to access it. Learn what you need to read ebooks online and how to download ebooks to your computer or tablet. Bring your own tablet or laptop so that you will be ready to read after attending this session.

Nancy Messina, General Reference Librarian 

All workshops are offered simultaneously in two formats: Face-to-face in Rm. 213 Ellis Library and live online.
To Register: http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops
(click on gold calendar entries for face-to-face workshops and pink calendar entries for live online)

Snow Day

Ellis Library will be open limited hours on February 16 due to weather conditions. The building will be open from 8 am to 4 pm with limited services.

If you have a question, virtual reference will be staffed from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm.

For more information about MU's closings, visit http://mualert.missouri.edu/.

home Resources and Services Submit your music videos to the Memmys, and win up to $1500 for our library!

Submit your music videos to the Memmys, and win up to $1500 for our library!

Attention medical, nursing, and health professions students: Submit your music videos to the Memmys, and win up to $1500 for our library!
Deadline is April 15; details here.

Need inspiration? Take a look at last year’s winning videos.

home Resources and Services Board Game Night

Board Game Night

Board Game Night
Thursday, Feb. 19
Ellis Library Colonnade
7-11 p.m.

Bring your favorite board game or try one of ours! Questions? Call 573-882-4581.

home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, Feb. 13

Friday Workshop, Feb. 13

Primary Sources for Instruction and Research
Feb. 13 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Room 213, Ellis Library

Learn about how primary sources at MU Libraries can help with meeting instructional goals and assist with research. Librarians from the Government Documents and Special Collections departments will introduce collections and strategies for using them in your
teaching and research.

Kelli Hansen, Print Collections Librarian, Special Collections; Sandy Schiefer, Government Documents Librarian

All workshops are offered simultaneously in two formats: Face-to-face in Rm. 213 Ellis Library and live online.
To Register: http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops
(click on gold calendar entries for face-to-face workshops and pink calendar entries for live online)

Polybius and the Pre-digital Brain

Today we are featuring a manuscript draft made by Friedrich Otto Hultsch as he was editing Polybius’s Historiae. Hultsch (1833-1906) was a philologist of classical languages who published numerous critical editions throughout his career. He made the works of ancient mathematicians available to the scholarly world for the first time. He also wrote a monograph on ancient metrology that focused on Babylonian and Egyptian systems of weights and measures.

Polybius was a Greek historian who wrote in the second century B.C.E. His work was lost in the west until the fifteenth century. His work has continued to be of interest ever since as a witness of of Hellenistic Greek history and political theory and of the koine dialect of Greek.

To make the draft, Hultsch unbound the signatures of the previous edition of made by Emmanuel Bekker in 1844. He interleaved his own research notes, which included text from manuscripts not previously consulted. The draft is a monument to the resources of the human brain before computers.


The published edition came out in 1867 and is available in the open stacks. We are still researching the provenance of the draft. Perhaps one of his students or descendants immigrated to the United States and had some connection with the University of Missouri.

Aldus Manutius Romanus, 1449-1515

We do not know the exact place and time of Aldus’s birth. Most scholars agree that he was born around 1449 near Rome, and died on February 6, 1515, apparently after a long illness in Venice.

At about 1501 Aldus adopted his famous printer’s device of dolphin and anchor. According to the popular legend, Cardinal Pietro Bembo gave Aldus a denarius of Vespasian, on the reverse of which was the image of a dolphin entwined with the anchor.

Aldus’s motto σπεῦδε βραδέως (make haste slowly), or festina lente in Latin, is attributed to Augustus by Suetonius.

“The Prince of Humanists”, Erasmus, made a cheeky compliment to the “Prince of Printers” in his Adages: “Aldus, making haste slowly, has acquired as much gold as he has reputation, and richly deserves both.” The more delicate Bembo thought that the image was to symbolize Aldus’s aim to “produce much by slow action”.

It would became the most famous printer’s device of Aldus’s time, pirated by the contemporary publishers and just crooked printers, coveted by book collectors of all times.  Demand for Aldine texts was high. Aldus once remarked that the pace of work in his shop was such that "with both hands occupied and surrounded by pressmen who are clamorous for work, there is scarcely even time to blow my nose."

Between 1494 and 1515 he produced some 134 editions: 68 in Latin, 58 in Greek, and 8 in Italian. A typical edition ran to 1000 to 2000 copies.

Aldus Manutius Romanus, 1449-1515 will be on exhibit in the Ellis Library Colonnade through February 2015.

home Resources and Services The Nook Open House

The Nook Open House

Please join us for the opening reception of The Nook, 4th floor NE, Ellis Library. The reception will be held at 3:00, Thursday, February 12, 2015.

Funding to create this new study space was made by a generous award from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee. The Libraries would like to thank them for continuing support.

Light refreshments will be provided.

home Resources and Services “Responsible Authorship and Publication Ethics”, Wednesday, February 18, 1-2 pm, Acuff Auditorium

“Responsible Authorship and Publication Ethics”, Wednesday, February 18, 1-2 pm, Acuff Auditorium

Join Kate Anderson, Head of the Zalk Veterinary Medical Library, for her presentation as part of the Compliance & Quality Seminar Series.
kate acuff

home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, Feb. 6

Friday Workshop, Feb. 6

Literature Review: Digging Deeper (Part 2)
Feb. 6 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Room 213, Ellis Library
Learn some of the more sophisticated features of database searching to yield the results you want. Using a variety of databases, we’ll focus on practical techniques that can save you time and effort.

Goodie Bhullar, Library Instruction Coordinator; Rachel Brekhus, Humanities Librarian

All workshops are offered simultaneously in two formats: Face-to-face in Rm. 213 Ellis Library and live online.
To Register: http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops
(click on gold calendar entries for face-to-face workshops and pink calendar entries for live online)