Web of Science now available at MU

With funding provided by the University, MU Libraries now have available the Web of Science databases. You can search the Web of Science Core Collection, any of the individual databases listed below, or search them all at once.
Search for a specific paper or a topic to generate a report showing times cited back to 1990.
Click on a journal title in your search results to view Impact factor, ranking and more for journals in that subject category from Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

The Web of Science database collection includes:
Web of Science Core Collection (1990-present): This collection indexes thousands of scholarly journals, books, reports, conferences and more. Citation information and analysis with cited reference searching available. The collection includes Science Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Social Sciences Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1990-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present) and Index Chemicus (1993-present).
BIOSIS  & BIOSIS Citation Index (1969-present): BIOSIS provides access to journals, reports, books, meetings, and U.S. patents in all disciplines of the life sciences, including traditional areas of biology, such as botany, zoology, and microbiology, as well as related fields such as plant and animal science, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology.
Current Contents Connect (1998-present): Current Contents Connect is a current awareness database that provides easy access to complete tables of contents, abstracts, bibliographic information, and abstracts from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals, as well as from more than 7,000 relevant, evaluated websites.
Data Citation Index (1990-present): Data Citation Index indexes data sets from selected repositories around the world, and also enables the user to find data sets which cite a particular work. Coverage is 1990-present.
Derwent Innovations Index (1993-present): Provides worldwide patent information and can be searched by text or chemical structures.
KCI – Korean Journal Database (1980-present): KCI Korean Journal Database contains bibliographic information for scholarly literature published in Korea.
MEDLINE (Web of Science) (1950-present): Premier life sciences database from the National Library of Medicine, covering biomedicine and life sciences, bioengineering, public health, clinical care, and plant and animal science. Search by topic, MeSH terms, and CAS registry numbers; link to NCBI databases and PubMed Related Articles. Includes times cited information from the Web of Science Core Collection.
SciELO Citation Index (1997-present): Access to scholarly literature in sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities published in leading open access journals from Latin America, Portugal, Spain and South Africa.
Zoological Record (1985-present): Zoological Record provides access to worldwide zoological literature, including all major areas of the field: behavior, ecology, evolution, habitat, nutrition, parasitology, reproduction, taxonomy, and zoogeography.
The new Web of Science subscription also includes access to an upgraded version of the Journal Citations Report (JCR; impact factors); Essential Science Indicators; and InCites, a benchmarking & analytics tool.  Links to each are listed along the top of the main search page.

If you have questions or need help with your search, contact the Health Sciences Library Information Desk.


home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, March 6

Friday Workshop, March 6

Creating Effective Surveys with Qualtrics
March 6 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Room 213, Ellis Library

Learn how to capture survey results that can assist with collecting data for research projects or class assignments, or assess user satisfaction with academic and administrative programs. Create surveys, collect responses, and analyze data through the Qualtrics insight platform.

Navadeep Khanal, E-Learning Librarian
Kimberly Moeller, Social Sciences Librarian

All workshops are offered simultaneously in two formats: Face-to-face in Rm. 213 Ellis Library and live online.
To Register: http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops
(click on gold calendar entries for face-to-face workshops and pink calendar entries for live online)

Web of Science!

Web of Science now available at MU

With funding provided by the University, MU Libraries now have available the Web of Science database collection.  You can search Web of Science—All Databases or any of the databases individually, including the Web of Science Core Collection.

You also have access to an upgraded version of the Journal Citations Report (JCR; impact factors); Essential Science Indicators; and InCites, a benchmarking & analytics tool.

See the below for more details on the various components of Web of Science.

The Web of Science database collection includes:

  •  Web of Science Core Collection (1990-present): This collection indexes thousands of scholarly journals, books, reports, conferences and more.  Citation information and analysis with cited reference searching available.  The collection includes Science Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Social Sciences Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1990-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present) and Index Chemicus (1993-present).
  • BIOSIS Citation Index (1969-present): BIOSIS provides access to journals, reports, books, meetings, and U.S. patents in all disciplines of the life sciences, including traditional areas of biology, such as botany, zoology, and microbiology, as well as related fields such as plant and animal science, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology.
  •  Current Contents Connect (1998-present): Current Contents Connect is a current awareness database that provides easy access to complete tables of contents, abstracts, bibliographic information, and abstracts from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals, as well as from more than 7,000 relevant, evaluated websites.
  • Data Citation Index (1990-present): Data Citation Index indexes data sets from selected repositories around the world, and also enables the user to find data sets which cite a particular work.  Coverage is 1990-present.
  • Derwent Innovations Index (1993-present): Provides worldwide patent information and can be searched by text or chemical structures.
  • KCI – Korean Journal Database (1980-present): KCI Korean Journal Database contains bibliographic information for scholarly literature published in Korea.
  • MEDLINE (Web of Science) (1950-present): Premier life sciences database from the National Library of Medicine, covering biomedicine and life sciences, bioengineering, public health, clinical care, and plant and animal science. Search by topic, MeSH terms, and CAS registry numbers; link to NCBI databases and PubMed Related Articles. Includes times cited information from the Web of Science Core Collection.
  • SciELO Citation Index (1997-present): Access to scholarly literature in sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities published in leading open access journals from Latin America, Portugal, Spain and South Africa.
  • Zoological Record (1985-present): Zoological Record provides access to worldwide zoological literature, including all major areas of the field: behavior, ecology, evolution, habitat, nutrition, parasitology, reproduction, taxonomy, and zoogeography.

InCites Journal and Highly Cited Data provides access to two web products, Journal Citation Reports, and Essential Science Indicators, as part of the Thomson Reuters Research Analytics solution InCites. Journal Citation Reports® offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world’s leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. By compiling articles’ cited references, JCR Web helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals. Essential Science Indicators categorizes journals from the Web of Science into broad categories, and identifies the most highly and rapidly cited journal publications in each category. Counts of highly cited publications attributed to researchers, institutions and countries indicate volume and influence of their research activity.

InCites Benchmarking & Analytics provides a dataset consisting of profiles of institutions, journals, books, proceedings, in the form of graphs and tables, containing data and metrics compiled from three sources: a reputation survey conducted by TR; demographic and financial information from the institutions; journal and publication and citation information from the Web of Science. The data are compiled in a 10 year dataset and are refreshed twice per year. The data are presented via reports, tiles, and support custom analysis and exploration.

home Resources and Services Computer Projectors — Now Available for 24 hour Checkout

Computer Projectors — Now Available for 24 hour Checkout


You can now check out one of our two computer projectors and take it out of the library for your use. Check out our other equipment while you are in the library!

home Resources and Services Genes, Culture and Evolution

Genes, Culture and Evolution

Lecture by Dr. Karthik Panchanathan
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology
Monday, March 9, 2015
1 PM
Ellis Library, Government Documents Study Area

Epigenetics refers to the study of traits that are heritable but not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. And, in some cases, events that happen during an individual’s life can sometimes result in epigenetic changes that are subsequently heritable. This is a form of Lamarckian inheritance, the idea that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring. Humans are unique among animals in the degree to which adaptive behavior is shaped by both genes and culture. Cultural transmission is a form of Lamarckian inheritance: individuals pass on cultural traits which they learned during their lifetime to their offspring. In this talk, Dr. Panchanathan will discuss how anthropologists think about and model cultural evolution. In particular, Dr. Panchanathan will discuss how and why natural selection on genes resulted in the human capacity for culture; how cultural evolution is similar to and different from genetic evolution; and how cultural processes have shaped our genes, so-called gene-culture co-evolution.

This event is in conjunction with the 11th Annual Life Sciences and Society Symposium.


home Resources and Services Friday Workshop, Feb. 27

Friday Workshop, Feb. 27

Mendeley for First Timers
Feb. 27 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Room 213, Ellis Library

This hands-on session is intended to introduce Mendeley to first-time users. It will focus on using Mendeley to build your database of citations from journal articles, books, and other publications and use entries to cite in your own documents. Mendeley is free to download and use as a personal database. Registrants will receive email instructions on how to set up their Mendeley account before the class.

Rebecca Graves, Health Sciences Librarian

All workshops are offered simultaneously in two formats: Face-to-face in Rm. 213 Ellis Library and live online.
To Register: http//tinyurl.com/MULibrariesworkshops
(click on gold calendar entries for face-to-face workshops and pink calendar entries for live online)

home Resources and Services Black History Trivia Night, February 25, 5:30-7:30 pm

Black History Trivia Night, February 25, 5:30-7:30 pm

On Wednesday February 25th, from 5:30-7:30 pm, there’s a free event we’d like to invite you to – challenge you to attend, even. It is the first annual BLACK HISTORY TRIVIA NIGHT offered in conjunction with MU’s Black History Month event series.

There will be PRIZES!  There will be FREE FOOD!  There will be FRIENDLY COMPETITION!  There will be FUN PEOPLE there, starting with YOU!  There will not necessarily be anyone competing who considers themselves any sort of major expert in Black History, so don’t be intimidated…and also, any question you get wrong will be a NEW fact you learn! 

You may register as an individual or register several people together to form a team – teams of four will be seated together and if you register singly you’ll be placed at a table.  Here’s the registration link: https://t.co/hbCdjkMqAa – if you prefer not to register online, you can call me, Rachel Brekhus, at 882-7563, and I’ll take your information over the phone, if you catch me while I’m in my office.

After 5:00 PM, there is free parking in the University Avenue Garage.  If you park there, keep walking west on University until you reach Hitt St., turn left, walk past the Fine Arts Building, and then turn right into the pedestrian mall in front of Ellis Library.  Look for the big main entrance, with steps going up to it, on your left.  Once you enter the library, you will turn left, then walk past the stairs to the elevators on your right, take the elevator to 4R. Exit the elevator, turn left, then immediately right, down the hallway with all the book trucks parked in it.  Room 4F51A will be the last door on the right side of the hall.

Please come!  Bring friends and/or kids!  Start thinking of a fun team name! 

home Resources and Services Proposed renovations for the second and third floor

Proposed renovations for the second and third floor

Now that the first floor of the library has been renovated, we’ve been thinking about what kind of renovations we might like to see on the second and third floor of the library.

Stop by to view the proposed designs, or check them out online . We welcome your comments.

home Resources and Services, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library Online Access to SpringerProtocols Backfile (1980 – 2014)

Online Access to SpringerProtocols Backfile (1980 – 2014)

You now have online access to over 1,500 books and journals from SpringerProtocols. A major resource for laboratory protocols in the biomedical and life sciences, SpringerProtocols includes Methods in Molecular Biology and Methods in Molecular Medicine.

Please note: this is a special backfile purchase and not a current subscription. While some 2015 items are available (e.g., Frank Schmidt’s newly published RNA-RNA Interactions Methods and Protocols), items added to SpringerProtocols later in the year will not be included.

home Resources and Services Preparing a poster for Innovation and Improvement Sharing Days in April? Take our PowerPoint class February 24!

Preparing a poster for Innovation and Improvement Sharing Days in April? Take our PowerPoint class February 24!

Sign up for a Powerpoint class on Tuesday, February 24 at 3pm and pick up some tips for preparing posters.
Not able to make it? Rebecca Graves, education and instruction librarian, has created a guide with step-by-step instructions for using PowerPoint to create a poster.